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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20570447 No.20570447 [Reply] [Original]

Rebase is in 45 minutes. Dump your stack sizes and how much it increases after rebasing.

Also whats the action? We fudding this so more bizbros can accumulate or is time to shill to redditfags?

We can't let this shit dip to $1. That would be a mission failure for the AMPLEFORCES.

>> No.20570520

18.5k Amplechad here and looking to get up to 21-22k after tonight’s rebase. Very comfy anon. This is already exploding so we need to lay low for awhile I think, we don’t need this to blow up too fast. The more days with 10-20% rebases the better

>> No.20570550

a 430k usd sale moved the price 15 cents and you think fudding on biz is gonna do something? c'mon dude

>> No.20570605

no fudding everywhere

>> No.20570613

Fud max force. At this point buy pressure is insane and 15% rebase is the sweet spot.

>> No.20570664

someone is already trying to keep it down by dumping 100k stacks at a time everytime it gets near 3$. dude has about 900k AMPL left and he sold 550k in the last 2 days alone. 2 batches of 100k yday, one today, 150k more a couple mins ago.

>> No.20570707

Yeah I've been watching that, it's actually retarded.

>> No.20570730

I mean apparently he's a buyer from more than a year ago checking other wallets and might as well be cashing out but we've been seeing a little fuckery - not that I complain, keeping it under $3 is way better for everyone long term

>> No.20570770

>would have had a 18.5k stack if I didn't sell it all last week
oh well I guess 5.3k is better than nothing

>> No.20570934

sounds like he's almost gone then.

>> No.20570952

he'll get another 130kish from tonight rebase on the 950k wallet but if he has to sell 350k a day to keep it down, yeah, won't be long

>> No.20571086

The slaying of bear whale pt 2? If you guys are oldfags you might get the reference

>> No.20571105

Stop talking about Ampleforth pleaaaaaase

9 min bro’s, get strapped in

>> No.20571127

Should I convert some eth to ampl before the rebase?

>> No.20571146

You minnows need to understand whales have to take profits. Like fuck wont you faggots if you suddenly find your stack has 50x and you have 1 million bucks, of course you will. Just lets them do it in peace, they earned the right by buying very early and holding.

>> No.20571155



>> No.20571192

I'm actually happy he is. we'd be over 4 again otherwise. Dude has indeed like 3m in AMPL and fuck me if I wouldn't take profit there.

>> No.20571210

>someone is already trying to keep it down by dumping 100k stacks at a time everytime it gets near 3$
he's doing us a favor. This is a perfect price range to maintain rebases while not sending retards into hyper fomo mode already.

>> No.20571211


>> No.20571290

Sharks learned to game the system. They sell the pre rebase top and buy back later.

>> No.20571322

>whales are selling
tbqh it would be funny if he just dumped his whole bag on uniswap
wouldn't it kill the liquidity pool?

>> No.20571390

nope. that's 3m usd give or take, and uniswap pool is about 28m right now

>> No.20571400

568 - > 1612.97
663 - > 1856.40

>> No.20571577

almost 10 k wallets. wasnt it like 7k yesteday??

>> No.20571598

approx. 17% rebase peeps.

>> No.20571606

wow just made 1k off 5k investment wtf thats like 20% per day

>> No.20571616

7600 yesterday yeah.

>> No.20571638
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>> No.20571666

27 -> 32 AMPL

>> No.20571671

This is insane. How the fuck am i making so much money doing nothing? This cant possibly last forever. When will the bubble pop?

>> No.20571724

until the price don't stabilize at $1, it will keep going

>> No.20571733


>> No.20571780

It does this after every rebase. It will slowly go back up over the next 10-15 hours and then right before the rebase it will probably go up to $3 again. I honestly prefer this crabbing action between $2.5-$3 and getting 15-20% rebases every goddamn day.

>> No.20571971

Stack was 27000 before rebase, over 31000 now.

Finally feels like I might make it

>> No.20572036

You will

>> No.20572047

sure bud, cope

>> No.20572101

Do you think 21k ampl/214 eth in the beehive is enough to buy a an electric dirtbike and a small property in new Hampshire with a small pond on it within a couple years? I have an idea for dirtbike fishing that I think may "catch on"

>> No.20572151

Lol I know, I’m not actually worried

>> No.20572205

암호화폐 AMPLAmpleforth - AMPL
1,950,531 AMPL (5,312,247 USD)
14분전 (2020.07.22 11:27 (UTC+9))

you should be worried

>> No.20572425

Fake news

>> No.20572499

Just dumped another token for this. If it doesn't pan out I will be sad at you guys

>> No.20572693

>He's actually worried

>> No.20572878

Why you worried? Buy in now before Joey Krug, founder of Augur, and partner at Pantera (investors in ampl) talks about AMPL on Ryan Sean Adam's podcast for the whole of the eth economy to hear: https://twitter.com/RyanSAdams/status/1285572144009809923?s=19