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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2055838 No.2055838 [Reply] [Original]

Time to take a break from Crypto talk. Let’s discuss our ambitions, what are you working towards? Retirement? New BMW? High maintenance gf?

Personally, I’m working on eliminating all my debt right now. Once LTC eventually hits $53, I’ll have zero debt. From there I’ll be working towards building up a down payment for a modest condo. In my city, $300,000 dollars can get you one fit for a motherfucking king.

>> No.2055846

high maintenance gf? wtf is that shit

>> No.2055851

What city OP? 300k gets literally nothing in my city

>> No.2055855

are you from moon? can you tell me which coins will be there? can you see that from there?

>> No.2055863

I'm working towards our family breaking into
(and staying in) the 1% of AGI. My wife is a doctor, and I'm already making mid 6 figures, so it should be achievable within a couple years.

>> No.2055894

Des Moines

>> No.2055912
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A Porsche 911. Should be able to get a top tier bitch with one of these in my garage.

>> No.2056203
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Starting a meme food business in Las Vegas in the next few months. Looks like there is a lot of opportunity to replicate/mimic cali proven concepts and bring them to LV.

Not really sure how it'll all play out, but I'm going to get rich or die memeing.

Gonna take a bunch of cryptos as payment(btc, eth, & whatever memecoins), bot insta accounts, do whatever it takes so I can live alone in a giant mansion on the golf course and play golf every day.

Maybe even start twitch irl walking the las vegas strip at night for a few hours for some side income(i'm not sure if I can be entertaining enough)?

I don't know I'm starting to run out of ideas before I completely give up on life.

>> No.2056232

Interesting ideas anon, I wish you the best with your endeavors.
Good taste friend, the Cayman too I'm sure would be a great buy if you wanna save some $$$
Wow, not be a douchebag, but I'm not so sure you belong here.

>> No.2056267
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Started reading up on economics and business management because I decided to eventually take over my father's wholesale business.
Planning on moving to Aruba (where he lives) so that I can learn the business, I'll be an intern of sort, might also start studying at the university there, will have to discuss it with my father but he's stoked one of his kids wants to move back and work at his business.

It's a big step to take, I have been without a goal for years now but this plan gets me excited. I've thought about many career paths but this is the one that grips me, not to mention I have a massive advantage compared to others in this field.

If anyone has any reading tips or any other advice I'd be grateful.

>> No.2056288

no advice, but with that mindset you are all set and gonna be fine! Godspeed.
Im still stuck at the no goals phase

>> No.2056297

Condos are gay. Des Moines is a nice city, but why not just live in Ankeny or Altoona or something?

>> No.2056299

>tfw no high maintenance gf

>> No.2056357

>Condos are gay
I'm in my mid 20s and work and play vidya, I don't want to do anything else. I don't want to deal with bullshit house repairs and lawn maintenance and shit. Plus, my friend lives in one and the amount of young ladies that live in his same unit is crazy. Condos are fucking GOAT.

>> No.2056364
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>> No.2056392

every gf ever

>> No.2056886

Does /biz/ consider a house an investment? Because I am lucky in that I dont really need status symbols like nice cars, houses etc to be happy and I feel lonely in big ass houses. Almost none of my goals in life require money. Tfw I am greedy nonetheless.

>> No.2056938


>> No.2057221

To become the shitcoin king and be able to pump bitbeans whenever I can

>> No.2057245

>finish compsci degree
>pay off motherfucking student debt
and then
>start working in finance
>eventually start own fund
and eventually
>do whatever i want, when i want

>> No.2057262

>Does /biz/ consider a house an investment
maybe in 2009

>> No.2057643

I managed about 15 condo complexes for 5 years. Unless they are detached units, aka homes in a gated community of some sort, you don't want to buy a condo. And if you do, request their financials to make sure the HOA isn't broke and the renter population isn't rampant.

>> No.2057662


Current REI scene is wonky as hell in major metros like Los Angeles. Waiting for a correction before I consider buying one (and I can afford two right now, thanks to ETH)

>timing the market pleb kek

Considering I know more ppl than I can count on one hand who bought in 2007 and got totally fucked, I'd rather not lock myself into a buy at the moment.

