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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20546762 No.20546762 [Reply] [Original]

>Not using a functional programming language for smart contracts

>> No.20546906
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>Not using extended UTxO

>> No.20547017
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>Not using native custom tokens

>> No.20547133

I'm on your side, bro

>> No.20547145

Holding a big boy bag, bought at 30c, hefty amount at 3c and again at 7c

Comfy long term hold

>> No.20547225

does anyone have testnet ADA. i want to run a stakepool but missed the snapshot.

>> No.20547239

Been holding bags since 12c in 2017 and fell for the hodl meme. Bought more since April at 5c and again at 8c and 11c.

Will get a node up why not

>> No.20547583
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>Not using a functional programming language for smart contracts
Ugh, yes?
Functional is great for SOME financial operations but it's a meme compared to OOP, even though I find coding in OCaml/Haskell more enjobaybe.
Sorry, this bullshit is the work of academics with no idea how real businesses work.

>> No.20548011
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>Sorry, this bullshit is the work of academics with no idea how real businesses work.
Of course it won't be used for cryptokitties and unicorn t-shirts.

>> No.20548042
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The ITN is over. Now it's the HTN. Haskell shelley testnet. You get testnet ADA from the faucet at

>> No.20548135

Fudders completely and utterly BTFO

>> No.20548168

oh thx

>> No.20548169
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>investing in reddlt onions coin
Haskell is the least popular language today

>> No.20548179
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XRP tier

>> No.20548245


>> No.20548605


>> No.20548644

Say that again and I might just use one of my Perl scripts to take you offline

>> No.20548794

python is already #1
java is only up there because of India
if you nuke india, java drops below C

>> No.20548843
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Just because something is popular, doesn't make it a smart choice.
>ETH spaghetti code for your money

>> No.20548912
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>> No.20548919
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Gonna be interesting getting bags of these shitcoins as network fees when I stake ADA. Most will crash, some will 100x.

>> No.20548950

>won't be used for cryptokitties
It will be used for stupid shit but it won’t end the network

>> No.20549688

I wish they could have some sort of defi like aave where I could take loans against my Ada
Is it possible to do something like this?

>> No.20549733
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>put a bunch of logos of random banks

ETH has the EEA.

>> No.20549790

Yes of course

>> No.20549880

You clearly didn't watch the video did you..
I'll break it down for you quickly. Major Finance and big institutions will never build on ETH because it's written in spaghetti code and 14 year old kids are easily able to find exploits and use them to do things like drain liquidity pools. It literally happens every week and millions of dollars have already stolen this month alone. You think Barclays bank want to build on top of ETH? They would rather work with high assurance code (like Haskell) that already works and isn't vulnerable. Why would they build major dapps on top of broken experimental code written by a 17 year old autist wearing a my little pony shirt.

>> No.20549884

Yes I know it will happen once smart contracts are released but I mean for the now would it be possible for a protocol such as aave to include cardano even though it's on a different chain... Sort of like a wrapped BTC or wrapped Ada
I've got my BTC eth and link deposited for almost free money it'd be nice to put some of my 1mill Ada to work

>> No.20549889

none of these shitty smart contracts were made by ethereum lmao
do you realize that anyone can program something retarded in solidity and launch on mainnet? that's the whole point of permissionless, you can do anything you want

>> No.20549922

this goes both ways too
when cardano puts up smart contracts online, nothing will stop Indians from writing shitcode and committing it to mainnet
when people start criticizing cardano for shitcode made by independent teams, remember what I told you

>> No.20549978

Tezos is far better and functional as well. And they are both trash. Tezos will have to compete with eth 2.0 and all it’s projects

>> No.20550059


>> No.20550745
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Banks use Haskell
Cardano use Haskell

Ethereum use Java that breaks all the time
Thanks for beta testing

>> No.20551059


>> No.20551197

It's because developers are filled with diversity hires and dumbfucks. If you want to code for the future financial system, you need to be able to create high assurance code. Script kiddies need not apply unless you actually apply yourself to getting better at formal methods and stop copy pasting from stack exchange.

>> No.20551233

Charles is unironically third position

>> No.20551254

What, we weren't just greentexting random countries?

>> No.20551260

kek imagine holding a shitcoin long term. crypto 101: if isn’t BTC ETH or LINK you flip it and get out

>> No.20551292

that would require people to actually build things on cardano which will never happen

>> No.20551295

This anon doesn't understand some of the most fertile territory for soliciting government adoption is in developing countries. He somehow thinks it delegitimizes Cardano for seeking out Mongolian or Somali government contracts.He doesn't realize that this board is 18+.

