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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 366 KB, 754x856, xrpmoonboots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20589428 No.20589428 [Reply] [Original]

I know I know. Clickbait title? Look here stinky fkn linkies. $link

New law today just made it legal for banks to hold crypto for their customers.

Here on 4chan we know that memes are magic.

Xrp is the bankers coin and now bankers can hodl crypto?

Imagine the price of Xrp in the coming few days as the meme explodes across the internet.

Get in NOW. do NOT miss out.


>> No.20589484
File: 982 KB, 696x488, xrplink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1st target remains 7777 satodi

>> No.20589522

Xrp is for faggots, keep being delusional

>> No.20589547
File: 2.35 MB, 496x276, xrp fags.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitcoin will be their number one customer request not xrp.

>> No.20589561

Go back to youtube, retard.

>> No.20589766
File: 153 KB, 1183x859, 6a456y45ts5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is a full length webm of this if anyone has it

>> No.20589831
File: 135 KB, 502x461, 1593397581154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying declining/crabbing price action means they have sitting on their hands for 900 days

>> No.20589855
File: 218 KB, 1086x886, pajeet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off and stay in your containment zone, telegram pajeet.

>> No.20589862

XRP will moon when crypto replaces the SWIFT system, something Jody wants to work on.

Until then, keep buying and laughing at the memes, personally I will be paying people who shitposted about xrp on 4chan minimum wage to watch this on repeat for 8 hours a day >>20589547

in fact, I might commission a whole new video from inside my future mansion

>> No.20589875

its on YouTube too

>> No.20589901

Hahahaha literally crawled put of a telegram to post this

>> No.20589959


>> No.20589979

>9 Billions to 2x

>> No.20589995

telegram faggots are 100x worse than discord trannies

>> No.20590181


>> No.20590288

Bird boy if xrp is main stream adopted and used for cross border transactions it’s gonna do more than a x2 I saw you post this shit in like five threads just shut the fuck up. You link retards don’t understand xrp is in its position because it’s less volatile

>> No.20590389

This is cope. Go ahead and tell us how xrp is high cap and stable and that’s a GOOD thing lmao

>> No.20590429

thanks man

>> No.20590497

You’re a fucking retard if you don’t think that’s a good thing lmao, if you sold off 100,000 link at $7 it would move the price a good amount you do that with xrp and the price would barely move. Fucking retarded brain dead fucks on this board I swear to god. NO one will use link. Link on swift wouldn’t make swift better than xrp because swift is an outdated pre internet piece of shit I hate all you flaming niggers. You’re fat Russian kike coin will never be used for cross border payments . Judy sheltons pro gold and is in ties with ripple keep coping with ur low supply shit coin from Cayman Islands faggots. Peace.

>> No.20590496

looks good to banks?

>> No.20590525
File: 330 KB, 640x640, 6581593D-9D8E-4348-AE47-7C1F2801BE1B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weeee exarpeepeeeee

>> No.20590541
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>> No.20590551
File: 963 KB, 1125x2436, D3B6E90A-EAA5-4D63-B807-B39672C0B5ED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This kills the linkie

>> No.20590637


>> No.20590653

if you double your money, isn't that worse than investing in any new defi functionality that will net you x5 or more?

I don't get xrptards

>> No.20590713

No you don’t understand xrp is both high cap AND stable

>> No.20590759
File: 596 KB, 770x900, xrpstandard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cant fucking imagine anyone refusing to punt a 900 day low.

this shit is truly insane. so what if brad exagerated in years past. this is the one fucking time that xrp might actually be close to something in a miles reach.

fuck it im no supporter either, but i dont give a fuck.

im packing a nice sui stack.

memes drive buying power. elon tweets doge and that shit flies.

think of all the 65 iq brainlets that receive 1000 neetbucks a week from the rona stimulus. they drive memes. when they hear banks can hodl crypto. well xrp is the banker coin. its only $.20 tehy can buy thousands! imagine that.

bizlets that refues to buy sui stacks of xrp WILL COPE HARD in the coming days.

sui stack 25k zerp.

>> No.20590787

You are a fucking ripple retard - it’s anons like you that make the average feel superior

>> No.20590837

No you don’t get it. Ripple is stable and high cap, so when it 2x’s that’s better than links 30x.

>> No.20590894

It will have to be stable for what they want, idk when the price boost will come though. You can't use a high fluxible token though for crossborder payments

>> No.20590915

Ripple Labs software is extremely impressive, but I don’t see the XRP token being used. I see Ripple partnering with Chainlink and applying Ripple transnational settlement software to LINK tokens. Kind of like the way ETH “wrapped” BTC operates, we might see Ripple “wrapped” LINK.

