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20577625 No.20577625 [Reply] [Original]

How do people even end up addicted to hard drugs in the first place? What compels someone to try heroin for example?

>> No.20577638

They're broken.

>> No.20577651

The same reason sad rats go for cocaine laced water instead of normal water

>> No.20577652

All day every day you feel like shit and want to die and people say "don't try that you'll die" and it sounds kind of win/win.

>> No.20577702

They're based.

>> No.20577712

Stupid poor people
Broken losers
Human trash

>> No.20577846

This. I don't really want relationships or things normal people want. Getting physically and emotionally close to anyone makes me feel bad actually I hate it. Heroin was the perfect thing in life at least for someone like me, felt happiness, zero negative thoughts, and eventually even the addictive routine of repurchase and redosing stimulated my OCD.

Lost everything because I couldn't control my use it became daily for years. I am now in phase 2 where I binge for two weeks off a few grams and then don't do any for 4-6 weeks. Seems to be working for now

>> No.20577859

>What compels someone to try heroin for example?
you get used to how amazing opiates feel and want more

>> No.20577877

not exclusively but gene polymorphism:

>> No.20577909
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When nothing else makes you feel anything anymore drugs make you feel things you probably never could have felt. I was a trainwreck person and started trying out different drugs. It made me a different person but after I did some LSD trips with my buddy I decided to stop using "hard drugs" so I just stick with good old weed nowadays. Using drugs is still bad and won't make anyone a better person but the drugs and the feelings from them might give help to a person to stop using the drugs and then become a better person like I did.

TL;DR: Drugs won't help you but if you got nothing else and are heading for suicide they might be the last hope you got or just an acceleration for death. 50/50 good luck

>> No.20577963

I tried to get into opiates, but could not get past the nausea

Hardcore junkies told me
>You just get used to the vomiting/nausea and you will enjoy it.. its like running.. you hate it first but you get runners high at some point

I tried dope many times but could not get past the nausea, vomiting disgusts me

>> No.20578074

A lot of "hard drugs" are incredibly addictive in the mechanism of interaction.
In saying this you will never understand what it truly means to be human until you experience entheogens/certain plants. This doesnt mean you abuse it, you learn/experience the mind. Drug as a term shouldn't be used for certain plants, people can use it as a "drug" but it's a very limiting word, don't mistake a word for the thing in your mind. Some people just misuse unfortunately, intent is very important/sincerity .

>> No.20578111

hippies get the rope

>> No.20578158
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According to the ASAM 4/5 heroin users began with prescription painkillers. I will share my personal story:
>broken wrist
>prescribed codeine (this was in 2014 when doctors where giving it out left and right)
>purely by coincidence experience some devastating news all at once (gf cheated, relative died, lost my job)
>notice that as soon as I take my painkillers all my stress goes away
>start to perform better in school, gym, etc as long as I keep taking painkillers
>wrist heals, script stops, start buying from someone in school
>tolerance goes up so have to switch from codeine to vicodin
Now here's the dirty secret about human psychology and why I am now extremely skeptical of all medications for treating anxiety, depression, loss of energy, most meds work like building a dam, your brain doesn't actually process the emotions fully as long as you're medicated. So two years later when I tried to stop taking the drugs it was like I was hit with a wave of grief and sadness, even my ex gf who had cheated on my two years ago was suddenly an upsetting revelation as soon as I went off meds. Eventually it simply becomes more cost effective to spend 20 bucks on heroin than to spend 100 bucks on percocet for the same level of strength so then you switch to heroin. Eventually I realised it was unsustainable so as soon as I graduated I didn't look for a job, I didn't spend any time with friends, I just booked an airbnb for *3* months and went through withdrawal followed by intense depression which continued for another year before total recovery.

>> No.20578167

You don't start with heroine. You start with other stuff. The strong ones stay with that, the weak go further. Environment and friends are a huge factor. If you feel you are going nowhere. Move, pick your new friends carefully.

>> No.20578178
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Opiate addiction is like a debt, barring some degenerate homeless people you don't take it to get crazy high, you take small amounts here and there to get over every upsetting thing in your life and its like you have this superpower, but then when you want to quit you have to pay off ALL the debt you accrued in just a few weeks. Imagine condensing every bad sensation, every cold, every piece of bad news, every insecurity into 3 weeks. This is why opiates are so devastating, they are biochemical loan sharks. And while I now take full responsibility for my bad decisions, informed consent is ethically very important and the pharma industry (see Sackler family) are violating the ethical duty they have to young people who don't understand biochemistry in slinging these 'meds' left and right.
Anyways my life is pretty sweet now and I don't touch any substances, not oven OTC painkillers.

>> No.20578208

Something to do with pain. Heroine takes away the pain. Probably starts with over the counter pain pills.

>> No.20578217

>Tylenol 3
>Tylenol 3 CWE
>street oxy
>IV street oxy
>IV heroin
>IV heroin + speed
>methadone + IV speed
>IV Methadone + speed + xanax + vodka + 16 hours per day on 4chan and redtube
>water, exercise, meditation, plant based diet, traditional marriage, early nights

>> No.20578282

Thanks for sharing. Interesting

>> No.20578312

genuinely glad that you made it out safely anon

>> No.20578406

My wife has emotionally unstable personality disorder so I kinda wanna die soemtimes. Sometimes I drink myself to death just to try to get away, heroine would be much safer at this point. Women hysteria is real, just called eupd

>> No.20578425

I'm addicted to caffeine. It's pretty easy to get hooked on something.

>> No.20578441

Funnily enough this only applies to rats that are enclosed. Wild rats don't get addicted to cocaine

>> No.20578444

Probably the same reason we can't leave 4chan and come back to shitpost when our dopamine starts running low...
To get their next dose of hopium.
But each time the effect gets weaker and they need something stronger.

