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20594717 No.20594717 [Reply] [Original]

I bought 20,000 shares of Apple in 1997 right after Gil Amelio was ousted and Steve Jobs took over again, when the share price was less than a dollar, and I haven't touched a penny of it. The shares are just sitting there in my brokerage account. At this point, should I sell everything, pay the capital gains tax in full, and retire comfortably for the remainder of my life? Age 54, annual income of ~$100,000. I don't live extravagantly don't care about leaving an inheritance or earning "big bucks", and just want to retire comfortably. Convince me not to do it, /biz/.

>> No.20594763


>> No.20594774

Sell now apple has peaked years ago and your 54 it’s time to enjoy life

>> No.20594795

fucking yes dude
Go enjoy life to the max
Very envious of you

>> No.20594813

What's it like being 54?

>> No.20594839

sell and then go all in on VanCoin. become a VanCoin tycoon


>> No.20594874

So currently we are hitting hyper inflation. And usually assets prices go thru roof. Get comfy sell half keep half. Buy land in middle of no where and prepare for hell cuz it’s coming don’t be greedy be happy you can afford to survive

>> No.20594904

apple has peaked, microsoft has peaked, these companies aren't going down in value but they won't get any higher, i'd say sell 15k but it's up to you

>> No.20594916
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proof or larp. i have helped people like you but im not going to waste energy on a larper.

>> No.20594922

If you pull a muscle or start having joint pain, it probably won't go away. You just start to accumulate things that are wrong with you. On the plus side, it's a lot easier to score meds from your doctor.

>> No.20594931

That would be worth what, like 500 million?

>> No.20594949

proof and i will give you some useful advice

>> No.20594959

sell everything and put it into Chainlink not even joking or kidding deutsche telekom google swift oracle they are all into it.This is next shit that will 150x guaranteed in the next 2-3 years good luck

>> No.20594982

I am not sure how I could prove anything to you without jeopardizing myself. Besides, if worse comes to worse, I can still just sell everything and become a literal millionaire. My primary concern is that I should keep some portion of the total amount in play as an insurance policy. Who knows what might happen to the value of the dollar in the next few years.

>> No.20595013

No, more like 20 million before taxes.

>> No.20595110

Sell it all and buy silver bullion, a safe to store it in, and a few guns to protect it. Thank me later

>> No.20595136

>So currently we are hitting hyper inflation. And usually assets prices go thru roof. Get comfy sell half keep half. Buy land in middle of no where and prepare for hell cuz it’s coming don’t be greedy be happy you can afford to survive

Yeah, I wouldn't be so quick to sell assets and go into the USD. If anything, sell a modest salary's worth, $60K, give Uncle Sam his cut, and continue living modestly. Keep your wealth tied to those stocks and only convert them to USD when you need to.

There's no way Apple's price won't continue to go up. We don't know their plan and the 4th industrial revolution is upon us. They have to have something brewing using 5G and blockchain technology.

>> No.20595153


LARPers on this board are so fucking pathetic. They should go join the fags on TIFU and relationship advice if they want to write their shitty stories.

>> No.20595170

What have you been doing with the dividends, fren? That should be an income of sbout 60 grand/year right there. Sll of it should be qualified dividends, so tax free if you're married.

>> No.20595215

That has been the entirety of my income for the past five years. My wife works as a bookkeeper for a local professional firm. Together we earn about $100,000.

>> No.20595319

Leave something for your kids if you have them. Otherwise, why not cash out and work on that bucket list? I'm 44 and if I had 60 grand a year coming in from investments, I would consider myself retired already.

>> No.20595441

I have one grown son, but I don't believe in the idea of leaving an inheritance. He can have anything he wants with sentimental value, of course, but he'll be fine to earn his own living.

>> No.20595486

Write covered calls on half of your shares. 7/31 AAPL392.5c is going for $960 per contract. You could make hundreds of thousands per month.

>> No.20595530

I thought this thread was a larp but you really are a boomer.

>> No.20595576


>> No.20595604

Blue pulled. Generational wealth is a powerful thing. Leave him money in a trust with strict rules if you must torture him. Dont you want golden statues of yourself in the future as your heirs increase the wealth you created?

>> No.20595632

That just sounds so American.

>> No.20595669

>There's no way Apple's price won't continue to go up.

This is how you know we are in a bubble. When retards say shit like this, straight faced. yeah, stonks will just go up forever bro. new paradigm n sheet.

>> No.20595702

Retard these shares aren't crypto currency. No one is hacking your broker and sending your shares to them self.

>> No.20595857

>Still wagecucking mediocre jobs while holding like $20 million in Apple stock
I don't believe you

>> No.20595910

The dividends alone are enough to support us, and she is still working, but I wasn't about to retire at age 40 or whatever when the share price kept going up, up, and away... Now I'm older and it's time to start thinking about what the rest of my life is going to look like.

>> No.20595912

If I were you I would take out the majority 60~80% and just enjoy life and leave the remainder for later (maybe take it out in 20~30 years)

>> No.20595917

Yea just make sure to sell all your apple gains and donate it to (((charities))), somebody's gotta pay those admin salaries

>> No.20596058
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OP sell at least half of your holdings and get some physical gold or silver ASAP.

