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20541658 No.20541658 [Reply] [Original]

Okay guys, I have 13k in various coins that are currently doing great.
My greedy brain is telling me to all in on ample since
(4907)(1.1)^60 = 1.4 million dollars. Geyser would expire by then. Idk what to do!

>> No.20541679

Currently holding SXP, MTA, ORN, BUIDL

>> No.20541849


roll it

>> No.20541879

I think it's dumb to assume 10% for 60 days.

60 days of positive rebase? possible, 60 days of 10%, unlikely i say.

>> No.20541889

this is what I'm doing, at least while it still seems like ampl has this positive momentum.

>> No.20541922

yeah thats an obvious sell go all in ample

>> No.20541927


Could work but you're 100% relying on early buyers to not cash out.

If one person with enough of the supply gets spooked the whole party will come to a halt. There's no fundamentals to back any long-term confidence.

>> No.20541956
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>> No.20541967

honestly would put more faith in the project if I didn't hate the telegram so much.

definitely putting 2k in.

>> No.20541990

This is the kind of project that makes me want to smash my head against the fucking wall. It's used for literally nothing and yet it's now more valuable than projects like KNC and REN, fuck me in the ass, I lurk this fucking board every fucking day and the one fucking project I don't go hard on decides to moon non-stop like it's the next bitcoin, fuck me and fuck this shitty coin

>> No.20542027

Yeah that's likely not gonna happen.
I would still put like 2k in case it does. So far my 2k has become 10k.

>> No.20542055

>It's used for literally nothing
So was BTC when it started.

>> No.20542091

300 mil cap to 91 bil cap in 60 days. No you aren't greedy this is totally possibly bud!

>> No.20542092

Typically I would say no but this is such a shit portfolio that I say go for it.

>> No.20542095

Except BTC wasn't worth anywhere near 350M when it was used for nothing

>> No.20542123

Just buy in! You know it’s still good to multiply your money while the geyser is going

>> No.20542126


>> No.20542140

It's still used for nothing except wasting electricity when everything it does can be done on ethereum

>> No.20542174

I did , only for the short term though if it keeps this momentum. Already x4 my portfolio in a little over a week.

>> No.20542198

>t.low functioning autist

>> No.20542253

I'll go smash by head against the wall and hope to never wake up. Have a good night

>> No.20542319


I just can't bring myself to sell my BUIDL. The fact that the team isn't even pursuing exchange listings or publicity, and is just working furiously on the protocol, makes my cock rock hard for the future. Literally a possible $1b mcap project

>> No.20542327

one thing I'm concerned about is the huge increase in supply going directly to the holders. What happens if they want to cash out?

>> No.20542347


You can't catch every train bro, but there are ones every couple months.

Keep in mind that by the time a project gets shilled here for the very first time, at least one guy's bags are already full. Better to find your own gems

>> No.20542370


Technically, the bigger the cap gets, the more proof against whale fuckery it gets. And with the biggest private wallet holding 2% of the supply, that guy could dump 100% and he'd only dent the daily price increase.


>> No.20542504

>This is the kind of project that makes me want to smash my head against the fucking wall. It's used for literally nothing and yet it's now more valuable than projects like KNC and REN, fuck me in the ass, I lurk this fucking board every fucking day and the one fucking project I don't go hard on decides to moon non-stop like it's the next bitcoin, fuck me and fuck this shitty coin

Not everyone can pass the IQ test anon, too much dumb money went into crypto, this was the filter.

>> No.20542573


>Technically, the bigger the cap gets, the more proof against whale fuckery it gets

it's actually the exact opposite of what you're saying; you're completely reliant on whales not dumping before you- and they will want to solidify their profits at some point.

>> No.20542695

>you guys better hope that everyone who holds huge amounts of this young project with massive potential doesn't decide to sell all at the same time!

You're wise to be so cautious, friend! That's probably happening as I write this.

>> No.20542780

I can imagine it now.

>whale in liquidity pool gets itchy and decides to cash out
>large drop in liquidity
>other whales/early holders start to cash out
>re-enforces drop in liquidity
>suddenly there's a rush for the door because people want to get out before the liquidity dries up
And there's your collapse in MC

>> No.20542825

i think your better off putting that 13k into BZRX. which can 10x easier than AMPL ... MAYBE - AMPL is its own beast so no idea

>> No.20542844

another $300k dump is being eaten up right now

>> No.20542858

people actually dont have that much of the supply - i think the most is 2% or something like that. and whales been cashing out too - think 500 milli was dumped - atleast according to someone here

>> No.20542878

>500 milli
FUG i meant 500k
also that happened on the last dip

>> No.20542944

Ferrum + unifyre super simple for non crypto users.

