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20537869 No.20537869 [Reply] [Original]

I have 2 eth both seem great, got in at 6 cents with xsn, and 2 cents with pnk. both seem woefully overpriced but the price keeps rocketing.

>> No.20538193


Buy in 6 months and tell us if it's overpriced

>> No.20538588

Xsn, how many MN you got?

>> No.20538809

What's your reasoning for believing XSN is overpriced?

>> No.20538969

Dex release plus Raiden, and XSN is overpriced.
Makes logical sense, if you think about it logically.

>> No.20539677

Buying $1k BTC in 2013 would've been mad
Not buying $1k BTC in 2017 would've been equally mad.
Month to month, it appears more evident that we're in a bull market.
Buying XSN at 80 cents in 2018 would've been mad.
Now that it's proved itself and stands atop 10x more substance and worth and we're in a bull market? You get the drill.
I guess it really all depends on how long you intend to hold.

>> No.20539750

PNK, stakenet isnt part of the defi revolution.

>> No.20539775

Kleros, desu. Stakenet is a scam.

>> No.20539824

Kleros, desu. XSN is a scam.

>> No.20540377

No, it IS the DEFI revolution, fucking brainlet

>> No.20540451

Lmao. Ethereum is the only defi revolution out there dumbass. Can you write smart contracts on stakenet? Didn’t fucking think so.

>> No.20540534

True organic fud

>> No.20540980

XSN is not a scam coin, what kind of fud is that...

>> No.20541138

Pnk for sure.

>> No.20541256


>> No.20541333

I'm pretty sure the best decentralised exchange is a big part of the 'defi' revolution

>> No.20541527

How do you know it’s the best decentralized exchange? It hasn’t even launched yet. Not only that but it isn’t on-chain. That takes away all composability. The Only reason why uniswap and balancer are so popular is because they are composable with the rest of the ethereum apps. They are like building blocks or Legos. Stakenet can never do this. It will just be an exchange to speculate and trade, which isn’t bad, just different and not in the realm of defi.

>> No.20541912

>it isn't on-chain
>it isn't an ERC-20 token
Yet it has native interoperability with ERC and X9 collaborates with Raiden devs.
Lightning swaps have a near perfect success rate.
Smart contracts, code agnostic dapps, and L1 swaps are perfectly doable with XSN, by the way.

>> No.20542146

Anon. Do you understand that and on chain is a bad thing. It's slow. It's expensive. It's unusable.

That's why despite their efforts, block has no users. Atomic swaps are old world tech

>> No.20542290

>A decentralised exchange with lightning swaps across separate blockchains with TOR implementation isnt in the realm of decentralised finance


>> No.20542336

It’s not a scam it’s just poorly made and gonna fuck everyone on mainnet. MN’s are a meme.

>> No.20542447

Why it's the world's greatest FUDer. What's his latest tale?

>> No.20542801

You still don’t understand, and I don’t care to keep explaining things.

>> No.20542824


>> No.20542827

XSN will moon well before pnk. Should be obvious

>> No.20542907

>1 post by this id
We've talked?

>> No.20543009

I saw in another thread them trying to pick apart a linkedin page. They really are getting desperate

>> No.20543283

At least it bumps the thread.

>> No.20544042

the answer is always PNK desu

>> No.20544236

Xsn is on literally one shit exchange with barely any liquidity. Pnk is years away from a massive pump if the stars align. Hard pass on both!!

>> No.20544626

XSN didnt pay millions to get listed on the kind of gatekeeper CEXs its working to obsolete. How is that a bad thing?
If it keeps growing the way it has, it will probably end up on all the big exchanges and get listed for free.

>> No.20544669

Binance won't list XSN surely? Stakenet is binances biggest upcoming competition.

>> No.20544903

They will if it has profitable trading volume and some of their competitors get in on it. Then and only then will Binance/CMC acknowledge Stakenet. Right now, XSN isn't even on CMC's DeFi list. If they stand to make money, they'll do all the promoting for us.

>> No.20544957
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fren posting and especially coffee fren posting are extremely based.

>> No.20545220

>Right now, XSN isn't even on CMC's DeFi list.

Wtf. Guess we can't have too much disruption

>> No.20545887

All the big exchanges larp about being QC for "genuine promising upcoming projects" but it's just a front for bribery.

>> No.20546356

no, they wont, because stakenet runs directly opposite of their interests as a business. Your thinking is retarded and shortsighted

>> No.20546416
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>> No.20546654


Big exchanges QC goes as far as:

>gimme $$$ to prove you’re not scam
>cheque cleared your in


>gimme 10%+ supply to prove you not scam
>yeah now we can pump and dump this for $$$ while controlling price

It’s always one or the other, sometimes both.

>> No.20547118
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XSN or die poor

>> No.20547785


>> No.20548365
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