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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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20564467 No.20564467 [Reply] [Original]

MCDex climbed to 20th on Defipulse in 2 weeks


Only 1m cap

This is the most undervalued DeFi project there is

This is going to be the biggest DeFi project very soon

Don’t cry we didn’t warn you

Once this gains traction it will be unstoppable

50x at least

>> No.20565171

This is by far my comfiest hold, shits fucking undervalued af

>> No.20565219


its #3 on https://defipulse.com in derivatives

>> No.20565241

how do i buy?

>> No.20565414

I used uniswap.
I bought 1000 last night from selling some link (still have about 40k there)
. Should I get more? It’s already doubled

>> No.20565699
File: 72 KB, 600x436, 2014_10_09TB109sm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

op says its going to pull a comp
to be fair it actually basically is pulling a comp right now
i just bought more
thanks anons

>> No.20565838

Circulating Supply
214,744 / 50,172,251

fucking pass

>> No.20565949

Yeah whats up with the supply?

>> No.20566105
File: 294 KB, 1125x2188, D5404F7E-6DB0-4939-BCA1-3A5F983F8EBB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought OPs image would’ve helped engagement. Oh well, we’ll be getting some notoriety tomorrow

>> No.20566131

Pretty fucked lol. It probably has a pump in before a slow bleed though

>> No.20566575

Low supply but very slow inflation.

>> No.20566578

This month alone there will be 400K+ new tokens added into circulation.

>> No.20566766

Why is it mooning so violently? I want to buy but don't want to buy a top.

>> No.20566817

What makes it so special vs all the other dex out there?

>> No.20566908


3 weeks old, already climbed to #20 on DeFi pulse and #3 in locked derivatives value.

>> No.20567011

Oooooo fuck yeh baby

>> No.20567015

Not sure... supposed to be a Decentralized perpetuals platform, but it is run by a chinese company. You trust them?

>> No.20567048

I bought the top and got instantly dumped on. Is it worth holding this?

>> No.20567056

Not saying it doesn't have potential but when number 1 is $400m+ and everything below is a few million, being number 3 isn't so special

>> No.20567124

You got pajeeted if you bought it
read the liquidity mining guide

fair value is well under a dollar

>> No.20567337

>fair value is well under a dollar
According to who? Any real answers?

>> No.20567362

I’m looking for $10-12 in the next few weeks or I’m out. But I got in at 2.60.
I think it’s worth it after watching everything else in DeFi moon while holding my main positions, finally took out a few percent of my stack to toy around with.

>> No.20567430

I sold at a loss because I fell for >>20567124 and got scared. Good luck, I got in way too high anyways.

>> No.20567486
File: 271 KB, 1982x1337, F3078274-DC55-4558-B4DA-894613457351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck. I just think it’s insanely undervalued compared to the rest of the field. For comparison:

>> No.20567758

per month, it is less than 350k MCB, but at this price thats only $2m but this is only $1m mc, so u worry about $3m mc? they already have over $4.5m assets on the platform, and by month, it could even go high as $20-30m

plus check mc of other hot defis, nowhere close to this, even close to $10m mc

>> No.20567817

today top is tomorrow bottom :)

>> No.20567844

Marketcap is fucking meaningless you retard look at the diluted cap

Quixote is literally mocking you fucking iidiots as he makes these threads.... you are literally buying a coin that you can still get for free right now

>> No.20567898

>07:57:12 No.20567048▶>>20567124 >>20567362
whats "fair" value of COMP? or BZRX which has less than $1m assets on the platform but over $40m mc?

>> No.20568058

>you can still get for free
u niggar can say the same thing for COMP too, which has fucking $500m mc and $1.6b diluted cap too

>> No.20568141

Yeah, but the difference is that I can't put in 1 ETH into COMP and earn a stack, whereas with MCDEX, I can.

You can literally earn like 50 MCB per week with 10 ETH. No one in their right mind would spend 1 ETH on this.

Comp is shit as well but I doubt you're a VC in that so you have to resort to pajeet tactics like this.

>> No.20568766

This is the biggest DeFi project since Meta

>> No.20568852

4.7m locked in in value and growing, while the marketcap is only 1.3m LOLOLOL easiest 10x ever

>> No.20570020

How do I do this?

>> No.20570259

this is so fucking easy bro, 1.5mcap still this is gonna get to 10mcap within days