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File: 36 KB, 200x200, white-maeng-da-kratom-capsules.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20548580 No.20548580 [Reply] [Original]

Anybody else /addicted/ to kratom? I discovered this magic substance a few months ago and I have been on an off. Until about 2 months ago I have gotten addicted to White Maeng Da, I just absolutely love the energy it gives you without side effects like feeling jittery, sweating or any other tweaker side effects like harder drugs do to you. I also love the subtle feel good feeling it gives you while at the same time not been overwhelming.

This has helped me work long hours everyday without feeling overwhelmed or tired and it also helps with studying, now that classes are starting soon again.

Any other robots take kratom?

>> No.20548594

>without side effects

>> No.20548633

Used to dab everyday butane hash oil, thought I was addicted, but I replaced it with food and porn strictly. Now I fuck my gf daily so just food and cooming.

>> No.20548688

I bought maybe 50g a few years ago. It's really really nice but I'm too scared to use this kind of stuff for too long. You still get withdrawal effects from this shit if you take it regularly.

Banned now where I live so I don't even think about it anymore.

>> No.20548769

Your T-levels are probably in the shitter. That's what any opiate does to you, kratom included.

>> No.20548809

Banned? Where the shit did they ban kratom? If you limit yourself to a gram at a time without excessive frequency, you won’t catch a tolerance with a functional habit. The stuff is good to diet on, especially when your cutting calories and need to sleep through hunger.

>> No.20548828

True. Like with anything moderation is key.

>> No.20548854

Kratom is lit. Everytime I get a massive return, I drink some kratom and turn on some music and put a zyn in and bask in my greatness.

>> No.20548855

I take mdma a few hours before bed, get everything done because I go absolutely skitzo then burn out after a few hours and sleep like a baby

>> No.20548935

kratom works on opiate receptors, and you will have horrible fucking withdrawals. You're already in too deep now though to listen to sound advice, you'll just keep doing the stuff any way because you think its no big deal. But if you have a rational brain cell left in your head, stop using that shit, its a road to no where and only serves to help you avoid things you dont want to face

>> No.20548984

Green Malay reporting in

>> No.20549003

Ive been taking copius amounts of kratom, daily for a good while, the past few months and don't have withdrawls. Ever. Tbh.
Kratom is the trader/hodler's partician choice

>> No.20549026


>> No.20549055

yeah kratom is nice, especially during the beginning but being the degenerate that I am, I began taking it 2-3 times everyday for 1.5 years straight. you obviously become addicted with diminishing returns and some negative side effects like being easily agitated and isolating yourself socially (for me personally). quit CT, went through 4 days of withdrawal which wasn't nearly as bad as I expected and stopped for a couple of years. nowadays like 2 times a year I get myself a 100g bag, take it daily like I used to and then be done with it again as it reminds me of the negative effects. It's still awesome but not as good as the first 6 months of ever using kratom. enjoy while it lasts

>> No.20549091
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You're an absolutely retarded numbskull if you think you're going to keep getting away with it. It will either ruin your life outwardly, or it will insideiously and subtly wear away at the quality of it. Your pride before the fall. I would bet my entire portfolio you're under 27 years old

>> No.20549105

careful anon you get a month ban for discussing psychedelics around here.

>> No.20549119

Dude the first few months of kratom are soooo good. You feel on cloud 9 everytime.
I was able to milk this window a little further and you still can, using a higher percentage mitragynine extract, but they tend to be pricey.
In this area, I'd look at "King Kratom" which is a bulk sized extract, 4x I believe, at good price. Should do the trick.

>> No.20549152

I'm doing just fine.
What you mainly need to be aware of is possible constipation (I was constipated as fuck during my first month of experimentation, doesnt happen anymore) and possible liver damage linked to chronic use.

>> No.20549167

coming off of them I always go into a fit of rage.

>> No.20549168

I take it maybe once a week. Haven't used it for a while, though. Been suffering with depression.
I may take a low dose later.