If I were you, I'd sell 90% of it and convert at least 50% of those into physical gold or silver, use 25% of it to build a shelter to bugout and to get months of food / supplies, and withdraw the other 25% in $100 cash stacks - stack them under your mattress shelter or in a safe. Definitely get weapons and ammo to protect your home and your family.

Currency reset is coming.

>> No.20596061
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if this is pasta, i've never seen it before.
you're undoubtedly better off selling and putting some of your gains in crypto—everything that's currently pumped by the government IS eventually going to tank, unless they adapt to the crypto economy
to be fair, apple probably will adapt—but that all depends on whether there are brains in the heads of their diversity hires
if they don't adapt, they'll have a lot of money backed by nothing more than a welfare state, and a lot of chinese resources (people can say whatever the fuck they want about china—at large, they lack the genetics necessary to dominate the world; they don't fundamentally grasp that their principles would sooner have them destroying those among them with the most potential for greatness than they would be able to lay the ball clamps on america)
you stand a way better chance betting whatever you want on chainlink, ETH, and BSV (see pic related for why; post in pic was written before the bcash/bsv hard fork, but summarizes why PoW has as much potential as it does pretty good)—and enjoying the fuck out of yourself with whatever you don't reinvest

>> No.20596098

So what the fuck are you gonna do with the money? Spend it all on bullshit? Donate to charity? You're a moron

>> No.20596280

Of course this is the post with the most (You)s... I'll leave it all to a CRAT after we're gone.

>> No.20596338

Absolute cringe take boomer. Canceling out your family's generational wealth is canceling your heritage. Give your son the gift of life instead of the gift of working for some corporation in this current year that hates his guts and wouldnt help him if he was on fire. Just kill yourself and let him collect everything you dumbass faggot.

>> No.20596592
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i have this theory that big government is good for people who excel at social manipulation (these people destroy/leech off other's wealth), and no/small government is good for people who excel at the manipulation of nature (these people create wealth using their understanding of our natural world to produce desirable goods and services from which everyone benefits)
currently, our society is one of big government; the sheer fact that you are not allowed to separate yourself economically or physically from the state and their direct influence is irrefutable proof of this. try not paying your taxes—try forming a voluntary, ideological and/or ethnic society/municipality/enclave on your own land, let alone marketing it to people who are fed up with how the feds and the existing municipalities treat them and see what happens.
if your son is good at producing wealth but bad at social manipulation, then your refusal to pass any wealth along to him is going to put him in a position where he's either going to work for low wages from sociopathic bosses and die poor (starting your own business, now, has one facing local, state, and federal regulations set up by the socially manipulative that only the socially manipulative may manoeuvre), or he'll be forced to bootlick sociopaths who have de-facto regulatory authority over him so that he may get a raise. whether he's a hard or a smart worker, he'll be doing everyone else's work forever, for low pay.
it's your call on what you want to do. you know your son's manifest genetics better than anyone else—maybe apart from your son.
we all get what we deserve.

>> No.20596658

Time to ditch the wife and invest in hookers and cocaine in Thailand. You fucking made it bro

>> No.20596857

dude just sell covered calls against your shares and live off the income you literally can’t lose: https://www.investopedia.com/articles/optioninvestor/08/covered-call.asp

>> No.20596872 [DELETED] 

>don't believe in inheritance

I don't care what you do, just want your generation to die the off already. god damn shit is taking forever

>> No.20597405

Do you retards seriously think a multi millionaire in his mid fifties is coming to the four channel business forum for advice. I can see why you all gamble away so much money on shit coins.

>> No.20597742

Do you realize how many times Apple split? 20,000 shares that long ago is way more shares today.

>> No.20597886

you don't feel all that mentally different from being in your late twenties, you just get confronted by this wrinkly old dude everytime you look in the mirror.

>> No.20598150

nigga you'll be living to 110+ years old with medical tech coming over the next 55 years

just the one meal a day, keto diet, exercise, get rest, read, and socialize however you can

if you think you can go for another 55 years then sure, otherwise consider rotating some of that into gold or crypto

>> No.20598287

Kill yourself

>> No.20598334

Holy shit. Just sat down and did some math on this. Fuck it, I'm selling everything tomorrow. That's an obscene amount of money.

>> No.20598351

You could become a millionaire but instead you’re 54 years old and on 4chan asking crypto autists what to do. Just put me in your will and I’ll enjoy the money grandpa

>> No.20598391

Apples going nowhere but up.

Sell it gradually.

But it more than enough to retire

>> No.20598451

Given the state of our economy and currency coupled with your current worth. You should really worry about diversification and wealth protection. Cash out a lot of it, pay taxes, funnel into PMs and LINK. Keep some cash in the bank of course for spending, but keep in mind how much the money supply has increased: it will lose its value once intl demand for USD does down after corona.

>> No.20598532

Also, leave your son money in your will. As long as he understands the value of hard work already, he can make the inheritance into something great for his family or for society. Generational wealth is not a meme. He is the continuation of your bloodline, and money will help the bloodline in the future. Good luck anon.