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2057313 No.2057313 [Reply] [Original]

What cryptocurrency would you go balls-to-the-wall and dump EVERYTHING into in order to become a millionaire in one year or less?

>> No.2057316
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>> No.2057317

Hands down.

>> No.2057318


>> No.2057323

XBY duh

>> No.2057331
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Golem (GNT)

>> No.2057346

Whats so good about burst? I keep hearing it coms up, i already bought into dgb and xrp is it worth expanding it to burst as well?

>> No.2057355

GNT for sure

>> No.2057359


I guess by circulation and market cap it's either this or strat. Right now I'm holding both so I'm a fucking shill so don't listen to me.

>> No.2057360

Ethereum obviously

>> No.2057364


>> No.2057373


ah yes the one retard that bought a useless coin at ATH

>> No.2057377

You can't get x100-1000 on the popular (top 100) coins because most of them already have big capitalization

>> No.2057381

Yes it is worth. Burst is steady growing and is unique in different ways. For example it's the first coin, you can mine with your HDD or the decentralized asset exchange on the blockchain!
It has a great community, if you want, you can check it out on burstnation.com.
Anyways, I think the coin will not go under 190 sats anymore. And even if it does, it would jump up quickly in the next few days.

>> No.2057401

Not to mention Burst Radio had Adam guerbuez over for a chat and it seems he's enthusiastic about it. Need I remind anyone Adam is among the biggest names in crypto? I've been eyeballing it for a couple months now and am already invested.

>> No.2057408


You're a pajeet aren't you? Your syntax and rhetor gives it away.

Anyway any PoW coin that isn't top 10 won't succeed anymore, expecially because having large local disk space is going to be a relic of the past. BURST may have been a good idea 10 years ago but not now. Sorry Mr. Jharawaterjee, come again!

>> No.2057417

Nexus, is the only answer for non brainlets

Everything else is shill advice, it's a tech goldmine and is seriously undervalued at the moment

>> No.2057431
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Thank me when you have a lambo

>> No.2057436

Lol. As HDDs are getting cheaper, Burst is more worth to mine. If burst isn't successful, why does the price climb up so good?

>> No.2057448

MikeEMars drppped a tweet where he found golem in coinbase source code. This is not a drill.

>> No.2057450


If you want to commit financial suicide, you can always upgrade to just buying a gun and blowing your brains out. You'll lose all of your money EVEN FASTER than you can lose it with meme money.

>> No.2057475

VLT, as the supply is insanely low. A little volume and the price will explode. Technology will easily make it a top 3-4 coin.

>> No.2057480

LTC is in a dip right now

Go balls deep

>> No.2057484


Almost every coin is going up for the past few months you retard

>> No.2057490


God I've been holding onto this shit for weeks with no gains in sight. It just serves as a "do not buy" remimder/marker on my polo account now

>> No.2057504


I've been thinking about moving golem into a much bigger spot in my portfolio.... might be what I need

>> No.2057509


The trend for burst started September last year...

>> No.2057513

It might take a decade, but it's going to grow.

Bitcoin was cheap once upon a time, the charts look very very healthy for a young coin

>> No.2057519

>stacks of cash and not horrible looking
>still can't land more than a 4/10 minority
damn he must have a micropenis or something

>> No.2057521

According to this image Brass Golem is due sometime tomorrow. Know any place I can get updates for this?

>> No.2057523

>Bitcoin was cheap once upon a time, the charts look very very healthy for a young coin

>> No.2057524
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>> No.2057526

can you say something more about it? it looks interesting

>> No.2057623

which doubled in price in 1 day - nice to be a rich retard

>> No.2057658 [DELETED] 
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FlorinCoin which stores information for the Decentralized Library of Alexandria
alexandria dot io

Also, its competitor, LBRY is valued at 20x more, even though Florin (Alexandria) is older and more mature and does not need a new protocol, as it runs on http and feeds data from IPFS.

Lbry needs a customized browser that supports the lbry protocol or an extension

>> No.2057671

Me too, GNT seems to have been struggling a suspicious amount in the past week, I think we're looking at the start of something really special here.

>> No.2057680


>> No.2057711

Any time anything pertaining to short-term profit is posted here, it's the tail end of a pump/dump and it's already too late.