>> No.20549192

Yes, I bet you are. Good luck Jr. My bitterness towards you is only out of sadness and pity for what lies waiting in it for you.

>> No.20549207
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>> No.20549212

Can you guys recommend a UK/EU site?
Should I get a sample pack? or is this one the best?

>> No.20549213

Kratom has a very long honeymoon period.
But it will mess with your liver enzymes.
Do not do it everyday and take longer breaks each month. Desu.
This should be a plan for any chemical including caffeine.

>> No.20549229

Since we're on the topic, does anyone like instant coffee as much as I do? For some reason a big scoop of instant coffee will get me so lit that I can see the future i.e. methanon's Overlord mode.
Energy drinks or regular coffee don"t do this.

>> No.20549243

I'm in the UK and got it from kratomsupply. I think that's the name, anyway..

>> No.20549250

I've been using it for over a decade, before they even sold it in headshops. As far as I knew, it was a 'healthy herbal tea' for relaxation and sleep aid. Had no idea it was going to be herbal morphine. So I've been an addict for that long.

Its not as bad as other drugs, its very maintainable but it is addictive and the withdrawals suck. From my experience, it causes low energy and hair loss. If you can quit now, quit.

>> No.20549252

Trader is an anagram for retard

>> No.20549304

For me it's Tianeptine

>> No.20549319
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kratje. eu
best to mee

>> No.20549331

Yeah. I got off Suboxone three or four years ago. Started taking it then.
I want to quit? But also I don't idk.

It's hard on my brain when I stop taking it. Not so bad on the body, but definitely not super addictive. I'm just a pussy who never got over my initial addiction I guess

>> No.20549350

Just looked it up and the possible side effects seem to sure outweigh the energy it gives you.
>muscle tremors, seizures, hallucinations

>> No.20549363

Some faggot on here suggested Ayuamma seeds or some shit like that to me in a kratom thread.
I bought some and crushed it up and mixed it in water.
Literally the worst tasting thing Ive ever had, I was crying and in pain just from the taste as I choked it down and it ran down my chin and neck, hoping it would be worth it.
I drank satans piss for nothing.
If that anon is reading this, kys.

>> No.20549378

Same. The mental drain is what keeps me doing it. When I'm not on it, life just doesn't seem worth living. I think they call it anhedonia. Also I work a physical job so the muscle soreness completely fucks me up. I'm stuck in something I call the wagie-addict cycle.

>can't take drugs?
>can't sleep
>can't sleep?
>can't go to work
>can't go to work?
>lose job
>lose job?
>take drugs

>> No.20549379

That's from chronic usage, anon. Way more than most people would ever take.

>> No.20549413

Fuck, I know this cycle too well. If I don't make it within the next ten years I'm killing myself with a huge drug binge.

>> No.20549418

Nah maybe Im just a genetically superior being but I dont get that. And I do massive chadtier scoops on the daily.
If you do TOO too much, which ive done multiple times, youll get dizzy and we call that the wobbles.
Your eyes will feel like theyre spinning around in your head like a broken clock.
But thats from taking either WAY too much or drinking alcohol with kratom.

>> No.20549422

Chronic usage probably starts out by people just taking copious amounts because it feels nice, and then gets up to the addiction level. Just seems like a path better not to go down. Maybe some of the "green" tea in moderation is fine.

>> No.20549436

I just keep it to once a week, if that at around 5 grams max.

>> No.20549456

How long do these wobbles and broken clock eyes last for?

>> No.20549473

Smokers should also avoid smoking for an hour or two after taking it. The nicotine plus the stimulants in the K will make you puke for sure.

>> No.20549477

I only use it for road trips

>> No.20549483

Until you puke. If you throw the stuff up, you'll sober up in a few minutes.

>> No.20549496

No stupid, you only use it intermittently, and never more than a gram in a sitting. Do that and you’re okay.

>> No.20549497

Sounds reasonable.

Interesting. So you can just purge the stuff out of you if you're having a bad time.

