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File: 23 KB, 200x200, LTC-400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2053604 No.2053604 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.2053620

How many should we have? What is the general consensus? What amount secures a cushiony retirement?

>> No.2053636

Im balls deep in and already up +15%

>> No.2054253

My LTC niggas
What color will your lambo be?

Nocoiners not allowed, go back to flipping burgers

>> No.2054258


probably go to 50 pretty soon IMO. segwit tomorrow, which is causing hype. plus Koreans love this shit.

>> No.2054264

i bought 10 at 23, all i could afford :(

>> No.2054301

you're not alone.

>> No.2054309
File: 38 KB, 236x272, laughingbatman2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He didn't buy 500 when they were just about 2 dollars

>> No.2054323

>like how you didn't buy BTC when it was 10 cents

>> No.2054326

Please tell me how to buy!!!!!!!

What's a reliable coin wallet/service that won't rip me off?

>> No.2054329

If you can't even do 30 seconds of research on google and figure it out, this is not for you.

>> No.2054333

this has been the hundredth last chance. it's always a good time desu

>> No.2054336

It's ridiculous that people aren't even smart enough to do some quick research... especially something that's easy to find with google.

>> No.2054337


>> No.2054341

Segwit is tomorrow? Shit i need to get in now

>> No.2054342


I checked coinbase out but people are having 7-10+ days until their coins arrive and the prices change so they end up getting charged more.

Where I can buy litecoin right now with no delay? If it's not easy enough for a dumbass to use.. litecoin will not take off or go anywhere.

>> No.2054347


coinbase is over
have you checked out their community forum or reddit
everyone is having issues and problems

>> No.2054348

Bought at 11 EUR. Still too late, but made a nice profit. I'll probably hold until LN or MATS.

>> No.2054351

coinbase instant buy.

>> No.2054352

>own 7.9 LTC

Will I get a Lamborghini or a Camry?

>> No.2054354

I'm getting out once 1 BTC = 0.02 LTC. I don't see it going much higher than that, considering Segwit has already been factored into the price by now.

>> No.2054355

They take longer to arrive but afaik you pay the price LTC was at when you bought your coins.

>> No.2054356
File: 26 KB, 400x400, 1486014708502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I remember reading about this new "cryptocurrency" online when I was in 6th grade called Bitcoin that was worth less than a dollar each and expected to increase in price
>mfw even if I wanted to buy some my parent wouldn't have let me

>> No.2054358


but everyone is saying litecoin, bitcoin, isn't showing up in the accounts on their forums and stuff

>> No.2054361

You probably would of sold it 100 times by now.

>> No.2054362

coinbase charges you what the price was when you paid for it, dumbass. What you're hearing about is glitches.

THINK. How retarded would it be to buy a stock today then be charged whatever it was 7 days from now? Literally no one would invest.

>> No.2054367

use gdax then. instant worked fine for me yesterday.

>> No.2054396

I bought LTC on Coinbase last week through bank transfer and in the terms they said it would arrive today and it did.

Wtf are you guys doing wrong?

>> No.2054423

probably a golf cart

>> No.2054445
File: 260 KB, 2040x1360, 2018-Toyota-Camry-XSE-V-6-front-three-quarter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably more of a Camry. But the new Camrys are pretty cool.

>> No.2054630

>6th grade
You would have sold that shit for weed within a couple years.

>> No.2054648

just bought in on 191k xd

>> No.2054665

can confirm, my instant buy of 10 just now isn't looking very instant.
40 ltc up to 50 now, reporting in. I'll take a silver plated lamb pls

>> No.2054672

just bought 160 bucks onto this i hope you guys are right

>> No.2054687

hey dudes what are your send addresses for your litecoin wallets? id be curious to know

>> No.2054712

C'mon /biz/ lets eat the wall
To the moon we go!

>> No.2054727
File: 130 KB, 754x1000, tired.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw broke college student
>tfw watching all these rockets take off without me

>> No.2054839

no thanks rahj

>> No.2054887

you think they'll get their shit together or should i just move everything into a wallet and go elsewhere?

>> No.2054899

If you've got unrealized P/L in polo margin but you wanna turn your long position into a short by selling more then your longing it turns into a short position, my question is, is the P/L deducted and realised or is it left there unrealised?

>want to turn ltc short to long but dont wanna realise the loss

>> No.2054940

can you set aside 100 bucks?