>> No.20542950


I can imagine it too! You forgot when a near-earth asteroid lands directly on my house.

In reality, the number of wallets holding this coin is 8500, up from 5600 a week ago. The buy pressure is immense, such that 18% rebases can barely hold the price constant at 250% of target.

By the way, the number of wallets holding Chainlink, at $2.8 billion, is 173,000.

Whales tried to crash the price last week, with a much smaller cap distributed over much fewer wallets. They couldn't get the price lower than $1.51.

>> No.20543075

>more holders
And how many of those are now sitting on some comfy profit and are going to bolt for the door when there's high volatility to lock in those gains?

>> No.20543111

i would leverage for a darknode on aave. thats what i did with my ampl gains

>> No.20543129

If it makes you feel better. I've lost 1/3 of my LINK stack swinging, despite every day seeing swingies get the rope on here.

>> No.20543272

What's the ROI?

>> No.20543317

Why are the medium sized whales dumping on us bros?

>> No.20543330

The cycle continues. I just bought 12k

>> No.20543371

Keep BUIDL. Don't be dumb. Sell the rest and go all in AMPL.

>> No.20543397

Dump it all for AMPL and enjoy the ride.

>> No.20543446

whats token address for BUILD?
thats some next level shit...
Lots of liquidity needed for the BUILD to manifest...
Where could that liquidity come from?

any guesses?

>> No.20543468

not saying "shit" in a negaitve context...

>> No.20543483


Pretty much all of them

>high volatility

You don't understand this thing at all, do you

>> No.20543533

Buidl lost my trust when they made v2 to get back their original coins on the cheap. Also I'm starting to think dfohub will never become a big thing. At the beginning the devs made it sound like anyone could make a dapp on dfohub and that 1 coin was 1 vote not the biggest wallets votes count more then small holders.

>> No.20543582

looked into it, seems you're very early..
will look into it more

>> No.20543590

Nothing else out there is offering the gains AMPL is right now, so yes.

>> No.20543625

So what do you call the AMPL crash last week then if it isn't high volatility?

>> No.20543698

That was before it hit a 300m market cap.

>> No.20543722

It seems like the return is $22/mo per node. What's the point?

>> No.20543781

>how come when there were 3000 wallets and 100m market cap, it was more volatile than when there are 9000 wallets and 350m market cap?
>checkmate atheists!

Think about it for a second

>> No.20543821

>it won't happen again
>source: trust me

Enjoy the ride whilst it lasts guys, because it never does. I've seen it all before. Hope you take some profit. Good luck

>> No.20543833


Wait, you mean number no go up forever?

>> No.20543856

Okay father time go jack off for infinity while the doods make millions. You had your chance... countless times

>> No.20543981

Is it worth putting ampl in the Geyser? What's the drawback?

>> No.20544026

Cope. This will be a multi-billion project in the coming weeks, it's an entirely new asset class

>> No.20544053

Low reddit IQ seething kek

>> No.20544063

many did the same, including me and your current holdings are shit.

>> No.20544064

I am all in on AMPL but I know that supply is growing every day we stay this high above $1 and unless demand keeps growing, we are gonna crash really hard. I don't know when it's gonna happen, but it's coming.

>> No.20544086


The geyser caps your potential gains while massively reducing the risk of losses. As long as a coin doesn't go down to literally 0.00, the geyser will protect 80-90% of your stake. However, those who just wallet hold WILL get bigger gains, in exchange for their protection against losses being zero.

>> No.20544100

Sold out at $2.90

Thanks for buying my bags but if you think this coin magically is going to 500m mcap whilst the rest of the DeFi ecosystem wants nothing to do with it you honestly deserve to lose money. It's HEX for people who think they're too smart to fall for HEX.

>> No.20544102


I should say that the geyser still provides gains that most investors would kill for, just not as good as risking the losses and hodling.

>> No.20544129

It has nothing to do with Hex because it's not run by a fat LARPer and has groundbreaking properties

>> No.20544167


>AMPL buyer doesn't understand what a ponzi is

Yep, I was right to sell. Cya.