>> No.20549499

Also this. Kratom can cause nausea for a lot of people. If you eat some ginger chews or chew ginger root it goes away, though. Toss and wash is fucking vile. Need to cap that shit.

>> No.20549538

Like 30, 45 minutes. Some enjoy it actually. I dont, but its really not bad.
But seriously dont drink alcohol when on kratom. Youll throw up nonstop. Although at one point in my life, and the reason I started taking it, I had a pinched nerve in my neck that radiated immense pain all through my body. Kratom was a miracle for me. It ended my pain and I was better the next week. Fucking nuts. And on 2 occasions I'd make a kratom/vodka tonic and chug it just to nuke the pain.
Kratom is good. I owe so much to it. 2 months of severe skeletomuscular pain were erased by it within a week, never to return.

>> No.20549561

>So you can just purge the stuff out of you if you're having a bad time.

Pretty much. That's why its more or less impossible to overdose in a traditional sense. You will throw up long before you get too high to function. Some people mess around with extracts but I've never tried them.

>> No.20549574

This is true too.
If you are feeling naueous on kratom you can usually just stick your finger down your throat and be fine within a few minutes.

>> No.20549578

How does Kratom compare to Phenibut? I work in sales so I occasionally take the latter. It works a bit like MDMA, but a weak version of it. Or a bit like alcohol with none of the negatives of alcohol. Gives you a ton of social energy and reduces anxiety. First few times I took it I was almost euphoric which is what happens when you get a glimpse of not living with crippling anxiety for once. But I reduced the dose since and it's not as intense now. I try no to take it more than once per week and never twice in a row. Some people say it fucks you up, but I have no side-effects. Usually it's fun, I dance a lot and sleep like a baby (after the workday is done) So. Wouldn't exactly recommend this shit to just anybody but it seems pretty safe. I'd never do it daily, it's too intense even at low dosages.

>> No.20549622

can confirm lol

>> No.20549673

Phenibut is mostly mental. You just kinda "feel" good and maybe have some warm sensation in your head.
With kratom, your whole body feels warm and relaxed. Anxieity dissipates. Motivation goes up.
Kratom>phenibut by a longshot.
With pheninut you can almost ask yourself "is it working or is it placebo" but with kratom you know damn well its working and that the effects are real. It literally hits you like a low to moderate dose of percoset.

>> No.20549684
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found the trader

>> No.20549717

dude mdma hurts your brain if you take it without pause

>> No.20549732

kratom is not an opiate retard

>> No.20549796
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Yes, I buy PNK and take kratom. How could you tell?

>> No.20550027

That's what I said bro

>> No.20550089

Does anyone use Moda? Does it work?

>> No.20550411

I take pharma grade dexamphetamine, would rather take stims than opioids

>> No.20550589

whats that

>> No.20550617

Dexamphetamine is fucking amazing. Think I need to get some more. Even 5mg gets me going.

>> No.20550621

is it good for social anxiety?

>> No.20550649

Kratom is, yes. I wouldn't take it everyday, though.

>> No.20550661
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Why, yes, I take Kratom. How could you tell?

>> No.20550706

>former alcoholic,
>regular weed smoker
>kratom for long days at work and to get me through mental tasks.

sincerely the only real withrawl is an emotional attachment to the idea of being a zippy high energy trading beast.
>you have always been the beast.

Kratom is probably closer to a coffee buzz then an OPIATE dose.

>do mma
>Feet hurt from copious jump rope
>take kratom before class and after when i stretch them with a lacrosse ball.
>foot problem gone within 2 weeks of this cycle

>> No.20550758

>Does anyone use Moda?
Be carful
you don't know any of this shit what can cause to your healty
don't use modafinil or integrators in general they are a meme

For social anxiety you gotta go in the deep of yo problems trough meditation or regressive ipnosis

>> No.20550781

>Kratom is, yes
could you explain why it's so good for social anxiety?
It behaves as an opioid not a serotonin agonist... so what'za da deal her bro'?

