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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2056459 No.2056459 [Reply] [Original]

Why is anyone selling LTC right now? 7 hours from SegWit and people are getting rid of them now?? What's wrong with you

>> No.2056475

>buy the rumor, sell the news

You lack the most basic understanding of trading. Markets move in EXPECTATION of news. Everyone knows what's going on, hence all the upward movement and manipulation the last couple weeks. Anyone buying now is going to get dumped on in the short-term.

>> No.2056486

It's baked in. LTC existed almsot as long as BTC, it never catch on. It's like a boring, ugly sister that no one cares to talk to.

>> No.2056491

Retards like you two are exactly the reason it's going to 100 a coin and you'll buy back the top at 200, then it'll dump.

>> No.2056495

Nope, been LTH holder since $15. Not buying more, it's trash.

>> No.2056497

you know how people were calling it "priced in" at $30? well, it actually is now.

>> No.2056499

This. Chances are it's going to fall below $30 in the next 12 hours as people cash out. But it's only going to be a short term fall. It will recover and continue on an upward trajectory. I'm holding 11 and I don't plan on selling it.

>boring ugly sister
Objectively speaking it's a superior coin with a lot more potential and not held hostage by the chinks. Bitcoin is the most boring crypto in existence: it's a currency that will never do anything more meaningful than be a token of trade.

>> No.2056503

it might be the one coin outside of bitcoin that actually does what it says it is for.

>> No.2056504

Agreed, idiots don't look at the big picture they only care about chump change

>> No.2056542
File: 30 KB, 1479x83, shit coin profits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, i use a real coin and shave profits off dumbshit bag holders who shit the bed and panic sell. Guys like you. It's all your hyped up shitcoin is good for.

pic related from yesterdays shitfest. i actually closed this @ 0.0209 for a 3.5btc profit. keep holding and get dumped on. I'll be back when it's in the gutter again.

>> No.2057177

where you at now bagholder? Awfully quiet in here all of a sudden.

>> No.2057188

>its mooning again

thank fuck I didn't panic sell

>> No.2057194

> muh trades
lol gtfo, bag holders are future lambo drivers while you daytraders will still live in basements

>> No.2057208

>bag holders are future lambo drivers

>DEFINITION of 'Bag Holder': An informal investment term used to describe an investor who holds a position in a stock which decreases in value until it is worthless.

>bag holder
>future lambo driver

/biz/ in a nutshell

>> No.2057250

lmao pleb quit talking and buy some LTC

>> No.2057251

Where are my LTC shills?

>> No.2057256

I bought LTC. I bought at 0.0159, sold at 0.0209 and moved on from your shitcoin. Thanks for the BTC though.

>> No.2057261
File: 167 KB, 504x375, e72.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can i get the basic gestalt on why LTC superior to BTC

>> No.2057267

>look at muhh trade
lol nervous traderboi, segwit will moon this coin even more

>> No.2057284

Show your holdings.

You have none.

>> No.2057382


fucking google it retard

>> No.2057463

You're still holding right?

>> No.2057506

Im holding this coin since I bought it for 3,7 a coin, ofc Im gonna hold lmao, this little dip is nothing

>> No.2057825

that quick dip to 32 then 4.5 dollar jump $$$$$$

>> No.2057860

>Why is anyone selling LTC right now? 7 hours from SegWit and people are getting rid of them now?? What's wrong with you

I think the fake anticipation is killing the price. Whats the reason for the suspense? Its been known to be happening for weeks now. I sold everything two days ago.

The news is stale as fuck. Segwit could completely collapse if something goes wrong. Panic sales are going to clear the market and then, I dunno stabilize somewhere and LTC will continue in its mission in giving everyone hope that someone somewhere will buy a coffee with it

>> No.2057867
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>when you realize that you are the bagholder

>> No.2058049

exactly why I dumped early today. when it dips i'm gonna scoop some back up.

>> No.2058076

Serious question: How does anyone make money off crypto? Every one of these threads is holding, moving coin to coin... I nevet hear about people cashing out.

>> No.2058095

idk someone just put a $40k buy order on bittrex at 19

>> No.2058113

>cashing out

you shouldn't be playing this game if you're not in it for the long haul...

plus if you're not American there is no point. CAD is going down. Trying to get my savings out of CAD and into coins.

>> No.2058121

crypto is money you shithead
most people arent retarded enough to talk about cashing out money for upkeep/maintenence from their profits.

>> No.2058363

Oh, really? Thank goodness, I can pay my car payment with the XMR I have lying around.

>> No.2059902

>Muh moon

Where'd all the shills go?

>> No.2060003

>he thinks it's going to skyrocket from $30 to $50 in one night

it's not ripple or some other pump and dump shitcoin