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20637604 No.20637604 [Reply] [Original]

>578k portafolio
>hopefully 3m when moon
>I’m never going to get her back

How do I profit from this?

>> No.20637634

maybe it’s the psyop but all women are whores money is forever

>> No.20637681

Buy a boat anon and take lots of whores on it

>> No.20637694

The best way to get over one woman is to get on top of another.

>> No.20637707

Youre aabout to be worth 5 million dollars. What has that roastie ever acomplished? Get a new bitch bro

>> No.20637722

>he thinks we're going to see another 10x

>> No.20637729

It's not about getting her back anon. You know this.

>> No.20637739

>>I’m never going to get her back

lmao why would you want her

>> No.20637776


I've seen a 30x in the last 3 months, and we're in a bear market right now

t. shitcoin flipper

>> No.20638094

I would give it all up and live in a rainforest with chickens if she came back. The only person to ever tell me that they’re proud of me. I can’t live like this

>> No.20638156

bro how the fuck do i stay on top of the pajeets and leech their gains? find a wallet associated with them and track the transactions?

>> No.20638167

I will try to take your advice, even though I’ve been with 3 bitches since I’ve seen her
I wouldn’t want to buy a boat I’m an investments guy, id be the kill joy there anyway fuck i want to feel genuinely loved

>> No.20638323


Keep in mind once something's being shilled here, at least one guy's already filled his bags.

I check for Recently Added on Coingecko, if they've got an actual product at least in beta (HUGELY important, a "roadmap" wishlist is nOT
product), a mcap below $1m, some decent trading volume, and a website that isn't in pajeetlish, I'll throw in a couple ETH on Uniswap. I've never lost money and a couple have done absolutely amazing gains.

Actually kicking myself because I got bored of XOR and cashed out 1500 at 0.77, last time I checked it had just passed $15. Ouch.

>> No.20638438

i mean, thats not a terrible idea actually.

>> No.20638472

how long do these coins usually take to pump

>> No.20638535

In Asia they love men that have a "Sunshine" personality. Google that term and work on it. It attracts girls that will genuinely love you.

>> No.20638540


Anywhere between a day to 5 days. I usually sell most of what I've got at 3x, which means I've missed a couple moon shots (XOR motherfuck fuck fuck fuck) but I also never have to hold past the peak and experience the agony of watching $1000 in profits dwindle down into nothing, tearing my hair out at every point wondering if I should sell now or hold and maybe it'll go back up FUCK it's going down again NOW do I sell fuck fuck fuck I could've had $1000 etc etc

Make money and get out, there's a few new listings a week. Aim for 2-3x and you will make consistent money, moonboys who want every single little thing to do 100x will end up paying you for your discipline

>> No.20638594
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Thanks for the tip, its not much but here's my rarest pepe

There was an anon that posted a link to a binance wallet once that was apparently belonged to a chink pump and dump group associated with them, but I lose the link to it. He claimed that if you kept track of what coins were passing through that wallet you would essentially know what coin was chosen next to be pumped by the chinks. I wish I had the link to it because I remember a couple of the coins I saw go through it actually did 30% consecutively after that.

This was like a year and a half ago back when BTC was just bottoming out. Any oldfags here still have the link? I might have it bookmarked actually...

>> No.20638690

Could always just look at recent pump and dumps and then try to lookup transactions for that date. I'm not sure if there's an api's that let you query for that sort of info though. Seems like it could be pretty valuable.

>> No.20638739

Name some websites to do research my friend, you seem to know your business

>> No.20638792


I literally just go to Coingecko and check the Recently Added page, anything that's got a low mcap plus a working product plus a decent website plus decent volume gets some ETHs.

They pretty much all pump eventually, because it only takes $100k of investment to bump a 50k mcap coin to 150k = 3x. And as long as there's some volume, you can cash out a few ETH without screwing the price.

Every so often you'll come across a gem that makes your balls tingle, and if you've been making money, there's no harm in holding onto that one. I'm holding BUIDL right now that's made a big jump from 250k to $3m or so, but I literally believe it has 500m-$1b potential.

>> No.20638815

how much have you made from doing this?

>> No.20638843

>Aim for 2-3x and you will make consistent money
Awesome mentality, thanks for the tip about coingecko. Didn't consider looking there

>> No.20638947


Before I got into AMPL I was up about $45k from an initial $1500, with maybe another $3k of buy-ins.

>Awesome mentality, thanks for the tip about coingecko.

The joy about CG is that they list very early, but the guys there have an excellent BS detector. There's no guarantees in shitcoins obviously, but they filter out 95% of the outright scams, and using those few criteria you should make money.

>> No.20638975
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>he fell for the women meme

>> No.20638988

Unironically the way to lose money

>> No.20639040

>made $800 cuz they are so low volume

>> No.20639046

how so, if the pump hasn't even begun?

>> No.20639052

Post etherscan of address as proof that you ALWAYS pick the right coins.
Don't be an autist about not posting addresses for safety either, they're public for a reason.

>> No.20639053


If you have managed to lose money this way, I am in awe of you. I've been doing this for months and I have lost money exactly once.

>make $800 a day for months

For many Anons, that is life-changing money

>> No.20639118

What was the one time you lost money?

>> No.20639168

I can't even cry anymore and you niggers are gambling your way to 10k

>> No.20639187
File: 92 KB, 658x1280, Screenshot (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Post etherscan of address

Lol no thanks. You can have a screenshot with current holdings and 3-month gains.

Also, are you actually arguing with someone who's telling you a method of making money, from which he cannot possibly benefit? I'm not trying to sell you some shitcoin, you retard. You are going to stay poor.


RNDR. By all accounts, it should have been a rocket, instead it just fucked around within 1c of 0.08 until I said "fuck it" and gave up.