>> No.2057673

300k gives you riches beyond beliefs in Croatia and Morocco

>> No.2057700

yes, but the women look like trannies

>> No.2057710


this. timing RE isnt too hard. maybe timing when to sell is..but timing when to buy isnt

right now is probably not the worst time to sell

if ur in canada u better be selling

>> No.2057759

And you could get shot/robbed any day of the week, no thanks.

>> No.2057812

actually they don't

that's the kind of shit that happens in Detroit and the likes

seriously memes aside, living in the 'ol US of A ain't as grand as you think, sure the middle class is better off than in places like Croatia, but with 300k you'd literally be able to live like a king for the next 5 years, probably even hire a bodyguard if you're that much of a pussy

>> No.2057826

>actually they don't
anyone can freely google it, they're hideous manjawed monstrosities. Yes you can cherry pick, but on average, Croatian women look exactly like the stereotype. Bunch of cavewomen.

>> No.2057907

Do you prefer Paraguay?

>> No.2057974

I have those same chairs in my kitchen lel. Anyway my main goal is to just complete some projects I can be happy with

>> No.2058007

Enjoy it, son.

>> No.2058017

Wtf? If you buy a house: 1) you don't have to rent, 2) you can make money as a landlord, and 3) Maybe prices will go up.

But even without 3), a home is still an investment.

>> No.2058026

potentially better than renting depending on circumstance
not necessarily an investment
get your head out of your ass

>> No.2058050

Get my own apartment
Start shooting VR Porn for cash on the side while finding people to start a real VR company with

>> No.2058063

My life plan for now at least is pretty simple

Finish my AA with some CompTia certificates,a cisco one and a language certificate for japanese.
Its so far proving to be easy as long as I stick with it.
Afterwards I want to join either the army or navy.

In the meantime Im hoping that my crypto turns into a nice 10 or 20 grand.
After I get out of the military Im gonna take a loan for a nice house as a rental property and after its payed off use my rent income plus my cyrpto to travel.

Thrn retire in montana and make pottery the rest of my life, hopefully before im 40.

If I ever go broke or need more income Ill have an IT background,for an easy job

>> No.2058103

I want to earn enough money to buy citizenship on an island in the Caribbean and sit in a lawn chair in the heat all day.

>> No.2058131

>potentially better than renting depending on circumstance
Sounds like an investment to me, dumbass.

Investment != guaranteed return. Did you never read a book or something?

>> No.2058151

>hurdur investment means anything better than the alternative
yeah let's just misuse words until they're devoid of all meaning

>> No.2058175

An investment is an asset or item that is purchased with the hope that it will generate income or will appreciate in the future.


>> No.2058184

You could literally be buying dog shit and if you are doing it in hopes that dog shit will generate value for you, it is an investment.

>> No.2058203

If you said in your opinion you don't think a house is a GOOD investment, that would be fine and may or may not be true.

But saying it is not an investment is just objectively wrong.

>> No.2058206
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Once Nexus(NXS) has grown into a superpower I'll probably buy a couple retirement properties and rent them out

Maybe buy a lovely headshop that I can convert into a coffee shop assuming cannabis was ever legalised in britbong land

Attempt to live life in NEET paradise

>> No.2058207

>the images on the first page of google represent accurately the looks of the average person (of any gender, and any country).

how delusional are you?

>> No.2058218

ok, pedants. I guess we'll just ignore context and implication for the sake of nitpicking at each other instead of having a meaningful conversation

I mean holy fuck are we here to talk about profit or are we here to compare epenis size and defend our ego using anonymous shitposts

i swear to god the average person here is mentally handicapped

>> No.2058221

I am working towards early retirement.

Currently making $65,000/year and investing $40,000 of it in U.S. and International stock and bond markets.

I plan on diversifying into some real estate to rent out for passive income by the time I retire, which should be around age 35 or 40.

>> No.2058230

>Oh shit, I was wrong.
>You are being pedantic.

