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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20539489 No.20539489 [Reply] [Original]

The wording on twitter was too similar. It has to be him

>> No.20539513

I really want him to come back and claim to be involved with it. It'd really add to his lore

>> No.20539579

Nah it's Simeon imitating /biz/ to muddy the waters. If they'd taken these angles from the start it would have been genius, but it's all after-the-fact and panicked and completely half-assed. They're not competent.

>> No.20539628

the random link to his desktop in the doc, followed by the social media shutdown is the most damning

>> No.20539649

Uncleoldfag is Simeon. It's obvious

>> No.20539805

Look at the timeline of the fake ZC twitter account:
Before they were caught: Attempting to look professional
While being caught: Silence. During which time /biz/ pointed out that the accounts going quiet was incriminating.
After being caught: Make the accounts active again after reading on /biz/ that them being quiet looked bad. Change the rhetoric to "/biz/ speak" to try and make the argument that the fake ZC site is run by /biz/.

It's all so late and incompetent. Desperately trying to patch holes as they read about them on /biz/, they didn't plan for this al to fall apart and implicate them, and didn't take any proactive steps.
The most ridiculous stretch for them is motive.
Why would /biz/ decide to destroy "nobody shitcoin #5000"? Why single them out? And why would /biz/ choose Nexo if the twitter account was bought in December 2019 but the Nexo "partnership" wasn't announced until 2020.

The good news is that I'm sure Chainlink knows the weight of evidence against Nexo is damning and is just giving them the opportunity to somehow dig themselves out, but that any half-assed investigation from their end will just make them look worse.
NEXO is dead already, they just don't know it yet.

>> No.20539807

I thought so too

>> No.20539886

that would be so epic considering uncleoldfag is a top 200 wallet lmfao

>> No.20539952

Who is nexo? So many shitcoins I loose track

>> No.20539956
File: 332 KB, 648x2712, IMG_20200720_213837_128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly this. It's all so tiring. We've been 2 steps ahead of them the whole way and they're failing majorly at damage control.

>> No.20540040


>> No.20540104

Lol wtf

>> No.20540116

fpbp. Would be proud of uncle on grade A fud.

>> No.20540365
File: 284 KB, 600x1704, some-crypto-dude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Many such cases. They started a fake twitter account army recently. All accounts created June / July, first posts are follow-back spamming to boost their numbers, then they go and defend or shill Nexo posts. Check this one out:
>Forward thinking person
They really think we're fucking stupid.

>> No.20540425
File: 301 KB, 591x1747, april-nelson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're also attacking Celsius Network, who have already experienced a lot of bullshit from Nexo in the past. Here's yesterday's thread where we exposed it:

>> No.20540529

Kek alright you faggots got me. Enjoy the inverse pump to 7 cents retards.

>> No.20540560

There it is. Uncleoldfag called out for being a Nexo employee and he all of a sudden pops up. This is too easy.

>> No.20540578

Right on time, not like he hasn’t already been monitoring these threads around the clock the last few days

>> No.20540784
File: 598 KB, 890x1574, nexo-transactions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also a reminder:

- Simeon deleted his social profiles in realtime after being doxxed on biz. These profiles were also deleted the same time as the Zeus Capital report hosted on DocSend.
- Zeus Capital deleted the Nexo Typeform from their website shortly after being called out.

They are monitoring biz closely.

>> No.20540824

We are gonna end that old fat queer

>> No.20540888

You dumb faggots, he changed to a secure trip, that's not him

>> No.20540892

This seems very accurate. Can you imagine their work group chat going on.
"We got em guys! The fake twitter accounts we bought are fooling everyone!"
"Oh shit, I know let's pretend to be from biz!"

>> No.20540911

Ok so the slav kike needs to pay and I dont want to distract this work, or wind up with one of you newfags spending your autism trying to hunt me down. Oldfag is an absolute nigger but this trip has been leaked numerous times over the past few years. #sapphire

>> No.20541078

Nice cover-up