>> No.20590948 [DELETED] 
File: 79 KB, 1524x762, xrpjuly2020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im sitting here with my feet up on the desk grinning with glee as i watch the price of XRP tick higher.

neet bucks will be extended and another $1200 payment will b coming in a few weeks. normies will be looking for the next moon ticket.

here it fucking is. XRP to the moon.

>> No.20590954

LMFAO seems you understand the XRP mindset

>> No.20590994
File: 758 KB, 890x667, xrpticketjuly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im sitting here with my feet up on the desk grinning with glee as i watch the price of XRP tick higher.

neet bucks will be extended and another $1200 payment will b coming in a few weeks. normies will be looking for the next moon ticket.

here it fucking is. XRP to the moon.

>> No.20591091
File: 65 KB, 644x560, 37d56x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a coin doing 2x is better than a coin doing 30x

>> No.20591162

He met with Bill Gates and Obama.

Apparently next week they are going to meet with Elon Musk and Bezos WTF??

>> No.20591342


xrp partners with bill gates and obama!!!

>> No.20591441
File: 174 KB, 958x746, XRPenis Shills.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


kys telegram pajeet

>> No.20591887
File: 2 KB, 214x198, 1585863307117.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If sacred diggies, these kikes are going to try to shove their fractional reserve dick into crypto

>> No.20592284

You are a fucking idiot saying that shit Down syndrome headass

>> No.20592370

No no no. I don’t know why it’s so hard that only ripplechads get it: xrp is stable AND high cap!

>> No.20592534

Linkies are retards all they care about is mah gainZ link marinesssss but don’t understand their coins volatility makes it a shit token also it’s only oracles and smart contracts lmao.

Xrp will be used just don’t listen to them they’re low iq fucking retards that fud xrp for being a .20 stable coin.

>> No.20592645

XRP enabled Flare, Codius, Corda will be used to smart contracts and oracles

There may be other coins, platforms that could be better but Ripple is far ahead of everyone. They’re the most seriously taken and profesional American blockchain” company.

>> No.20592709

Can only afford 1k stack. Will that enough to make it bros?

>> No.20592842 [DELETED] 

ZERP is a certified mental illness.

>> No.20593931
File: 32 KB, 679x335, rejnOAgx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah so the banks can hold BSV. Thanks for the update anon.

>> No.20594640
File: 475 KB, 740x1095, xrpnectar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no problem fellow bizlet.

i recommend you get yourself some nectar of the CHADS

sui stack 25k zerp (XRP)

>> No.20594890

I may take you up on that. suggest you pick up a bag of BSV. We're all going to make it :)


>> No.20595323

can you redpill me on BSV?

are they being looked at by the long noses as a store of value more efficient than BTC?

I hold some BTC but from my research the last original fork was Bitcoin XT but that failed instantly because of the jews commercializing BTC

>> No.20595774

Biz thought craig wright was satoshi but it turns out he's a fraud and now nobody on biz cares anymore. Btc has the network effects and the original chain working for it. BSV is just giant nlocks which centralize the nodes just like btcs lightning network.

>> No.20595821
File: 127 KB, 439x363, 1595445445870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

16.17 on.


It is being touted as a electronic cash, but USD etc can be issued on top of the blockchain as tokens. As such, although it is being pushed as electronic cash it is the ultimate store of value. The protocol is priceless.
Txs on the public chain have hit thousands per second (screenshot from a kind anon). With the teranode project, this will reach millions, billions and in decade(s) trillions.
It is perhaps the only blockchain that can actually scale.
Proof of work is required. Please look into it.
Far superior to BTC, as tx fee can supplement miners. BTC has at least 2/3 of txs over BTC/BCH/BSV.
Oh stinkies not need. Payment channels act as oracales.
Endless fortress of patents waiting to be enforced.
Visa etc will have to adopt as it will be faster, cheaper and more efficient.
It can and will become a record of human endeavour itself.
I wonder if Craig appreciated what he created at the time. It is genius. Absolute genius.
This is the token you are not supposed to buy and Craig has done a fantastic job of fudding the living shit out of it.

>> No.20595845

>BSV is just giant nlocks which centralize the nodes just like btcs
As designed and as intended.

>> No.20595925

Chcecking my ID- SPV- Simplified Payment Verification. As good as digits.


>> No.20595942


>> No.20595975

sounds very promising and future pilled

as soon as BTC starts moving up I'll be dumping it into BSV thanks anon

>> No.20596339

David Schwartz worked for nasa

We’re really going to the moon lmao

>> No.20596409
File: 148 KB, 1200x1200, chadicecream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20597490

You think banks want in on a coin that was proven to print coins out of thin air to sell them under the table in 2018?