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20642910 No.20642910 [Reply] [Original]

bros inject me with some hopium im having doubts

are we really just going to become rich this easily? why were we chosen?

it sounds all too farfetched, why would they let a bunch of autistic neets become the new elites

i dont fucking get it

>> No.20642946

you're delusional

you're not going to get rich

even if some do, they won't be the 'elites.' The kind of wealth people make here would barely make you middle class for 5 years. And that's if you do amazingly well.

also get out of your mom's basement, you leech.

>> No.20642959

Depends how much money you got in it. 10k+ stacks of link will make it for sure.

>> No.20642971

I have 15k will I make it pls fren no jokes

>> No.20643160

I see your game larper and I'm never fucking selling, when will you degenerates learn?!
My linkies are mine and you cannot make me doubt!
Do you fucking understand me??
Open your fucking app and watch your XRP bags sink further, you made your mistakes faggot, and you cannot, will not make me make the same ones.
Fuck off

>> No.20643161

Look at all the smoothbrain boomers who got rich squatting on real estate or holding stocks for 20 years.Crypto is the great wealth transfer of our times, and yes you disgusting linkies will probably make it too.

>> No.20643190


>> No.20643230

>it sounds all too farfetched, why would they let a bunch of autistic neets become the new elites
Because we are close to a full communist marxist take over. The jewish elite doesnt care about your few million bucks, they care about your lineage, ancestry and genetical make up of your children.
To confiscate, tax, steal your money is easy.

>> No.20643265

Eh tons of decen oracles popping up, look at BAND’s meteoric rise, those will eat into your rocket fuel but CL is still the big boi.

>> No.20643302

Band is the chink copy of link, fuck off

>> No.20643309

nah, there's no room for oracle competition in this market. Link has already taken up all real estate since 2015. Any others will have to bend the knee and provide their oracles as a function of and through chainlink just like oraclize, witnet, etc

>> No.20643347

You're not gonna become the new elite lmao.
Best case scenario you're gonna make enough money to live like a NEET for the rest of your life without relying on government gibs.
Your money is gonna get evaporated if you try the rich lifestyle.

>> No.20643388

because we knew something they didn't. why else are we here?

>> No.20643426

$1,000 is FUD, you dumb fuck

>> No.20643437

Mmm can you say that again? Damn I can only get so hard though

>> No.20643454 [DELETED] 

Why would they be concerned? This is just a drop in a bucket money for them.
I wouldn't be surprised if their kids are the one market making in crypto with their allowance money for shits and giggles.

>> No.20643471
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>> No.20643900
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Spoiler alert: no one is in control of this wild ride.
Political leaders routinely overinflate how much they can do.
Even in the most authoritarian police state in history; Maos communist China, his famous one child policy had very little effect, total fertility never went below 1.5 babies per women. Nearby South Korea, Singapore and Hong Kong birthrates drop much lower purely of natural decision making by weathly and educated individuals.

No one can stop you being rich, you just have to choose to be rich. Embrace technology, and ride the wave in fine balance, get off before before the crash and paddle for the next wave, choosing wisely how and where to lean in, not too much, not too little.

The ironclad fact shown in the data, that no one controls the world, can be frightening to people. We instinctively want to believe that things happen for a clear and simple reason. That they are all part of some parental figures grand plan. This is why conspiracy theories have remained popular throughout history.

The more frightening truth suggested by the data is that the world is a free-for-all. No one is in control. But this is also freedom. Once you are past your teens, the question is not 'who is going to let me?' the question is: 'who is going to stop me?'

This bright sunlight of truth, which burns too hot, and scorches lesser men, and makes them retreat to yell 'conspiracy' from dark caves of ignorance... emabrace it, and sunbathe.
Take freedom, Link Marine.

>> No.20644460

Thank you for this legitimate hopium, anon. I sniffed a bunch.

>> No.20644511


Uhh... Imagine being this retarded and bad at swinging crypto

>> No.20644513

Most people in this world are dumb as rocks
Making it isn't as hard as you think it's just most neets here never venture out into the world so they fail from the start

>> No.20644535

This is the most blue pilled retarded shit I've seen in my life. Kill yourself, kike.

>> No.20644548

I suck at the stock market should I sell my portfolio and go all in on Link?

>> No.20644554

hey at least they have a chance at making it out. you on the other hand have a 100% chance of being a good little slave for your massah for the rest of your life

>> No.20645277
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VTHO is love

>> No.20645336

Spoiler alert! Only faggots who want (yous) and inject hopium which is a gas

>> No.20645353

None of you will get rich because you are so emotionally invested in your asset. you'd rather have 10000 links than X Dollars no matter what.

>> No.20645391

This is correct, unless you have 200k+ in crypto already you're not going to be rich.

That being said you can make very good money and probably retire to a modest lifestyle and live off interest if you okay your cards right and have 5 figures already invested

>> No.20645473

This is based and true

Unfortunately iqlets like >>20644535 will continue to live in their grand conspiracy reality because they're too afraid to admit they can succeed. They need da Joos otherwise they would have to take responsibility

>> No.20645485

where we're going, we won't need dollars anon

>> No.20645510

>are we really just going to become rich this easily?
lol 90% of the people who have come here since 2017 were completely wiped out and never returned.

>> No.20645591

This is based and true

Unfortunately iqlets like >>20644535 will continue to live in their grand conspiracy reality because they're too afraid to admit they can succeed. They need da Joos otherwise they would have to take responsibility

>> No.20646237

i forgot to add i only have 600 link

>> No.20646285

Kill yourself you fucking Reddit spacing pseud

>> No.20646671

After you "make it" you need to go to WallStreetBets to actually make it

>> No.20646864
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I took a screenshot of what you said, since it's basically the truth. If I managed to make 75k in just three months, I'm pretty sure most of you will make in the next bull market.