>> No.20544243

hint: look at the head of growth and the previous project he was working for

>> No.20544269

absolute retard hex got to 900m so if its a more sophisticated scam then youre saying it will go 1.8B? the really funny thing is hex, hex2x, bitconnect got a ton of early investors into the high six low seven figures so youre FUD is basically saying buy now

>> No.20544282


> Random guy on Chinese water polo forum says thing

> I was right to sell something that Ive already lost money by selling

Boy howdy we got a smarty folks

>> No.20544295


can't tell if dumb or thinks fudding for better entry is still possible. same thing i guess

>> No.20544306

totally different plane of existence. ampleforth wants to solve problems that are several fold more important than interop and decentralized exchange

>> No.20544327

I understand every single word in the whitepaper and have read it 3 times before I've invested a single ETH

yep, the non-correlation to other cryptos is the biggest tell

>> No.20544573

demand will stay high. no reason for it to drop off.

>> No.20544734

Whales were dumping yesterday. It only made the road bumpy.

>> No.20544964

i got 28% rebase tonight

>> No.20544999

shouldve been 18% . how the fuck did u get 28% ?

>> No.20545008


Probably by being unable to do math

>> No.20545056


>> No.20545138

idk i had 2500 and when i woke up its 3400

>> No.20545149

maybe im just retarded

>> No.20545183

nvm its 18%, i probably didnt press CTRL+F5 yesterday

>> No.20545232
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Yeah if you hold over 10k you get a higher tier of rebases but you gotta wait for the poorfags to get their rebases 2 hours earlier than you so really it's a strategy

Whales are more inclined to hold anyway so it's worth their risk

>> No.20545648

July 24th AMPL takes over Kyber and Syntetix.

July 26th we take over Aave and Compound and become top 2 Defi project.

July 27th we take over Maker and become top 1 Defi project.

August 1st we enter top 20.

Screencap this

>> No.20546154


I bought into this on instinct a week or so ago, but I unironically didn't actually understand it until a few hours ago

Now I'm going insane waiting for the exchange to process my fucking deposit so I can buy in with everything I've got. I'm losing money every goddamn second those retarded kikes wait

>> No.20546299


>> No.20546348

famous last words, and I love this project.

>> No.20546455

i'm not liking this dump
fuck europoors

>> No.20546470

America shall rise from its ashes anon.

>> No.20546488

ampl is great but compare liquidity vs marketcap.
whales will drain this way before geyser ends

>> No.20546548

They'll "extend" the geyser for as long as they can steal peoples money.

>> No.20546657


Friend, AMPL solves THE problem that keeps institutional money out of crypto, If it achieves 1% of its potential we are going to be disgustingly rich,

>> No.20546849

A 10 percent rebase every day for 60 days straight would result in a MC of $100 billion. Very, very, very optimistic.

>> No.20546896
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Also, pic related

>> No.20546900

couldnt be more obvious sell signal, when retards like OP start to saturate all posts. Sure, go all in

>> No.20546932

When you say Geyser will expire soon, what exactly do you mean? I have staked my AMPL into Geyser, and plan to stake more. Is the current Geyser just a temporary test or something? Any help is appreciated, I have tried DMOR on this and cant find anything. Guess I'm a brainlet

>> No.20546985


Define your capacity for risk. With the geyser/beehive, you trade optimal gains for protection from losses.

>> No.20547004


How exactly does the geyser reduce gains and losses?

>> No.20547056

the true end of the 'race to maximum stability' is the removal of the thing that causes instability.....value

>> No.20547107
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imagine being this loser lmao, I have a similar stack and he could've sold at $3 but he sold now minutes after one of the biggest dumps ever hahahahahahaha

>> No.20547129
File: 81 KB, 719x709, EdQWWm7X0AE5D46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


oh goddamnit, it's late and i'm drunk because I crossed the 6 figure mark today but I will try

This nerd with a potato mic explains in detail:


Basically, since you stake tokens + ETH at the same time, say $500 worth of each, if the token becomes worth less, artbitrage happens within the pool and you get $502 worth of ETH and $498 worth of the token. This technically keeps you at within 90% of your initial stake all the way down to like 90% loss. Thus, you are shielded from massive losses.

But, if the token appreciates massively, the same arbitrage happens, but in the reverse direction, and you end up with $750 with of the token and $250 worth of ETH -- plus what the daily staking bonus is, which in the case of Geyser is ridiculously generous compared to most coins.

BUT it will be less than what you can get through just holding. You can't lose money right now, at the cost of gaining less.

>> No.20547165


thanks bruh. and you still get every rebase (for your ever fluctuating amount of AMPL)?