>> No.20578462

Because they have meaningful lives

>> No.20578502

You are a strong one anon. You realized and did it yourself.

>> No.20578510

>How do people even end up addicted to hard drugs in the first place?
It's the forbidden fruit.
They hear rumors about how it's awesome. It's also illegal and makes them seem cool if they do it. Sure they also hear some shit about how it destroys lives but they don't think it will happen to them.
The same people trying heroin are pretty much the same kids who smoked cigarettes outside elementary school when they were 10. Just absolute idiots trying to be badasses.

>> No.20578511

Been given morphine in the hospital once. Instantly in seventh heaven.

If heroin is even stronger than what I had in the hospital, I'm not surprised people giving up their homes, job and families for that.

It's just that good.

> Dont do heroin kids

>> No.20578581


>> No.20578604

I have everything and wanted more. People with nothing and people with everything are heroin junkies.

>> No.20578641

Can't you just leave her? You only get one life.

>> No.20578683

I dunno dude, but meth is a hell of a drug. I get so much fucking shit done in 8 hours, compared to what? 10 cups of shitty coffee? Nah, meth all the way. HYPOTHETICALLY I mean... I hypothetically just drink a fuck ton of water thought. Hypothetically

>> No.20578770

I don't think I know anyone who's even dabbled with anything harder than alcohol and weed. But then again, I don't know many people nowadays.
I'm also a left-coaster - do you have to get closer to Rust Belt territory to really see the heroin epidemic for yourself?

>> No.20579065

For me it was cocaine and xanax that I ended up getting addicted to even though I tried every type of pill, powder, herb or fungus I could get my hands on. Both addictions stemmed from the easy access from dnms and the high demand in my social circles (college). I started filling that demand and moving weight but I forgot my crack commandments and got high on my own supply. The thing about selling blow is that you not only feel like a god, but people treat you like one too - girls will suck your dick just for a couple lines. Then I started pushing xans because they had a crazy profit margin, over 800%, didnt even like the feeling of them but kept taking them like a retard and got became physically dependent on them. the thing about xans is the withdrawal will actually kill you unlike other drugs, so quitting is actually dangerous (whereas quitting heroin is just simulated pain, you won't actually die if you stay hydrated). Managed to quit the xans after they gave me 3 seizures due to withdrawals. Then managed to quit coke a few months later after peaking in the local party scene, graduate college and get a good job. Shit will fuck your life up if you let it, I am convinced that some drugs are demons incarnate.

>> No.20579352

Did you come up with all that? If you did cool but if you didn't can you give me further reading?

>> No.20579371

Leaving your wife is always degenerate. But so is being accepting of her shitty behaviors.

>> No.20579387

Very true. Now understand that the federal reserve has been shooting up heroine for the last 100 years and they are now close to overdose

>> No.20579532
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feels good man

>> No.20579707

Personal experience, a very basic understanding of biochemistry, and talking to other recovered addicts. They all agreed that quitting felt like sending them back in time to all the bad shit when they started.

>> No.20579930
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There are two types of addicts. The first is just an arrogant, hedonistic, reckless asshole who niavely thinks that he is totally in control, and because of that he can do heroin and get away with it. The second is a person who is profoundly broken, tried antidepressants, medication, etc. but never found peace in any of it. They get to the end of their rope, and start looking for answers in dangerous places, and then they find drugs like heroin, that at least make the pain go away in the moment. And when a burden of that much emotional pain and suffering is lifted, it feels more euphoric than with the drug alone. They think they've found their answer now, and they wanted to die anyway, so they follow the path until they end up in a place where it was far worse than where they were to begin with. The second person has a shot at recovery, because once they know truth and dispell the falsities and evils that led them here, they will usually give up the drug with some issues but nothing major. The first type is gone for life, because their arrogance, recklessness, and hedonism ties them to the drug.

>> No.20580002

I think you mean method of action

>> No.20580050

exactly, expression is a godsend. One of the biggest and most dangerous psychic constructions of all time is that men shouldn't cry, or that women shouldn't experience anger, etc. That we shouldn't fully feel and express our feelings (when we can and in an appropriate way and setting) because it doesn't fit with the ego we are supposed to espouse is the reason for a majority of the psychological problems the society faces today

>> No.20580059

>Business and finance

>> No.20580072

ain't that just the way

>> No.20580100

Depression, suffering, horrible abusive childhood, mental illness = feeling hopeless, not caring if you live or die = willing to inject shitty street drugs into your veins without hesitation

Other people get hooked on medication until their life turns to shit, ruin relationships, depression, desperate for the high, so they give heroin a try, just this one time...

>> No.20580117

I've done some work at drug clinics and the most dangerous drugs are the ones people can function on - heroin for example isn't like an otherwordly coom where you lie blasted into space for hours, those on it still go about their day but just way calmer and happier. So they keep taking it, taking more and more and neglecting more and more.

>> No.20580153

Because they have autonomy. Kaczynski wrote heavily about this

>> No.20580206

I’m gonna try this with my weed addiction. Might stretch it to like one month binge and three to four months off.

>> No.20580273
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>> No.20580440

I only consoom coke, in the past I lived in a different country where coke was very expensive but speed and meth were fairly inexpensive and took them every weekend. For me the reason was financial, it's cheaper to do drugs than drink, and also the fact I was working and studying so hard I was too tired to see my friends without drugs. I'm not very social either so I like how they make me more social and have been very helpful with getting laid and making friends. I also can't bear hangovers so I rather take drugs.

>> No.20580484

Why not just stay in lmao. I can imagine doing meth to have the energy to work but taking it to be willing to go out seems unappealing.

>> No.20580769

decent post