>> No.2058258


>not putting your entire salary into memecoins

where the fuck do you think you are

>> No.2058322
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Yeah, that's the issue here. Maybe you should reread the comment chain from the beginning. You are not as smart as you seem to think you are. I'm done wasting my time on this heh

>> No.2058533

im working towards never having to leave the house again, probably also living somewhat remote and with low rent.

>> No.2058621
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>Why I want to be rich

>> No.2058645
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>Tell people I want to be rich so that I can get women
>But anon they'll be gold diggers and only like you for your money
>Implying they won't still have sec with me
>Implying I'll actually marry them and lose my shit or buy them super expensive stuff
>Top kek m8

Someone explain normie logic to me.

>> No.2058692


Retirement is ideal. This Bitcoin stuff worries me in the regard that it creates an entire society of working class individuals. But I'm not sure how much working each individual would have to do. I mean, it seems like we're all going to be kings and slaves at the same time.

>> No.2059066

They assumed you'd be mentally healthy and want a long term patterned to share your life with and raise children with

How foolish of them

>> No.2059073

You have no idea. I want to be the ultimate whore monger. Golem will take me there and lamboland as well.

>> No.2059146
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>A man wanting to have sex with lots of beautiful women is a mental illness
>Wanting to raise kids when we are in the literal end of times
>t. super bluepill normie

>> No.2059176

Working on my degree and on the preparations to start a biotech business. (marketing research, patents etc)

>> No.2059183


Retire and live comfortably as a shut-in

that's all I want

>> No.2059187

My goal is to make money through the classic way, i.e. not cryptos, so I can do 3 things:

-delicious women
-fancy hobbys like riding a BMW or a helicopter
-status and feeling of powerfulness

Comfort is something that I already have, I want to go further.

>> No.2059208

>retiring at 40 while starting with a 65k salary

>> No.2059226

Goal is to become one of the innovators and market leaders in my chosen field with positive impact on worldwide food sustainability.

>> No.2059238

I'd get a nice loft apartment and hipsterize it
Lift some major weights, get a boat
I'd learn to master cooking and woo 10s until the panties melt off.

>> No.2059458

I'd just like to get a comfy place of my own where I can just chill and be myself for once.

But more than anything i'm just finding this very. VERY fun.

It's so compelling.

>> No.2059469

>What are you working towards
House on an acre with a 3-car garage and/or an external shop I can house my projects in.

Also, early retirement, so I have more time to enjoy my projects.

I have $300k in investments now, would probably need close to $2M to feel comfortable retiring (saving $30k per year plus compounding, I figure I'll get there by 50).

>> No.2059501

Goals is to have a nice penthouse or super cool beach house in Pattaya Thailand because the US dollar is worth so much there.

>> No.2059507

my goal is to be so rich, that I can dress in a loincloth all the time and carry a greatsword around, and due to my high financial status, I can destroy my enemies and hear the lamentation of their women without going to jail.

>> No.2059522

You can do all but one of those things without being rich.

>> No.2059530

That's like $10B at least I think.

>> No.2059541

I have a pretty good social app idea, and I have been building it over the past few months (learning iOS development along the way.)

I used it for an IT independent study (my major) and I think I am going to continue working on it this summer. I start and actual job in NYC, but hoping that I can get the app out by End of August, early September.

>> No.2059549

Of course, I don't think I'd ever fully retire; I'd probably just drastically reduce working hours/stress, and work closer to home. Once I have my current house paid for, I'd easily be able to save up for a downpayment on my dream home, and at that point I could either decide to sell my current home, or maybe rent it out/pay a property manager to rent it as an income stream.

I currently make $100k in a low-stress job, and will likely continue to make at least this much for the forseeable future (great job security, great employer). I'll be done paying for the current house by the time I hit 40, so I can save for 3-5 years to get the down payment on the next house, buy that house, and live there while I earn income off the first home, offsetting at least some of my mortgage expense.

>> No.2059559

I would consider it better than renting at least. I want to stop renting as soon as I can, which will probably be 2-3 years.

Renting is LITERALLY money done the drain. With buying a place you have the possibility of it appreciating in value.