>> No.20646913

guess im rich

>> No.20646944

says the seething incel as he faps another pozzed load onto his tendies and slurps them down in his moms basement. he is correct anyone can make it but of course it’s much easier to just wine and blame all your failures on others like a nigger. are you a nigger anon?

>> No.20646986

or maybe linkmarines understand what they are holding and realize it is far more valuable than what it’s worth in dollars?

>> No.20647129

Bros, autism aside, up front its depressing.
Even a few million isn't "enough". True financial freedom that we imagine as "making it" and "being rich" STARTS at ten million. Even if some of us make five million or so from investments we're still gonna have to work hard to really really really make it. We're gonna have to start companies, compound invest, stay smart about wealth, etc and really grind it out for a few more years. Maybe another decade before we can really fuck off, boat around, and fly private jets. This is just the beginning unless you have a ton of invested funds, probably from pre-2017.

Even with really big numbers in a portfolio most of us aren't gonna be able to just burn money, quit our jobs, and live the rest of our lives on sandy beaches unless you're okay with watching a really large number, tick tock tick tock down to a very small number.

>> No.20647148

You’ll at least do well. Just keep accumulating, this is the last chance normal people will have to buy at a price they can still make it with, once it hits 3 figures you’ll kick yourself that you didn’t throw 20k more in.

>> No.20647199

If making it for you is living like a rich asshole, sure. For many of us it just means living a humble quiet life with no waging. A couple million is more than enough for that barring inflation.

>> No.20647307

I'm not so sure anymore with a decent good house running nearly a million. Yeah, you can be good off and frugal but it seems awfully easy to burn through two million in no time flat. Smart thing would be to take a year or two off to learn some skills in something you actually want to work in and do everyday. And then hope that your passion lines up with a 100,000/yr salary with it. So you can wage, but also have a security you can fall back on. Keeping a decent family together and raising decent kids is expensive too. Sure, we could keep living in small apartments with mattresses on the floor, but are we really? I don't think so

>> No.20647360

Take your meds

>> No.20647568

What was easy about it OP? You stand on the shoulders of giants.

How many institutional funds on earth do you think would kill for the brotherhood of autists like we have assembled here? Ferociously sniffing out gems and breadcrumbs like a decentralised retard truffle hog army.

We got here before the institutions, because we're better at it than them.

>> No.20647627

I think you just don’t understand how to budget properly, or want to live near a big city for some reason. Let’s assume we have to buy the house, and along with any other initial expenses you have 1.5 million left. Assuming you just invest into really safe index funds you can pull around 4% a year, or 60k. If you want to support a family and have children just make your target closer to 3-5 million, but be prepared to hide your wealth because women are extremely manipulative. That said, if you want to live like a doctor yeah 10 million plus is your goal, but that doesn’t even change your life that much, at that point you might as well shoot for 100+ million.

>> No.20647806
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Why are brainlets so bothered by the existence of people who are more intelligent than them?
>There are people out there in the world who perceive things in ways you can't even begin to comprehend and it's not even a thing to them. It's just the way life is to them.
^ This confuses and enrages the IQlet.

>> No.20648144

Eh I can sympathize with the sentiment that the world is fucked for future generations, and you can say what does jewish control matter if we’re just a speck in the universe, but that goes down to your primal urge to pass on your genes, your people and your culture. If you’ve moved beyond that mindset that’s fine for you as an individual but if you care about your fellow man, it’s difficult not to feel somewhat blackpilled.

>> No.20648341

>are we really just going to become rich this easily?

If you're having doubts now, you're not gonna make it. Better figure out how to have iron hands or you'll get shaken out boi.

>> No.20648425

Get at least 32 ETH
Get at least 1 BTC
Get at least 1000 LINK
Hold those forever.
Then sell whatever shitcoins are in your bag when BTC moons.

>> No.20648457
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>How many institutional funds on earth do you think would kill for the brotherhood of autists like we have assembled here? Ferociously sniffing out gems and breadcrumbs like a decentralised retard truffle hog army.

>> No.20648649

>The more frightening truth suggested by the data is that the world is a free-for-all. No one is in control.
Digits. But What. THE FUCK. Are you talking about?

How do you look at the riots in the US and think, "oh, totally a coinkydink that people are starting to rise up on social issues" when the media has been deliberately pushing a narrative of police brutality for 7 YEARS? When BLM is literally funneling money to the Democratic party?

Even more closely related, why do you think Assblaster came HERE to this weeb racist Applewood lobster smoking message board and not talk about it on Reddit where the majority of normies are?

To think that no entity influences the direction of this world is utter ignorantly of the history of central banking and especially the US dollar.

>> No.20648946


>> No.20649305

We're not chosen, we're just a bunch of retards saving funny pictures from the intermet, just slighly more sophisticated than eg fags from reddit.

How many regular visitors are here? Let's overestimate and say 1.000.000 a month.

Half of those are poor underage chodes with no money, that leaves us with 500.000

Half of the people with money are financially retarded, and end up fomoing in and posting pink wojaks to relieve their tension. That leaves us with 250.000

I would say half of those people have enough money to earn something, so 125.000

Consider having some luck, avoiding scams, actually doing some research, compounding gains and cutting loses. I doubt that even half of those left would be smart enough.

This leaves us with 60.000 people making it. I wouldn't say it's a lot, I would say that it's an insignificant amount, you would be that friend of a friend of a friend, who made money using meme lines and browsing loli and sad frog pictures. One thing they don't know is how tough it is