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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 3.90 MB, 517x776, 509E7CB2-6B32-4CC6-B24B-222FF9FDD4F5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20540873 No.20540873 [Reply] [Original]

I didn't use 4chan from 2010-2019 you nigger, because I was busy going to college, working, and fucking 2 different chicks every weekend. Your projection automated replies don't work on me. If I want to post on 4chan on a Monday evening I'm not going to let some faggot propagandized child try to lecture me, on 4chan, about how introverted and ridiculous it is to post on 4chan. Most obvious projection I've ever seen in my fucking life, truly embarrassing.

And 'where I come from' is a successful life you will never fucking know, and I know it, and you know it, but you're gonna flex like it's not the case, but we both know it fucking is you sexless attention-craving coward.

>> No.20540936

have a drink fren, you seem to need one

>> No.20540969

>>20540936 ok

>> No.20540989

Have sex incel

>> No.20541042

nice b8 m8, pretty gr8 8/8

>> No.20541111

2 chicks every weekend from 2011 to 2019 thats a total of 9 years so 52 weeks in a year times nine is 468 weeks times two is 936. Thats almost 1k chicks OP, nice! Damn very very based and very very cool indeed OP. You're the man!

>> No.20541178

I didn't use 4chan from 2010-2019 you nigger, because I was busy going to college, working, and fucking 2 different chicks every weekend. Your projection automated replies don't work on me. If I want to post on 4chan on a Monday evening I'm not going to let some faggot propagandized child try to lecture me, on 4chan, about how introverted and ridiculous it is to post on 4chan. Most obvious projection I've ever seen in my fucking life, truly embarrassing.

And 'where I come from' is a successful life you will never fucking know, and I know it, and you know it, but you're gonna flex like it's not the case, but we both know it fucking is you sexless attention-craving coward.

>> No.20541260

Pretty much exact same, except I also was on /biz/ and bought hella chainlink. Good luck OP.

>> No.20541461

You paid for a 4chan account and this is what you post? Why?

>> No.20541787
File: 453 KB, 828x699, AABE8EA0-F36C-49F2-BAE5-088A2A7E7E13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was amazing. The original thread was from this evening right?