>> No.20551565
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>holding Bitcoin
>I support global warming, wasteful computation and centralization

Thanks for experimenting and beta testing

>> No.20551653

Unironically, this video is great to show just how federated BTC's PoW has made it and how decentralized Cardano's PoS will make it.

>> No.20552314

fuck off commie. no one gives a shit about global warming when there is money to be made.

>> No.20552718
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I'm surprised people that are this shortsighted are still coming though natural selection. They're driven by hormones. Don't they want to get super rich so they can bang hot girls that will have their offspring? Don't they want that offspring to live in a better world?

>> No.20552957

I juz want da Paperrr boiiiii

>> No.20552968

>timestamp 31:24
>I'm an American. When I was growing up, we killed Communists
Meanwhile BTC maxis make excuses for 60% of BTC hashing residing in China and subsidized by communists and could be nationalized at any time. Gee, what a "secure" network.

>> No.20553225

I'm not gonna defend solidity, cause I don't like it either....but you're wrong about big finance being savvy about any of this shit. internally, most of their tools are still incredibly bloated excel workbooks or 30 year old programs written in coldfusion or fortran or some dumb shit. Barclays bank doesn't want to build on top of anything except the mess they already have desu

>> No.20553288

all the traditional finance jobs I've interviewed for over the years has had the most ridiculous legacy software. bloomberg terminal is still bloomberg terminal because it works well enough and nobody wants to break anything by trying to change it.

>> No.20553337
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thanks for posting that anon. it paints crystal clear the differences between
>Cardano - Plutus -- God Tier
>Solidity - toy tier

>> No.20553366

How will the staking work?
Can I stake directly from Binance?

>> No.20553369

You should watch the OP video, think you'll like it. There's no Charles in it at all. The first third of it is by Phillip Wadler, one of the creators of Haskell.

>> No.20553386
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those are organizations using Haskell you moron. You should watch the presentation and educate yourself, or don't.

>> No.20553398

Dude you’re fucking retard who “believes” in science like a religious faggot. Fuel sources have been using less and less carbon over the history of humanity (wood > coal > gasoline > natural gas). Next stop is pure hydrogen and fusion. People are working on this already. If you knew anything you’d realize that a significant chunk of bitcoin mining in China uses excess demand, hence why the electricity is cheap and mining is possible. In a sense, it’s a form of energy arbitrage. But keep believing all those Forbes and CNN articles written by journalism majors.

>> No.20553410
File: 125 KB, 1160x1395, nobody_uses_haskell_barclays.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Education incoming - Barclays

>> No.20553412

If Binance will enable that, yes. Coinbase will enable cold staking. However, you're better off staking from your own wallet. Just select a good reliable pool to delegate to, then you can uninstall and forget. Just save your seed words in a safe place.

>> No.20553447

also, the point isn't that barclay's will move to cardano brainlet. the point is that Haskell is in heavy use in god tier fiance applications - proving it's fit for purupose. and haskell devs as well as other functional programmers have a place to go to now.

>> No.20553490

so if i make a program in haskell i can get banks to use my program? POG!!!!!

JPM is already using ethereum :)

>> No.20553608
File: 132 KB, 1160x1395, nobody_uses_haskell_credit-suisse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so what you're saying is
no anon, nobody would say something so stupid. cardano is not intending to pull banks in, that is not how any of this works. the point is and remains, that functional programming languages including Haskell are used in god tier fiance institutions (watch the video in OP to understand why), and those programmers who write such applications can now write god tier defi and deploy it on Cardano. It's really not complicated.

>> No.20553660

Forget global warming.I don't believe it's manmade either. But BTC mining is inredibly wasteful and not sustainable. Additionally 60% of hashing is in China and 10 operations control most hashing on the network. That's not "decentralized". That's federated. On top of that, you can't even enter the mining space without massive amounts of capital and the proper asic hardware,, hardware that the developers have no incentive to actually sell to you until after it's obsolete and they have used it themselves. A small cartel controls entrance into mining.
BTC was a good and necessary first step, but it has MAJOR flaws for an actual useful crypto going forward.

Give this a sincere watch and see if you can be convinced with solid points.

>> No.20553704
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>> No.20553765
