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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2060185 No.2060185 [Reply] [Original]

>constantly feel like I'm doing a shitty job and on the verge of getting fired
>they keep giving me raises and telling me I'm doing a good job

Wtf is this shit? Do I just have low self esteem?

>> No.2060192


its a really shitty feel
the only solution is to tell yourself that you ARE that good, even though it will feel like you are lying to yourself

the other option is suicide

>> No.2060204

They probably just like you and you're not a complete fuck up. I'm not the most talented at my job but what I lack in talent I make up for in other ways and feel pretty secure about my future. Take whatever grace you are shown as a blessing and continue to improve your performance.

>> No.2060208

Huh, I didn't realize this was a thing. I would definitely say this is how I see myself and is how I've seen myself for most of my life.

>> No.2060213

That's how everyone feels. It's how your masters trick you into believing that you're getting the better end of the deal, while you're actually just wasting your life slaving for the jews.

>> No.2060218

I'm a lazy piece of shit who dicks around for 3 of 9 hours.

But for those six hours I'm better than my coworkers, who also dick around for 3 hours.

>> No.2060231

Honestly there's not much of a reason for an office space for just about any job that can be done on a computer.

You put a bunch of people in a bunch of boring ass cubes all day they're going to fuck off and talk to each other. You give them internet they will browse news or fantasy football or whatever.

You hire competent individuals to work from home they will get you whatever the fuck stupid ass report you want and will probably do it a lot more effectively than if you had them working out of what is effectively a prison.

Companies would save so much on Lessing office space of they did this too. I don't get why it's not more popular.

>> No.2060255

Dead boomers soon.

>> No.2060284
File: 1.02 MB, 1250x833, college.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This should have been online too.

>> No.2060439

>tfw I have the opposite of this

>> No.2060467

wtf I have this but under two layers of irony

>> No.2060492

people are really bad at accurately assessing their skills.

They either have dunning Kruger where they think they're Gods despite being subpar or imposter syndrome where nothing is ever good enough and they get depressed.

>> No.2060532

i know that feel OP. i am late every day and have done some pretty unprofessional stuff. i even literally slept through meetings - like, I was in home in bed while people were at work in a conference room waiting for me. i knew i worked fast and got a lot of shit done well but i still felt like i was getting off easy for whatever reason. not only that, but i got promoted during all this and got very good bonuses. wtf?

then one person in our group left and their responsibilities were distributed to the group. from this, i realized i literally do twice the amount of work this person was doing. maybe you are like this too