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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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20634975 No.20634975 [Reply] [Original]

iExec is the equivalent of a "Pandora's box".
When it gets "opened" on the 30th, the world will never be the same.
Just wanna let you guys know that it is going to cause a massive shift in technology and the crypto space.

>> No.20635400
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>> No.20635453

The FUD is getting advance as fuck holy shit

>> No.20635499

Tfw I quit my job for Gilles gains

>> No.20635959

thanks just went alll in

>> No.20635976

You're a faggot with this 50cent shit but that was actually quite good. Makes me actually believe 50 is a fake fudding accumulator.. making people get behind the project even more so.

t. 2100 barrel holder

>> No.20636915
File: 470 KB, 1125x2436, ie datasets as collateral.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

50 holds fat stacks of Barrels I guarantee it. Dude is a fucking pro. He knows he's not shaking RLChads but I see weak hands with RLC fall for fuds all the time

Anyways [pic related] is absolutely game changing by itself, and it's just a little piece of the grand vision

>> No.20636932
File: 82 KB, 900x900, 1595447932941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who the fuck would buy iExec over Link? that's my problem with this token - the growth potential for Link will always be larger.

>> No.20636942

I bought at 1.60. This fucking scam better pump.

>> No.20637018

>oracle vs multi-use coin with oracles

>> No.20637025


>> No.20637154
File: 89 KB, 960x540, rlc tokenomics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How you sound:
>Why would bitcoin ever be valuable? It'll never get off the ground Paypal is way better
Ahhh, the sound of boomers not understanding they're looking directly into the face of the future
Gives me that Bitcoin vibes all over again

Also scroll up and see my pic about Data being used as collateral for DeFi loans and more

>> No.20637345
File: 541 KB, 720x429, cleanupcrew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weak hands exposed, lets clean up their digital oil barrels

>> No.20637378

>Not owning both

>> No.20637393
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what's the point?

>> No.20637429

Gains nigga

>> No.20637462
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they don't get it man. They don't have the vision, not even a little

>> No.20637469

I'm gonna say that I would not own a coin whose primary use case is a small subset of another's

>> No.20637479


>> No.20637484

RLC has integrated Link, just like countless other projects

>> No.20637507

That's great, but my point is that LINK needs RLC more than the opposite.

>> No.20637516

based fiddy

>> No.20637534

That doesn't make any sense at all.

>> No.20637544
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>but my point

>> No.20637555


LINK can't do anything that iExec can do.
iExec can do the entire use case with more tech (TEE/SGX/Staking) of LINK.

>> No.20637610

How does Link need RLC? That's a nonsensical statement.

>> No.20637624

Because LINK needs RLC's massive computational power.

>> No.20637639

No it doesn't. You're full of shit.

>> No.20637647

Basically, LINK is a data-converter.
RLC is the data-processor, but also has it's own data-converter.

>> No.20637670

It does. iExec is the only way to do something like machine learning with LINK's oracle connected to it.
LINK is just an oracle bro.

>> No.20637674

RLC is using Chainlink as a data provider.
Chainlink doesn't need decentralized computing to provide data.
How does Chainlink need RLC?

>> No.20637711

Are you retarded my fren?

RLC is using LINK in a single use case collaboration.

LINK is using RLC because it needs iExec's computational power to process the information it gets from web 2.0

LINK needs iExec to process the information it gathers. Period.

>> No.20637715

what's gonna happen on the 30th?

t. new rlc holder

>> No.20637736

presentation with link and microsoft and v5 release

>> No.20637737

obviously you are jew

>> No.20637746

>LINK needs iExec to process the information it gathers.
Jesus dude, you have literally no idea what you're talking about? Are you a paid shill?

>> No.20637755


>> No.20637766

Good retort fren, you will go very far!
>a single use crypto(link, oracle) needs a multi use crypto(rlc, everything)


>> No.20637809

Holy shit. Link isn't supposed to be able to run computations you absolute mong.

>> No.20637825
File: 9 KB, 250x202, 1594771922564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah that's why it needs iExec, you fucking mong.

You fell right into that one.

>> No.20637843

No wonder RLC threads stink of curry. This is just pathetic. Is this really the best you can do?