I guess you can do a TVM calculation to see if at a certain risk level you would actually lose more money buying than renting, however it is hard to gauge housing prices 3 to 5 years from now.

>> No.2059613

It's not so black and white. You get a place to live and the flexibility of moving versus owning a home.

Also if you aren't at peak earnings it would be foolish to tie yourself down when you can move jobs (especially in my field IT) for an easy 20% increase in earnings every few years.

>> No.2059847

I want to keep growing even in the face of total satisfaction

>> No.2059850

Because that's where satisfaction comes from anyway, so I guess there's no thing as total satisfaction since you can always be growing in an aspect in life
my testosterone wants me to keep winning

>> No.2060022

only want enough money to not work a 9-5 job, to put together a workshop, fund some personal projects (mostly building electronics, welding, wood working) and ideally my workshop could sit on the same 11.3 acre plot of land as my (future) house and a small farm (maybe a combination of chickens, solar power, goats?, timber, other?). I think I could get all this with 1 or two small businesses, RE, and a few securities investments, and a couple other assets.

>> No.2060136
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Dump my cum in bitches like these.
Like in 30 of them.

>> No.2060160
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Excuse me anon, this is a blue board, read the rules please

>> No.2060186
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sorry brah

>> No.2060223

What exactly are you finding very, VERY fun?

>> No.2060234
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I don't really know what I want to do for employment when I get there, but I know how i'll get there.

Its really just humble goals.

>nice apartment/condo downtown with ok view
>15-20k vehicle (something foreign, older)
>dream battlestation (x3 monitors or 40" with tv mounted above, insane rig with leds all matching)
>gf that will help pay bills
>a nice strong dog, something i can train to bark/attack on command
>at least one nice fully designer outfit

>> No.2061021

I just want a house on some remote stretch of land with enough internet to game and run a small business on. About 150k should do

>> No.2061043

Working with a friend on an ETH dapp but I feel like I might get Z U C C E D so I'm thinking about how I can prevent this

>> No.2061076

Too hard when you work a 9-5. I just wanna vape and watch seinfeld when i get home

>> No.2061213


this is why your ambitions are so mundane

>> No.2061742

Z U C C 'em first


>> No.2062180

I have $30,000 worth of BTC right now, so in a couple years it will be $300,000 and i could buy a nice condo

the problem is, im a NEET and I would rather drink bleach than work

I need at least 1 million to get passive income, just 1000 a month would do, then live on a condo in some cheap place with nice escorts like czech republic.

NEET lifestyle with prostitutes, thats my dream.

>> No.2062523

Dude, are you me?

Studying CS right now, working on apps. Doing internship over the summer, but hoping to get one of these things off the ground one day.

Hope to cash out enough 1) live comfortably 2) get into VC investing for big gainz

>> No.2062546
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i want to make enough passive income from my investments that i can just travel the world the rest of my life and shit post on 4chan.

this has been my goal the past couple years, and pretty much ive got the shit post on 4chan part down but not the traveling around the world part, or the making enough from passive income part

>> No.2062558

i told some guy this before he was like but they would only want you for the money, and i was like and i only want them for the sex

it made sense, we cheersed and drank the rest of the night.

>> No.2062561

Invest in real estate in India. You can become overnight trump

>> No.2062572


Wagecuck at a government job for 20 years while investing in crypto/stocks.

Retire in my early 40's, be able to support myself and a family for the rest of my life at an upper-middle class level with just a pension and investments.

>> No.2062573


Man I am jelly as fuck. Good luck anon, realizing how important family is to financial issues (when your family isn't made up of losers) came a bit too late in my life.

>> No.2062585

You're already there, bud. If by "mid-six figures" you mean between 400 and 600k, and your spouse is making about average for an MD, your household is already in the top 1% of households, as AGI for top 1% households is around 500k.

>> No.2062740

Yeah I'm grateful for the opportunity but it took me a while to take this decision, it's a big commitment and responsibility.
Almost fell for the college meme my mother wanted me to follow, happy I came to the realization that getting work experience at a place you can easily grow is much more important.