>> No.20550821

oh hell no bro, they last fucking hours!

you will regret it.

>spins (think weed and alcohol spins)
>closing your eyes only helps
>your hearing is the only thing that doesn't spin
sincerely an awful feeling

go through it once and you will learn.

or take small doses and only increase when you had the exact same dose for 3 consecutive 48 hr periods.,

>> No.20550867
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Not if you counteract it with anabolic steroids and snort intranasal testosterone.

>> No.20550904

So it didn't go well?

>> No.20550905

The active ingredient is mitragynine. It has relaxing, antidepressant and anti-anxiety qualities.

>> No.20550943

Man I envy your tolerance.

>> No.20550997

I'm probably not as tolerant right now, as I've taken speed the last 4 days, kek..

>> No.20551008

what are the best leaves in kratom that give you the best relax?

>> No.20551055

I like Borneo red vein for relaxation. Green Malay and white vein strains I find more stimulating.

>> No.20551057

i used to take kratom before going to the gym (when the gyms were open). tons of energy and makes you feel like a chad. but it lasts a super short time, at least for me. about an hour and its gone. I only ever took like 2g servings though. was scared of upping the dose as they say its bad for your liver. i mix it with hot water. tastes literally like youre drinking dirt water.

>> No.20551080

Red borneo masterrace. Get the bumblebee brand

>> No.20551126

I can't handle the taste of it. I didn't have scales first time I tried it and ended up taking around 20 grams of it. Puked my guts up and now even the smell of it makes me nauseous. If I cap it and eat some ginger I'm fine though.
It is literally the best preworkout.

>> No.20551256

it's gonna be better than mine i've been taking the shit since 2013. i was supposed to get my refill today but the pharmacy is out of stock. I'm heated rn.

>> No.20551276

Every single drug ive taken that tickles opiod receptors always gave me severe nausea. At least with stimulants you can go cold turkey (functional addict dosing, not junkie dosing)

>> No.20551285

Phenibut once a week won't fuck you up. Only when you start taking it every 1-2 days and keep increasing dosage.

Phenibut has a similar effect on me as you described. Kratom - in one word - is duller. I feel like my emotions are slightly suppressed and I don't give much of a shit about anything. This is somehow different, more physically felt than phenibut. This is combined with mild euphoria (or at least positive mood) so it isn't crippling in terms of productivity.

It's not bad, but I prefer Phenibut overall. It feels cleaner to me and lasts longer.

>> No.20551328

Damn bro, that sucks. I have to buy mine on the black market for £10 a 10mg pill, so it's a rare treat for me.

>> No.20551335

imagine not being addicted to kratom. ngmi

>> No.20551340

>So it didn't go well?
it's a long process
it's not a pill the meditation

>> No.20551356

Duh retard cause you havent stopped yet,go few days without it

>> No.20551372

Don't fall for the Kratom psyops. This guy just wants to sell his bags

>> No.20551389

what a fucking pussy. I’ve been using kratom for years and have quit cold turkey multiple times with no issue the withdrawals are a joke. go back to church faggot.

>> No.20551414

I pour it on my tongue dry, then take a mouthful of water and swallow it that way (and a second round of water if needed). Minimises the taste.

>> No.20551430

You just gave me an idea for a Blockchain project. Kratom ($KRAT)

>> No.20551479

Just the thought of doing that makes me feel ill.. I got that kratom PTSD

>> No.20551521

done this several times and felt nothing except nausea and got sick from it recently, just gonna do proper opiates like a real man

>> No.20551665

But opiates are gross and kratom is a poor man’s opiate high. If you’re addicted then it’s hardly different than being addicted to heroin.
Get help OP. Or take some cannabis and ween yourself off.