>> No.20547171


>> No.20547183

can someone explain to me how ample value held after the rebase, but it is dumping now?

>> No.20547207

buy the dip like I did a week ago then, dingus. Even with this dip I am still up more than 3x

>> No.20547212
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because idiots don't understand pic related

>> No.20547266

people saw that rebase wasn't driving down the price, and anticipated the post rebase pump.

>> No.20547309

euro dump gone wrong
we're headed back up soon

>> No.20547333

Sneaky boi whales trying to trick us.

>> No.20547405


>> No.20547456

fucken europoors

>> No.20547482
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>> No.20547868

if you check mcap price you'll see we bounced perfectly off 300M. up to 500 we go

>> No.20548004

Why the whales trying to trick us bros? They did this last week too!

>> No.20548170

Honestly, I boughtlike 75 Ample which was like 180 usd at the time just incase this thing really took off. I had my doubts and assumed I would lose it all.
My 75 as of like 2-3 weeks later is now 480 Ample. Boy was I wrong about this one. This shits mooning

>> No.20548271

So, what's the worst case for AMPL? Even if the price goes to shit completely, it should recalibrate to 1 dollar, so if you got in early enough, you should still have enough amps to sell in profit. So to me, it seems the only way you can lose is if liquidity just completely drops off. How likely is this?

>> No.20548483

Early investors sell? Well I never. I guess no crypto can ever rise long term.

>> No.20548488

All AMPL balances are expanded or contracted each day, so you can be losing money even if the price is going up.

What you need to look at is market cap. If the market cap goes down, you lose money, and if it goes up, you make money.

>> No.20548532

EOY, it's tradeable on coinbase and binance

>> No.20548602

>it’s not a pyramid it’s a new paradigm
The second it dumps, it will dump hard. Not only are your tokens worth less, but you have less of them because of the rebase. Ample could literally lose 90% of its value in a matter of days. Don’t be caught holding the bag.

>> No.20548681

Even if it loose 90% im still up overall hahahha. The downside is limited but the sky is the limit for the upside. I don’t recommend for those who didn’t 10X so far to enter now though. Basically im not risking any shit even if it dumps 95% might loose under 2-3k$ big deal...
So stfu, my risk reward ratio is as good as its gets.

>> No.20548708


Really? Did you see how the dump played out? Bounced hard and is now rocketing up. Go back to pajeet land

>> No.20548713

Exactly. I can’t really loose at this point. Careful for newcomers though. Get in the sidelines I’m going to be fucking rich hahah

>> No.20548748

A lot of whales got rekt selling low at 2,30 lol. Guess some of them are dumb. You DO NOT SELL OTHER THAN THE TOP NOT 0,50-1$ down. Smart money sell at 3$/3,5$/4$ because those are high levels that can’t be sustained long.

>> No.20548830

You lot have been saying that since 50m mc.

>> No.20548837
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Let's say now it is to risky to go in. The likelihood it will fall to 1$ is big, then you should buy-in and wait till it another pump will come. Or just buy some and wait 3 months.

>> No.20549385
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how many days till gayser expires?? maybe we will expect upside till then and after that, correction

>> No.20549715

Because you don’t understand economics. This has as much usecase as any other crypto out there. It’ll see adoption, then crypto wide adoption, then decency.

>> No.20549747

>pee pee poo poo

You guys told me it was a scam! Why does the marketcap keep rising?! You guys said it was all bullshit! Why is it going up!!!

It's like the algorithm knows what's up...

>> No.20549767

It’s already passed Kyber.

>> No.20549928

Anyone else bought under 100m and is shitting themselves waiting for the dump?

>> No.20549959

But the marketcap is down tho...

>> No.20549990

No. Bought in at 50 and I’m fine. I understand this project. I also understand ups and downs are not only normal but healthy.

>> No.20550140

So many moon boys now, and already up 6x in less then 3 weeks

It might be the ptsd from the bear market, but i think we are due for a correction

>> No.20550167


>> No.20550197

Corrections are heathy. You asked if anyone was scared. No I’m not scared of corrections. Why would I fear holding what could be the best new crypto leading into the next major bullrun?

>> No.20550582

This little pullback we're in right now is a good sign. Good entry as it dipped below 300m mcap but actually showed enough buy pressure as support.

>> No.20550761

This will push even more once the devs start deploying ampl on other chains

>> No.20550838

it seems like whale don't even know (yet?) how to play this thing, it does not behave like any other asset, usual rules do not apply