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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 974 KB, 800x1191, wage-cage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20641259 No.20641259 [Reply] [Original]

>finally get a job as a wagecuck
>work comission based job
>work hard, perform pretty well look a good wagie
>earn $20500 in commissions
>look at direct deposit

what the FUCK happend to the $8500? Is this what its like being a wagie? Having 40% of your paycheck ZAPPED to give to NIGGERS? What the FUCK! That used to be 4 months of income for me

>> No.20641277

Just be a president so you don't get taxed

>> No.20641280

>40% tax

Yeah sounds about right. That's the marginal rate in most civilised societies for that amount. You're on 200k +.

>> No.20641285
File: 3.93 MB, 220x270, 1594978763741.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im moving out of the us to a country with lower capital gains tax so i dont get megacucked by the feds

>> No.20641286

Yes, you are funding single mother coalburning whores, niggers, kikes and the zog military. And NEETS. Thanks wagecuck.

>> No.20641332

how do wagies cope with this?

>> No.20641348
File: 256 KB, 1366x2048, 1595228380554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the libs wanted to vote bernie in so he could cuck his 10 times over

>> No.20641449

No matter where you live they will be taxing you and giving 40% of your hard earned money to Jews and niggers. Welcome to Clownworld.

>> No.20641501

i get some of it back though right? come tax time? When I file my taxes like a good wagie? or is that shit long gone?

>> No.20641551

In northern europe you'd be paying over 50% in tax with those earnings. You're nothing more than cattle to the people voting and facilitating the unjust legalized extortion scheme.
Democracy is a fucking joke giving all the power to lazy midwits.

>> No.20641556


>>>>> The report said that one-third of all income taxes are consumed by waste and inefficiency in the federal government, and another one-third escapes collection owing to the underground economy. "With two thirds of everyone's personal income taxes wasted or not collected, 100 percent of what is collected is absorbed solely by interest on the federal debt and by federal government contributions to transfer payments. In other words, all individual income tax revenues are gone before one nickel is spent on the services that taxpayers expect from their government."[5]

Nazis conforming once again they are absolute retard.

>> No.20641565

in Switzerland income tax is below 35% (its progressive), yet capital gains and dividends are taxed with your income, and if you don't report them to the tax office you pay 35%

Yet overall tax burden will be ~45%

Use a translator

>> No.20641611

“free” healthcare and college btw lmao.

>> No.20641677

people are laughing but this is actually serious problem

>> No.20641708
File: 180 KB, 286x398, 1277788681197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That juicy tax money being siphoned off to bail out the rich and give welfare to the poor, WELCOME TO THE STREETS MOTHERFUCKER

>> No.20641720

>Is this what its like being a wagie? Having 40% of your paycheck ZAPPED to give to NIGGERS? What the FUCK! That used to be 4 months of income for me

>> No.20641723
File: 55 KB, 600x600, 6ee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20641754

oh thanks you definitely proved those nazis wrong
>one third is wasted
>one third is never collected
>one third is spent on interest
>one third is split between the military and gibs
>government is spending 4/3 of what it actually takes in
wtf I love welfare now

>> No.20641790

if I only get paid for 60% of my work, then I should only have to put in 60% of the effort.

>> No.20641802


>> No.20641857

No you're not cause you're an amerimutt that only knows one language, you're gonna have a hard time getting a job and making friends in another country and you're probably gonna make less anyway lmao.

>> No.20641890

It’s not just nogs, over 12% of almost every wage earned in America goes straight to boomer gibs. You’re going to pay in more while receiving less than them (the boomers) so have fun with that.

>> No.20641900

yup it triggers me a lot cuz i can do it remotely and has nothing to do with US/north america so i really should just move somewhere else basically already paying reparations at this point

>> No.20641932

You'll make less than in the US, but you also won't have to pay for healthcare and a load of other bullshit that yanks do. It works out to a far nicer quality of life.

>> No.20641954

LMAO, you're not gonna get shit back retard, the money is gone. How do you think Amerimuttca pays for the greatest military in the world? Or for all those nogs on the streets?
This is why people laugh at wagecucks you fucking tard, my sides this level of cope is hilarious.

>> No.20642024

Where exactly is this? And how are you gonna get a job and rights to live there long term? Do you know the language or do you think you're gonna manage somehow?
You're leaving your friends and family behind, going to some strange country where you don't know anyone, where you make less money, where everyone treats you like an outsider just so you can pay less taxes? And you think your quality of life will be better? KEK, this level of delusion is pure comedy.

>> No.20642086
File: 19 KB, 200x211, thumb_when-you-enjoy-ancap-memes-so-much-that-you-unironically-14178793.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why yes, taxation is theft and democracy is a fucking joke.

Business as usual.

>> No.20642151


>> No.20642210

Difference is that Switzerland has top tier public services and you can vote on major legislation.
Most of America infrastructure is third world tier.

>> No.20642265

in Bulgaria it's 10% tax
5% on dividends

>> No.20642321

Wow it's like no one wants to give their money to a bunch of utter fuckups and kikes

>> No.20642359

I'm moving to Bulgaria

>> No.20642401

We must all vote for him because Biden wants to double the capital gains and take away guns

Think about that.

>> No.20642602


You money has gone to wiggers and niggers and your probably gonna owe more at the end of the year. I bet your insurance is trash as well. Hope you don't need pills. Left and right are apart of the same body and your too stupid to change anything. Progress is the only way you dumb fuck...

>> No.20642668

Be careful with the women, many of them are shameless gold digging whores.
Then again, if you come from america, it should be an improvement.

>> No.20642759

I will be coming from Australia where the tax is 46% for anyone who makes it