>> No.2057750
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All in DGB. Its going to be mineable in minecraft at the beginning of june. Its only matter of time before the digibyte team makes some more oit of nowhere gamining deals, and becomes a household name for /v/tards.

And i bet you all y money, we are going to see DGB rise along with these soon to be huge chinese gaming companies.

>> No.2057757

We should shill this on /v/

>> No.2057817

Current millionaire here. Bitcoin is probably the best bet at this point. Once segwit comes through, or even signaling for it, we're going to see meme prices become a reality

>> No.2057845

Segwit is out and nothing changed

>> No.2057853



>> No.2057888

Segwit hasn't been adopted network-wide. Some miners are still blocking adoption to abuse the 20% mining boost exploit. With all that going on Bitcoin is still at an ATH

>> No.2057908

XRP is the only real answer. To get a million with LTC, ETH or BTC you would need a serious amount of investment money already. Even if LTC goes up 10x in value you would still need to invest a whole fucking lot.

>> No.2057930

>Even if LTC goes up 10x in value you would still need to invest a whole fucking lot.
$100k isn't that much when it comes to investing..

>> No.2058118

Maybe DGB? Safest coin with best potential imo

>> No.2058136

its entirely relative. what a fucking brainlet lol.

>> No.2058202

I want to invest $100k in CCs but my hand is too shaky. Don't know how if I could handle my portfolio taking a $30,000 hit in a day.

>> No.2058212

Poorfag detected. Obviously if someone is realistically looking to make a 7 figure sum, solely from a single crpyto-currency investment, they already have a substantial amount of capital to put in

>> No.2058239

One that doesn't cost like a million satoshi per coin already, so it could pull a PIVX

>> No.2058288


>> No.2058343

WoW Doge

>> No.2058369


Siacoin, holy fuck the amount of lambos I would buy

>> No.2058381
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>bitcoin keys are 256bit, nexus keys are 571bit, over 2 times as secure
shitcoin detected

>> No.2058426
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>Once segwit comes through, or even signaling for it, we're going to see meme prices become a reality

Literally will never happen

Not only does Segwit need 95% consensus, but it opens the door to much lower transaction fees, which is not in the interests of the mining cartels that control most of the hashrate

Bitcoin is only going to get slower and more expensive to use, bitcoin is dying, these are the facts

>> No.2058430

POSW looks promising, bought some a few days ago and I'm hodling

Other ones are I'd say golem, ripple, digibyte and possibly tezos

>> No.2058755


>> No.2059106




>> No.2059118

GNT follows ETH. If ETH struggles so does golem. I believe that of you have a position in ETH you need one in golem. When eth pumps golem pumps little farther.

>> No.2060345


Possibly a short term increase of currencies such as NXT, running on decentralized exchanges, when Poloniex goxxes us all.

>> No.2060380

Burst is trash.

>> No.2060644

How much capital do you have?

>> No.2061080

And Burst moons to from 200 stats to 300 sats.

>> No.2061083

RLC hands down. One of the best fundamentals in the crypto world.

>> No.2061099

Xby and DGB are good to get into now as they are cheap as shit and promising.

>> No.2061114
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see pic and get in at your own discretion.

>> No.2061161

If you think DGB is cheap, wait till you hear about the coin it copied— Myriad— has 600k market cap and no premine/instamine, vs. DGB, 15m market cap, and up to 20% instamine.

>> No.2061178


This is your golden ticket right here for anyone interested.

>> No.2061238

>the armenian genocide happened for this

>> No.2061249

lmao when the Turks failed and made it worse

Thanks faggot attaturk.

t. roach

>> No.2061260


>Give blowjobs on the street corner for $1/Dick
>1 million blowjobs in a year

Don't worry OP I have faith in you, I know you have all the right skills to make this succeed.

>> No.2061265

XRP is the third, a close and for a moment was the second, priciest coin on the market.

>> No.2061277

I agree with this, sort of like taking internet coin as well as google coin

>> No.2062253

idk if this is the right thread to ask but where can i read some good predictions as to the future of crypto? I'm optimistic but want to read some convincing arguments but all i can find is clickbate and 'muh moon mission'

Im talking long term prospects

>> No.2062288
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>buy 1 million POSW
>wait for POSW to hit $1 in the next couple of months
Not that hard.

