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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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20537440 No.20537440 [Reply] [Original]

there's going to be another march-tier market crash sometime in the second half of 2020.

>$600 unemployement benefits stop this week
>evictions begin
>mortgage crisis
>less consumer spending
>higher unemployement levels
>weak holiday season sales
>second pandemic wave
>niggers will inevitably get killed again, more riots

sell your bags now. the end is near.

>> No.20537454

Priced in.

>> No.20537480
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>> No.20537496

when people start losing their income and the dow drops 1000 points 3 days in a row, crypto will drop 60% like it did in march. This ones not priced in.

>> No.20537533

I've made more than $24k on crypto since corona started. I have bags I'd love to see continue pumping, just sharing the message along. The music will stop soon and you'll be left with no place to sit in

>> No.20537655

i do contract work
first time back working since march
i only worked 1 week for now...
few guys at work said they were all out of easy stuff to sell for cash any more. no rv, motorcycle, guitars, etc.
they were all hoping for busy work season now, "fun time is over"

>> No.20537729

kek, selling shit even with 1K per week unemployment

>> No.20537833
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I think there will be another crash. But there won’t be anymore -3000pt drops on the DOW. FED decided not to go the deflationary spiral before inflation route. They just went straight into hyperinflation. Everything goes up from here. I mean, everything. Except your paper.

>> No.20537891

evictions are gonna be a mess with the courts having 3 months of backlog. Even then I think only certain locations are going to allow them to start again. Probably most blue states will still have a moratorium

But also evictions are going to be good for banks and landlords. Starting them is the only thing that would prevent a hypothetical mortgage crisis

>> No.20537921

I just moved into a new appartment that costs me $800 cad a month that has a very largr bedroom and a cuck-tier small one
I was planning to live alone, but I''ve been thinking about getting a roomate that would pay $500 for the big room and just go full frugal with the small room even though I make $3500 net per month. I'm thinking it's gonna get worse before it gets better so that would be a good time to invest

>> No.20537943

republicans agree that we need SOME sort of additional covid check. they'll lessen it too $300-400 with a possible 1k for all americans. that will be enough to hold on until vaccine. there will be no second crash, that is too easy. perhaps a small dip, but that is all

>> No.20538027

Depending on where you are, you could probably find someone to rent the small room at that price. I'd try that out first but to see

>> No.20538096

Americans are irrelevant, try zooming out bruv. Saying this born in the usa

>> No.20538196

i dont think its the crash, rather, an even more massive pump. the crash will be cocaine like

>> No.20538258

how about you zoom in, only america matters

>> No.20538264
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Yeah Im sitting on 70k cash, 1/2 in my bank and half in a webull account and I own two homes, one I just bought. I move in mid August, how fucked am I?

>> No.20538576

>no guns/ammo
>no PMs


>> No.20539405

A global mega crash would cause the biggest bull run crypto has ever seen. If all fiat is fucked crypto will be a less risky store of value that's defined by inflated fiat. You could see 1 million dollar bitcoins easy

>> No.20539541

Unironically, this. It’ll follow Venezuela’s stock market.