>> No.20551828

Kratom being illegal in my country, I use larger quantities of akuamma. It's just weaker but it's the same and it's legal

>> No.20551871

Akuamma is the worst thing ive ever tasted in my life. Makes a warm glass of kratom taste like chocolate milk. You are a fucking mad man

>> No.20551912

Bro kratom is illegal here. What else should I do ? (They are checking my int. Packages)

>> No.20552156
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use "Pip Oblate Bag Type - Japanese Edible Film" to take, so much easier/ you don't even taste

>> No.20552275

This looks much more convenient than capping it. Where to buy in the UK? It's £18 postage on Amazon..

>> No.20552327

not sure UK fren. You get like 200 baggies on amazon one - could be worth the postage

>> No.20552418

Have any of you tried MXE?

If you have, isn't it a fucking shame that all these normies and dweebies are doing opiates when it exists?

Even more of a fucking shame the blanket bans on it. If only normies and nerds knew how awesome it is.

>> No.20552481

That's similar to ketamine, right? I don't mind let, but it's not really conducive to productivity.

>> No.20552487

I’ve stopped drinking alcohol completely. But do 5-9 gpd Kratom in exchange.

>> No.20552513


>> No.20552520
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by the way if you want to be a real piece of shit towards a certain class of prostitute, get $20 worth of *insert opiate* and get back much more in service.

Extra points for bringing it up right after 10am-12pm. Them being low on money after paying for the night's hotel room = more leverage for you.

>The more you know

>> No.20552534

I’ve been taking 4 grams twice a day for about 4 months. How bad will withdrawal be? As bad as alcohol withdrawal?

>> No.20552537

8 years daily here. managed to discipline myself and keep it to 1 small scoop in the afternoon for a boost.. but the anhedonia is the worst. if you let it, it will get it's hooks into you.

here's some fun withdrawal effects: 1st unable to sleep at night and extreme lethargy during day. when you do sleep you have vivid nightmares and drenching night sweats. later after the physical stuff wears off you have aggravation and worse anhedonia, but it's all upside from there if you make it that far.. but at that point, congratulations. you're an addict and you'll have to fight your mental cravings.

>> No.20552551


Dude, MXE should've been the most popular recreational drug on the planet already. It can be dosed mild enough where it doesn't fuck you up but it makes things "more fun" and music real kickass.

>> No.20552618

Thanks fren, may have to invest in some.
Way better for you than alcohol. Good man for quitting! I used to have a problem with alcohol, as did my father, may he rest in peace. Haven't had a drink in a few years now, although I go through phases of binging on drugs to escape reality.

>> No.20552658

Lmao I take 30 grams a day and I’ve never gotten more pussy and money in my life
Stay gay kratomlet

>> No.20552681

Have you tried low dose ketamine? That's similar to what you describe. By low dose i mean extremely skinny bumps.

>> No.20552700

I agree, it's the comfiest chemical ever produced, and I have tried around 40.
Can't get my hands on any since the ban tho, and my "10 years supply" bought right before the ban dried up in 2 years...
have you found any recently ? dnms ?

>> No.20552716

see this kids? this is a future soft white underbelly interviewee.

>> No.20552727

Kratom helps with opiate withdrawals as long as your habit is modest.If your banging half a gram of dope a day your out of luck. Nice opiate effect with reds and greens tend to be more balanced with some stimulation

>> No.20552804


No but from what I've read, MXE is more "comfy"/user friendly. Yeah it's in the same class but so is DXM and that shit makes a decent cheap trip but the hangover makes you go through a 1 day simulation of having 30 less IQ points. Something about NMDA and the speech centers and shit.


NO. It's fucking gay. Everytime I think about it I get mad.

>> No.20552904

why don't you just make it yourself

>> No.20552926

It sounds great, wish I could get it in the UK. I may have to enquire on the black market.. Yeah, ketamine can be extremely uncomfortable if you do too much and get into wonky territory. You can microdose it though. They're even using it in clinical trials for severe depression.

>> No.20553038

Poppyseed tea Chad here. No energy to speak of. I get a real nod and wicked dreams. Kratom is casual.

>> No.20553053


Because the only things I cook well are bacon, eggs, and experiements with Danish feta cheese.


