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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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2056758 No.2056758 [Reply] [Original]

Missed the ETH train again. Is it time to get in before the shuttle takes off, or is another dump expected?

>> No.2056768

Just buy and fucking hold, you faggots have been saying this shit since $10

>> No.2056789

Please no bully. Just heard that major changes will be happening to Ethereum this month and I don't really want to drop my monry into ETH, now that it has regained traction, because I'm afraid of whales dumping ETH soon to buy it back asscheap before the mooning.

>> No.2056855

buy it faggot

>> No.2056868

Yeah buy and HODL

>> No.2056874
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>he didn't buy the dip for the 69th time
>he actually thought it was crashing

>> No.2056880
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>eth hits ath
>ask if it's too late to buy
>buy eth at ath
>eth price slumps and corrects
>start to rage and complain that you listened to biz
>sell all your eth at loss
>eth starts to rise again

literally every time

>> No.2056890

Weak hands deserve this

>> No.2056911
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this a million times.
1. buy and hold 'til your knuckles are white and you've gained.
3.buy again when it dips below what you sold for.
4.rinse and repeat.

>> No.2056921

thank you for your contribution

>> No.2056927

then you finally decide not to sell, and ETH dumps back to 10 usd

>> No.2056933

if you missed the ETH train, you're still on time to jump on the golem GNT train before it gets added on coinbase and it's upgraded to the brass release. better you move your ass quickly OP

>> No.2057163

I didn' think it was crashing, in fact I was waiting for my fiat to arrive at the exchange, which took THREE FUCKING DAYS REEEEEE

>> No.2057190

>holding these redard's hands

stop trying to help and just make money off them

>> No.2057199
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you're right. from now on i'm full on rothschild mode.

>> No.2057266

before you become the Jew mind giving me your two cents on buying LTC before segwit starts?

>> No.2057272

You would be a fool not to buy at sub 5
It may not be the absolute bottom. Fuck it, put an order in to 0.048
It's been left untouched in the middle of the XRP, LTC, STR meme hype.

ETH is, and has always been a money maker

>> No.2057426

i think we're seeing most of the segwit spike right now. it'll take a tsunami of normie tier idiots to drive it over $40.

>> No.2057458
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Bullshit aside, where can I get a primer on the basic skillset for serious trading and not just bagholding faggotry 101. I get that 99% of posts here are shilling and I'm just looking for honest advice for a basic foundation on cryptos.