>> No.2062312

I would put e.g. 1000$ in XBC (Bitcoin Plus), because if this takes off, there is no upper limit and you could live off the 20% staking/interest. Cointelegraph article will be published soon...

>> No.2062380

At 1$ a dick, that's 2,740 dicks a day, 114 dicks an hour, or 1 dick every 30 seconds. You'd have to be some sort of blowjob king who doesn't have to deal with bodily functions to do that.

>> No.2062394
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Pull up the top 200 crypto currencies and start reading, NXS looks promising for long-term

>> No.2062397

It got delayed to june

>> No.2062487

Oy that's not a great sign

>> No.2062686

Burst at 350 sats right now. Kek

>> No.2062698

XBY is the highest risk highest reward coin with potential at this moment in time... No doubt!

>> No.2062732


Only 4 sats

Next pump and you'll be set for a full year if you put $20 down now

>> No.2062774

What about XRP ?

>> No.2062813

It is only a community project to make DGB mineable per block in Minecraft.

This mod may be available for everyone to integrate in their servers (or microsoft jumps in)

Either way, YES after Digisign is released DGB will moon.
Buy now and wait 2-3 months.

Haha salty myriad dev detected.
git gud fgt

>> No.2062840

Just put 1k USD into digibyte feelsgoodman

>> No.2062853
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Doesn't matter how much money this manlet makes, he'll never have access to the truly top tier women of a 6+ ft. man.

>> No.2062862
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Buy low and sell when it hits 30 or 40 dollar cents.
Don't go all in. you just buy for 1 or 2 grand and let it run for a year. enjoy the rest of your money, buy some treasuries from it. That's how I would have done it.

>> No.2062928

Cryptos are fun but they are no guarantee. If you want to be a guaranteed millionaire just make some smart real estate investment. Save up like 8k-10k capital and take out a hard money loan or something along those lines for house that is in a nice neighborhood but just needs renovation. Now is probably the best time to get started in things like that. Only hard part is organizing all the trades and workers to come out and do the work on the house. Other than that you can just sit on your ass and make some phonecalls to your realtor and shit. You do that a couple times then you can take out bigger loans and better loans so you can make more profit on the houses. Do that alongside making some smart investments into long term ETFs so you can make bank off of dividends. After a while you will be able to buy entire condo complexes and from there you are making steady income from rentals and huge lump sums from house renovation. Its a simple concept really, you don't need to go to one of those stupid ass conventions that "teach" you how to "fix n flip".

>> No.2062935


>> No.2062942


>> No.2062964


no one knows for sure which coins or stocks are going to go up that much, but anyone not buying bitcoin is making a mistake

>> No.2063031

Renting out houses is literally the way to die from heart attacks in most countries.
Legal issues, renters being 100% assholes to it not being their property, ...

Jesus fuck, people in my family do it and I DO NOT WANT TO BE THEM.

Honestly. if you have money to be in houses: Sell em, get into a private banking thing and live off of the interest rate.

>> No.2063224

He's not that good looking without his beard and that girl would be way out of his league if not for the money.

>> No.2063333

Definitely Siacoin

>> No.2063361

POSW. That's what I'm going with anyway; I have $10k in it.

>> No.2064220

Truth. Do NOT get into housing unless you're American or Australian. It's not worth the headache.

>> No.2064271

XBY definitely but for strong hands only.

>> No.2064364

Thanks for the advice.

>> No.2064609


Or any coin on Cryptopia.

>> No.2064633

The dev just released some fake bad news to make the price dump massively. After accumulating coins he is going to retract his statement somewhat causing the price to bounce back.

This is very easy money, at least 40% by tomorrow.

>> No.2064659
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>buy buy buy!
>scam dev
>scam coins
>buy buy buy!


>> No.2064668

Obviously don't hold for the long term.

Buy, it bounces back up 40%, sell.

>> No.2064819


>> No.2065620

GNT and LUN. Screencap this.

>> No.2065626

Well for 10,000x returns yeah dev coins