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20633438 No.20633438 [Reply] [Original]

How do you stop being a mean piece of shit person

>> No.20633445

probably leaving here helps
it can be toxic

>> No.20633467

Unironically this. Once you make it never come back. I’ve noticed myself picking up some sexist/racist tendencies from lurking here too much that I get mad at myself about when I catch myself thinking it

>> No.20633475


>> No.20633486


>> No.20633503

I got less racist from being here

>> No.20633528
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>leaving /biz/

>> No.20633533

I think here makes me a slightly more level person. I can bite my tongue better after an evening saying whatever I want to you faggots.

>> No.20633539

Stop hating yourself

>> No.20633643

This unironically.
You're a mean pirce of shit because you hate yourself for being a coward who fears being hurt by rejeftion, so to cope you be a shithead to everyone and play it off has being funny or them not living up to your standards. Once you accept that you are a faggot piece of shit who needs help to improve himself, you will realize that you need people to forgive you and that you need to take the first step towards reconciliation.

>> No.20633667

heroic dose of psilocybin

>> No.20633771

Meditate everyday for 10 minutes, you will have less of a temper and be less of a cunt. Don't do some meme guided meditation sit in a chair back straight close your eyes and focus on breathing in and out through your nose, your mind will wander but just keep coming back to your breathing. Do it for 2 weeks at least

>> No.20633818
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It takes years and change comes from within. You probably have anger management issues.

>> No.20633819
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eat a few of these to raise your estrogen fren, thatll help you simp out.

>> No.20633971

Why would you want to? Being nice gets you nowhere in life. It doesn't get you a promotion, it doesn't get your D wet. Learn to harness your anger or else you're just a raging sperg tho

>> No.20634012

Fuck you

>> No.20634029

You need to be kind to yourself before you can be kind to others anon.

>> No.20634045
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>I’ve noticed myself picking up some sexist/racist tendencies from lurking here too much that I get mad at myself about when I catch myself thinking it
oh fuck off then. If you want to lie to yourself about seeing blacks and women as equals then that's your business, but don't blog post here about it.

>> No.20634052

Unironically I do huge fat rips of DMT about 2 times a year. It's done alot for me to recalibrate my personality and understanding. Pretty much the first year trying this method and suddenly my own family were gushing to me about how much less of a dick head I seem like. Which in it's self would have used to make me fucking angry, but now I just appreciate them taking an interest in me again.

>> No.20634063

I think I literally have low test. What do I do?

>> No.20634073

see a dr

>> No.20634106

Because you don’t vent your aggression in a meaningful way. You are probably surrounded by halfwits that don’t mentally engage you as well. You should focus your anger into adrenaline and focus based activities when life gets on your nerves. My suggestion is swimming, woodworking, archery, tennis, boxing, and fishing. Keep your mind occupied

>> No.20634107


take 5G empty stomach at night by yourself

you will gain so much fucking humility, you will see all that you do wrong, you will see the path that you must follow

>> No.20634129

That depends anon. Are you frustrated and angry? Or do you enjoy seeing others suffering? Both? More detail needed.

>> No.20634154

What if you were a honest good person and the mean person was the person reacting to you in an ignorant and negative way?
The only thing you can change is yourself.
Focus on yourself and ignore drama.
Only give your advice if someone sincerely asks for it and you know they will listen to it.
Not to play power games.

>> No.20634240


>> No.20635181

Just stop.