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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20581304 No.20581304 [Reply] [Original]

ausfag here. thinking of getting out of retirement and going back into adult entertainment near Christmas. Cause I have to be a sole trader with an ABN for that work, I want to register a business name and logo with the ABR as a cover so if people google my abn to look me up it comes up with a business name first rather than my entity name just for a bit of identity security (venues require my abn, and ive had catty coworkers try to track me down with it in the past to give my details to clients for cash fml).
any who, what are some ideas for a name? I don't want anything too otp, just kinda generic. Ive been considering going with a flower but i'd like some ideas cause I'm boring af

>> No.20581338


>> No.20581409

5$ what da fuc you doing slinging that gay ass dick all over the internetz

>> No.20581428

Solution Systems Solutions

>> No.20581498


>> No.20581537
File: 244 KB, 742x332, pajeet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pajeet Inc

>> No.20581600

Schlomo Noseberg's Subversive Degenerate Inc.