Well, also selling for a 3x out of XOR (around $1) and then watching it go up to $15, that hurt.

>> No.20639250

Thanks for the tip mane I'll start testing this right away, if you ever want a trading buddy hit me up on the link pool telegram. Just mention coingecko in some obscure way and I'll add ya

>> No.20639264


link me?

>> No.20639269
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Thanks for the useful info anon been a few months since I've been able to get some actual discussion on this board, I'll cash out a handful of ETH worth of my LINK gains and try playing around with some shitcoins. I've been a bit too risk adverse to go into alts other than ETH and LINK thus far because all the pajeetery on this board but as you know we have to keep our eyes peeled in this for the hidden gems.

Last question and I'll stop bugging you, are there any sets of rules you place for yourself when you're looking for good projects? Other than what you've said like marketcaps, actual use cases, etc?

>> No.20639313

If you can’t get a woman back after becoming a multimillionaire then you unironically don’t deserve her and should get over it

>> No.20639326

I found it by searching linkpool on the top left through mobile.
Might be the link?? Not sure desu
I think searching through app is safest. 1523 members

>> No.20639343


also, remember

- low mcap
- volume (at least 10x what you're planning to invest, so you can pull it out)
- decent website, socials etc

Then you're likely to have luck. And be disciplined, moonboys get rekt, traders take profits.

>Last question and I'll stop bugging you, are there any sets of rules you place for yourself when you're looking for good projects? Other than what you've said like marketcaps, actual use cases, etc?

That's literally it. If it sounds impressive to me, and they actually have something in beta and not just a wishlist, I figure it will be impressive enough to other people to get some investment. And since you're only buying low cap, that means a comparatively small amount of investment will have a huge effect on your holdings.

OH OH and I forgot, if you see "deflationary" keep walking. I have seen 100 deflat tokens and 100 of them are scams.

>see the supply keeps shrinking, so you get richer sir! designed to mooon
>this means eventually, assuming you don't pull the rug, this will be completely unusable for anything
>pleasse buying sir!


Awesome, ty. I'll probably join tomorrow

>> No.20639357


If a woman ditches you when you're broke and then comes back when you're rich, you don't want her.

>> No.20639382
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>> No.20639391

terrible meme fren

>> No.20639418

It's definitely going to be a fun time flipping these for the next couple of years. My folio is similar sized to yours but I've only been holding link btc and eth. I'll make a post, just search coingecko in chat I should be the only result. The community there is pretty nice too.

Anyhow have a good night man, hope to hear from ya

>> No.20639446


Looking forward to it, gnight Anon

>> No.20639457

If she’s white, a white man should want her just to impregnate her and have more white children. But after that he should run off and be with is real love, a gook slut from thailand

>> No.20639462
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avoid "deflationary" like the plague, understood

thanks again, may we all make it

>> No.20639487


yw. I was lucky enough to get this shared with me by a generous Anon months ago, and it has made me a small fortune. I am gonna pay it forward to anyone who'll listen.

>> No.20639502

Do yoy shit up the board shulling your shitcoins or you dont take part in that step?

>> No.20639638

Any mistake you may have mad that was impermissible like say a bit of cheating, any man with half a brain should be able to find his way around it if he has millions to his name

>> No.20639646


I have unironically never shilled a damn thing here. I gently shill BUIDL now and then in threads like this because I personally believe it's going to be huge, but that's it.

Well, I'm also part of the guys excitedly jerking each other off about AMPL, but I confine that to the relevant threads.

With extremely-early shitcoins you don't need to shill them here. They'll pump enough to give you your 2-3x. If you really believe that you're looking at a $50m idea, then by all means hold

>> No.20639696


But why would you?

I know some millionaires, and one of their biggest things is making as sure as they can that whoever they're dating doesn't know how much money they have, for obvious reasons.

There's literally billions of vaginas out there and the value of any particular one is just about zero.

>> No.20639729

I've been trying out your strategy for a couple days now (saw your posts on another thread)

I've been looking, and the only good coin I see that fits your description is RARI

i've turned 1.5 ETH to 3 ETH from that, but i can't really find any other good coins that have been recently added, got any reccomendations?

got a 3.5 ETH BUIDL stack too

>> No.20639770

Anon everything "bad" that happens to you is a learning lesson. At the end of the day if you're not happy with yourself, nothing external like validation, attention, girls, money or status will get you happiness. You will just want more and more. Find out why you think you desperately need external shit to be fulfilled, and fix that shit.

>> No.20639804


thank you for the advice. I do see her coming back once I make it but you're right, it wouldn't be real
it would just be a dream within a dream

>> No.20639931

I, too, was stupid as fuck

>> No.20639987


I'm holding FOUR right now but it's halfway to my 3x limit already, so I'm not sure how much is left to gain, but it's worth a look. Ditto ORN, already doubled. PIXBY actually nearly did a 7x before I could get out of it so I basically got a 3x for free and I'm just letting it ride.

My most recent flips were DEC and DEXT. DEXT likes to fluctuate between 0.013 and 0.006 so if it's down at 0.006 I'd risk it. I don't see DEXT ever going higher than 2 cents though.

Also RNDR keeps bugging me, I want to throw some into there again because the team is just so fucking good but I held that shit for almost two months and it did nothing but crab until I sold at a slight loss.

Oh hell, I forgot I actually lost a bunch on ARTE, like 25%. So I've lost money on two.


I wish you luck, Anon. Heartbreak is the worst, though it's weird how both pain and joy will mess with your judgment.

>> No.20640224


Also, holonaire is recommending VEO and XEQ and that man produces money. I own zero of both but will probably throw an ETH in, cuz that man does not often miss, no idea on the timeframe though.

>> No.20640263


Meh, should've checked before I posted, neither are available on Uniswap and so I'm not going to buy