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20634084 No.20634084 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.20634299

I miss him, Bros.

>> No.20634324


>> No.20634331

This is the last "great man" of history. I can't think of another one since. And the kikes killed him.

>> No.20634344

He's basically jesus 2.0

>> No.20634367

He literally fought the Devil.The Devil won.

We are now in Hell.

Fuck I miss him.

>> No.20634380

this is not business and finance, nigger

>> No.20634418

I wonder which stonks he'd recommend. . .

>> No.20634421

Hitler being right about Jews and France being assholes about war reparations doesn't justify him violating every peace treaty and waging a war of autism on nations that would have been his allies if he used diplomacy. No, England, Poland, nor Russia were not the aggressors. Hitler could have united Europe and USA if he was less autistic and the kikes would have been deported or extemrinated without 60,000,000 white Europeans dying. Hitler was a failure by every metric

>> No.20634476

Hitler tried diplomacy. The Jews would not let their clients, the US, the USSR and the UK, deal with Hitler as a negotiating partner.

>> No.20634563


>> No.20634612

>Russia was not an aggressor
>nevermind their invasion of poland and finland
>nevermind their talks of a "one-world-socialist-republic
>nevermind the fact that they had detailed maps of german roads to prepare themselves for an invasion of europe

>> No.20634615

Read "The rise and fall of the third reich". You got this shit wrong, the guy had invasions planned every step of the way, prior to any attempts at "diplomacy". The guy was a fucking autistic retard by every known metric.

>> No.20634660

Did he give the UK like five offers at peace. Churchill was the instigator.

>> No.20634763

Uncle Adolf was a great man. Anti-Banker, pro-human, glorious and everything.
Hitler declaring war on USA:

>> No.20634891
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>> No.20634904

Didn't he try to avoid war with America pretty intensely despite their constant agitating? I thought he was livid when pearl harbor happened.

>> No.20634934

Hope for the best, plan for the worst. That is pretty basic strategy at life, war, finances, pretty much everything.

>> No.20635102
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Hitler knew the Jews had the three powers in their pocket. Of course he planned for military confrontation because the Jews would not take kindly to being told they couldn't practice usury and degeneracy.

>> No.20635131
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>> No.20635176

Communism is Jewish bullshit.

Fascism is the cure.

>> No.20635191

Hitler himself was a jew thought.

>> No.20635215

Nazis btfo

>> No.20635218
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>> No.20635276

>A jewish historian said so!

>> No.20635277
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ha, yeah, in the bunker hitler swallowed two cure pills and injected into his head with a cure delivery device. East Germany then became better than Nazi Germany in every way.

>> No.20635309

>hitler not even blonde

Refute the facts or stfu and never come back, nazi.

>> No.20635357

>a nazi historian denies it

Lmao, the absolute retardation of Nazis. You were even set up. Hitler set up the retard aryan race for a war against Europe and Russia. Lmao. You faggots thought you could win, but got ass raped from both sides.

>> No.20635398

You need to go make this statement on /pol/

He has been so villafied by kikes that you could say anything bad about him and retards like you would repeat it without any further thought.

>> No.20635423

Not surprised at all how many oven dodgers browse /biz/, fuck off kikes nobody falls for that.

> I was fired from 109 different jobs, employers are being phobic!

>> No.20635431

Death tolls tell a different story nigger

>> No.20635454
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We dindu nuffin :,(

>> No.20635466

This! He was also a homosexual tranny, 1/4 black, only had one testicle, had a scat fetish and raped his niece!
>jews think this propaganda fools anyone

>> No.20635486
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>> No.20635504


>> No.20635554
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>> No.20635630

i'm pretty glad the red army conquered his country and made him kill himself. god bless papa stalin savior of mankind

>> No.20635676

Weak bait. Try again.

>> No.20635829

I like how Operation Barbarossa was so ill conceived. Like, they didn't really have a plan, just sorta 'we'll attack and they will crumble' and it just didn't happen. Like, Germany NEEDED that oil in Russia to keep fighting, when they started to get pushed back they basically slowly lost the war from there. They couldn't import oil because Great Briton was blockading them, and the reason Great Briton was at war with Germany was because he invaded Poland.

Hitler basically just don goofed, can't really defend him. He didn't even have to declare war on America, but he did anyways.

>> No.20635836

He looks so calm and reasonable.

>> No.20635943

>He didn't even have to declare war on America, but he did anyways.
It's not as if America was neutral. Ameeica was giving britain and the USSR tons of support, not to mention embargoing all of the axis powers. Giving supplies to nations you're at war with and refusing to even sell the same supplies to you is hardly the behavior of a neutral nation.

>> No.20635981

>he believes history written by jews

>> No.20635999

hitlers generals were clueless, he wanted to go for oil fields but his generals wanted to moscow

>> No.20636156

>It's not as if America was neutral. Ameeica was giving britain and the USSR tons of support, not to mention embargoing all of the axis powers. Giving supplies to nations you're at war with and refusing to even sell the same supplies to you is hardly the behavior of a neutral nation.

True, but that is better than America actively fighting him. I guess it was a gamble to try to get Japan to help him more but it didn't work out.

>hitlers generals were clueless, he wanted to go for oil fields but his generals wanted to moscow

It's hard to pin the blame on just Hitler or just his generals, don't forget Stalingrad. They could have done the invasion better but instead they just rushed in and only then decided to prioritize the oil when the slav didn't just roll over.

>> No.20636258

Hitler always knew the oil was the main priority, he already knew the war was lost in 1942 after they didnt capture the oil fields

check out these links



>> No.20637193


Yeah, it's just that if Hitler knew the oil was that important, you'd think he'd focus a bit more on that from the start. I just don't get what they were thinking. Other than it would be easy.