The shitty thing is after the official bans, the quality of the product PLUMMETED. You might be able to get actual MXE on the dark web but there's a good chance it doesn't hold a candle to its heyday in the early 2010s.

>> No.20553185

Anyone tried Kanna ET4 extracts ?
How was it ?

>> No.20553378

The worst part of withdrawal is the restless legs. It's really not that serious. I've used Keaton every day for like two years and I've taken multiple long tolerance breaks. The restless legs happen mostly at night and outside of that it's whatever

>> No.20553569


Have you tried Magnesium Citrate for the restless legs?

>> No.20553578
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Just do gardening daily and go for hikes in the forest you degenerate fucking retards. Works better than any drug or medicine.

>> No.20553610
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Bought a month ago. Red thai maengda
it does nothing to me

algo somebody tried to use my credit card infomation in the netherlands 2 weeks after I bought my bag.

>> No.20553628

Lol what does that even mean? I’m chugging another 10 grams right now cause you pissed me off! FUCK YOU IM A GOD

>> No.20553716

>one gram at a time
nigga i can't even feel it unless i take 5g+

>> No.20553840

man I miss getting MXE from China back in 2012, that shit probably fucked my brain up though

>> No.20553868


Did you use pills or powder? I've found that powder doesn't absorb anywhere as much as in pill form unless you drink ungodly amounts of grapefruit juice with it.

>> No.20553912

nature can take your mind off it for a bit, but loneliness is one of the main reasons for starting in the first place.

is it stimulating? never tried it, but looking to replace kratom with something less physically addictive

>> No.20554093

Well you can dose it better because you need more but yeah it's the closest to kratom I've found (but it tastes disgusting)

>> No.20554108

Yeah, I think it was more psychosomatic than anything and I was overthinking it because I felt overall like crap for a couple days

>> No.20554133

Pills. First time 12
Second time 13.
Nothing. Not a good feeling. Not even a placebo effect. Like drinking a non alcoholic beer.

>> No.20554175

Bible thumpers got it banned here

>> No.20554314

Coffee and soda make me jittery and nervous as hell. Even 2 cups of regular make me feel like shit. I used to drink 2 pots a day without side effect but now I’m older and it messes me up pretty bad. For some reason instant doesn’t do that to me, it’s just a quick energy bump without the garbage feeling. Good stuff.

>> No.20554501

i bang fentanyl everyday and started with kratom

>> No.20554547


>> No.20554756

You are going to kill yourself. Mdma should be heavily limited, if you take it often it will completely destroy your serotin response. You will never be able to be happy again. Drop it immediately anon

>> No.20554802

it works on the brain the same way. binds to the same receptors. so while not officially an opiate it may as well be.

>> No.20554828


Oh jesus fucking christ. Opiate addicts are the fucking worst with the possible exception of hardcore speed freaks who have psychotic episodes every day.

By chance are you a girl?

>> No.20555070


girls come to this site?

>> No.20555076

I haven't found the correct dosage. It seems like if I take too little it does nothing and if I take too much I get nausea.

I have also found that red strains usually just make me feel sleepy and nauseous, while white strains do pick me up and relax me some.

>> No.20555079

I've been addicted to kratom on and off for years. I think it's better to just be on it but only take it once a day and take 1-2 days off a week. If I take 10g+ per day/everyday I will not have motivation to do anything other than goto work then come home and post

>> No.20555112

black seed oil+ agmatine + magneisum should help that

>> No.20555140

only numales care about T levels

>> No.20555145

only a psychopathic polish girl with weird raccoon makeup who may or may not be a shit eater

>> No.20555515
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I used to take 4 huge tablespoons of kratom and redose every few hours
This thread reminded me of that era
I still have 250g left and I quit a few months ago
I need to actually get rid of it now, thanks OP

>> No.20555542


For some reason I think "opiate addiction" I think "problem woman".

Knew this (literal) whore who had a $300 a day habit. She would've had actual money if she didn't have to blow it on fucking heroin.