>> No.20637845
File: 54 KB, 576x388, LOOOOOL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the fuckin easy meme holy jesus christ

>> No.20637862
File: 70 KB, 629x566, loooooool2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pathetic, kek, this is the caliber of link investors LMAO

>> No.20637881

Link connects VMs with each-other and with off-chain environments. Explain why it needs RLC to do that. It doesn't. Obviously.

>> No.20637925

Okay show me proof then, actual video proof of any high performance computing with LINK, such as rendering a blender file.

>> No.20637940


>> No.20637971

Huh? No actual proof? Just anecdotal evidence? KEK!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.20637973

Take a lap weirdo

>> No.20637983


>> No.20638003


>> No.20638010

It doesn't do high performance computing and you have zero evidence of it actually working.

You are living in a pipedream while iExec releases in 7 days.

Why do you do this to yourself?

>> No.20638018


>> No.20638038

Yea... I just said it doesnt work and you are defensive. Provide something? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=epIrtETCnp0

>> No.20638053


>> No.20638054

I know you linklets do not have an idea how the market works but let me tell you something. Total supply of link is 1 billion, whereas this number is 87 million for rlc. Sure iExec may not have a large marketcap like chainlink but it will worth a lot more than link in the long run.

>> No.20638057

Look at this top comment, this is part of the reason why iExec will be massive. This reason is about 0.0000000001% of the reason why it'll be massive.

>How long does it take compared to the local render? Even a 30% drop in performance would be acceptable. Rendering locks you out of your computer for hours sometimes, if I could render something and continue working without a massive drop in render time this would be huge!

>> No.20638084

neat, but:

>> No.20638092

He explained it kiddo. I read the posts above. Are you ok?

>> No.20638097
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Okay man, stay poor i guess, i tried

>> No.20638101

Where'd he explain it?

>> No.20638118


>> No.20638140

You seem like an emotional investor. Faced with facts yet still defaults to something that isn't really real.

>> No.20638220

>I lied and got called out for it and now I'm really REALLY desperate to declect and distract form my embarrassment


>> No.20638224

thats why he ngmi

>> No.20638321


>> No.20638468
File: 67 KB, 720x459, 1594723920483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

iexec is a huge step in the right direction towards decentralized computing. Comparing it with LINK is not right since LINK is a just a low barrier oracle that is over hyped and over sold. Imagine being connected through a protocol to all the computing resources in the world at once and to be able to access data and computing resources natively through the RLC token. iExec is barely getting started but it has the potential to be humanity's central computing pool.. decentralized, secure, and permissionless.

>> No.20638514

Shills desperate to save their thread after being shown lying

>> No.20638528

You have an inability to understand anything, it's okay. Carry on with your life and see what happens.

>> No.20638554


>> No.20638590

this thread sold it, getting a bag. how much for a sui?

>> No.20638610

To clarify why LINK needs RLC.

Chainlink currently offers no protection in regards to privacy. Try running a node --> you are able to inspect all HTTP data coming into your machine including request and responses. The amount of privacy and security is laughable. Sybil attacks are also imminent as node operators can collude and produce inaccurate results slowly over time and the protocol has no built in methods of detecting this --> imagine 10 providers that monopolize a niche and you will see why this can easily happen. There is a reason why LINK hand picks all their node operators. All challenges essentially boil down to the hardware level --> which is why iExec has been so god damn focused on TEEs this entire time

>> No.20638623
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here take this barrel you'll need it

>> No.20638669

Desperate lying shills tying to save their thread off of shilling lies

>> No.20638677


>> No.20638706

shut the fuck up you goddamn autist

>> No.20638717


>> No.20638724

You have 24 hours

>> No.20638734


>> No.20638745
File: 36 KB, 687x500, 534535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20638759

>>20637881 (You)

>> No.20638774

I think it's pretty obvious to see that it's the most undervalued coin. with 88M supply and 80M already in circulation.. it has 11.3X less supply than LINK and also 1/27 the marketcap 100M to 2.7B. Anyways i'm done explaining this shit to you. Stay poor and buy into the most overhyped coins currently being talked about by normies. a 2.7B JSON parser lmao

>> No.20638785

Yes but

>> No.20638902


>> No.20639005

>he replied to his own post 10 (ten) times

>> No.20639172

Thanks for the bump

>> No.20639333

he cute (the swan)