>> No.20555615
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>> No.20555621

I'm phoneposting so just pretend I posted lowqualitybait.tiff in response to this.

>> No.20555754

My wife has pulled a week sober as of yesterday I think. That lethargy is what gets me. I got too much shit.
2 kids
Gym 4days/WK

And the anhe-whatsit KMS I wanna cry bullshit.

Maybe when link moons I'll go to fancy tropical rehab for a week

>> No.20555795


Just smoke meth lol. All you have to do is brush your teeth and take Vitamin C, D, and K

>> No.20555891

Lol that's bullshit. I've been taking heroic doses bi-hourly for years

>> No.20556005

Literally the exact opposite is true.

>> No.20556012

after i make it my plan is a peyote trip or ayahuasca session. change has to come from deep inside, and strong psychedelic experiences can allow that to happen.

>> No.20556037


>> No.20556087

lmao you're so fucked and my only regret is that I won't be able to see you suffer the consequences.

>> No.20556247

Anon, if you're going to do this, please take adderall or methylphenidate instead of fucking mdma. You're gonna fry your serotonin receptors.

>> No.20556294

Oh kys I just took some more, just for you. Suck my slightly above average white cock

>> No.20556384

I've taken Kratom daily for half a decade now. Definitely wouldn't recommend anyone else to do it. It wears on you over time. I find it harder to quit than Heroin desu.

>> No.20556410

Ironic, since that's exactly what you're doing.

>> No.20557077

That's so 2002-2010 bro

>> No.20557169

>Thread about kratom
every time

>> No.20557594

you have the mindset of an actual child

>> No.20557639
File: 68 KB, 538x751, 5711A92C-E7E6-4502-BED4-A76882A1AA9E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I took it for 2 years, got everything I ever wanted to get done, got a degree, manically invested in crypto, started my own side hustle,showed up to work early, got promoted, had all of the energy in the world... I’m a girl my period stopped and it was fucking glorious. I was unemcumbered by my hormones and irrational emotions. I lifted weights and did cardio and ate super fucking healthy. Found a man to be with and began to plan a family.
I had a steady dose of never more than 15 grams per day, we had a local store that sold in bulk. I bought yellow Hulu and green meant da and alternated it. They Told me they got the batches lab tested. They SHOWED me the lab paperwork for each strain before I bought it. I never asked about seeing the paperwork again, I thought I was being thorough.
WELL one day my legs started going numb and tingly. I started quickly losing my hair I began to have extreme abdominal pain. Then I lost my vision , my mood became a frayed nerve. The ONLY thing that it could be was the kratom
Mind you, I was eating whole foods, brushing, flossing, dentist, doctor, taking protein, doing everything that HEALTH CHADS do....
I got my blood tested and my lead levels were THROUGH THE ROOF! like.... a child eating 50’s paint chips levels.
Withdrawals were NOTHING compared to the lead poisoning... I just took magnesium and vitamin C megadoses.
It’s been 6 months since I’ve been off of it, but I STILL have cognitive impairment and I can’t get pregnant now. Kratom turned me into an actual fucking autist. I feel like my IQ has dropped atleast 7 points and I can’t abstract reason nearly as well any longer. I feel disconnected from my emotions and music is no longer euphoric for me.
Do with all this what you will. But understand the consequences of what you’re doing. Kratom is unregulated so I can’t sue, not like I would though because the people were nice and they were attempting to provide safe Kratom.

>> No.20557698

What do you hold?
Also post tits and timestamp and eat the ban for us

>> No.20557737

Plus lead in kratom is not normal and its apparent your supplier fucked up.

>> No.20557928

Where do u get ur seeds?

>> No.20557958

kratom is produced in 3rd world indonesian shitholes. there's no QC over there. they probably died the leaves on the ground where some leaded gasoline had been spilled.. unless it's a much worse situation and the trees are absorbing the lead from fumes in the air. in which case i'm probably fucked too.

>> No.20557982

This is why I would never buy from some pajeet ran smokeshop. only reputable online vendor