>> No.2055067

I hope anyone that missed the initial dip yesterday got in on that last little one. If not ETH is still pretty low.

>> No.2055144

If you have green pl from long and short the green will give you a higher base price than what you shorted. The opposite is true if you go short with red pl.

>> No.2055165


15 hours until segwit

>> No.2055174

What's the deal with Poloniex. How long does it take for the listings to sell. I'm a noob.

>> No.2055178

we're only losing a dollar an hour

>> No.2055185

Camry is a nice, comfy car. Don't knock it.

Corolla is the poorfag car anyways, Camry is solidly middle class

>> No.2055195

>shilling a shite coin
>comes back on boards screaming SELL

>> No.2055342
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inb4 lel plebs

>> No.2055356
File: 553 KB, 1480x551, Malibu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Anybody who buys foreign also voted for Hilary. Malibu is your only choice if you want to be respected by anybody who isin't a beta.

>> No.2055607

>>tfw broke college student
>>tfw watching all these rockets take off without me

seriously dont watch if u cant afford to play

>> No.2055614
File: 54 KB, 750x987, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pajeet/Sanjay/AJ detected.

Stop calling me to shill MS products you literal shitskin.

>> No.2055674
File: 151 KB, 1020x742, RMA_PowerWheels_DuneRacer_tcm169-246746[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it could all be yours

>> No.2055678

I have 21, I'll let you drive my Huracan Spyder

>> No.2055692

Well I am holding litecoin but not a ton of it. You guys are going to laugh but my husband doesn't see cryptocurrency like I do. He won't let me spend more than $600 a week on it....which is my paycheck. I have a $300ish instant but limit on Coinbase and I set him up an account (which he knows about and agreed to) so I could get his instant buy and then I get my $600 a week. I hope this takes off and I start making money. I would love to have more $$$ to play with. Right now I am holding XRP, LTC, ETH and BTC. oh and some factom. Any suggestions?

>> No.2055694

Best exchange, and why?

Best wallet, and why?

>> No.2055711


>> No.2055714

been using Coinbase for the past like week, and been instant buying with no problems at all. they increased my bank and debit limits within 2 days. instant buys have been truly instant. you guys are fucking up something

>> No.2055717

>Any suggestions?
Never forget to take profit.

>> No.2055718

you don't even have enough to buy 1 or 2 coins?

>> No.2055722

good fuck, eth is going to recover while we fuck around with this shit

>> No.2055745

Do you think Ripple and LTC are good long term holds? Or should I just watch the charts and sell when it starts leveling off?

>> No.2055764

how shit are my gains gonna be if i only hold 6 coins?

>> No.2055773


>> No.2055871

Is it habbening or

>> No.2055879


Get yourself a Schwinn

>> No.2055888

can it at least be gold colored?

>> No.2056090


LTC is breaking out! $36 and rising on polo!

>> No.2056115

Then it goes to $29 and settled for the week at 31.02

>> No.2056133

i got around 2k to spend on litecoin but did the rocket already take off? i think i might wait for a dip then use my 2k on litecoin

>> No.2056295
File: 71 KB, 806x453, Kraken-Facts-EMGN8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long does Kraken take to verify my info?

I'm jonesing to get in on the ride!

>> No.2056639
File: 59 KB, 400x338, 1494293219920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am having a lot of fun with coinbase despite the latency-- there is often enough functional swing to knock an occasional homer if you pay attention

>> No.2056643

who the fuck knows. i have gone against wisdom and bought at ath before and it worked out. just have balls

>t. big dick daddy with the candy-cane nutsack

>> No.2056673

Dude I have 21 LTC I bought two years ago at 3.50 each, been watching them skate around $4 for the longest time but now obviously I'm a very happy camper. If I dipped from it now thats $700 in my pocket, but im waiting for the moon

But where is the moon for you guys? At what point is it like "this is when i wouldve started cashing in on bitcoin if I was smart enough to invest in it back when it was this cheap"?

Ive been thinking $100 and Im selling 75% of my coins. That would be a nice couple thousand dollars in my pocket. But what if thats not enough faith? Should I sit on them till MOON status? Like $1000 each? Can LTC actually go that high??

>> No.2056675


>> No.2056676

I created a coinbase account but they didn't send a fucking SMS to my number so I can verify and buy/sell.. so i kept retrying... now it says i've exceeded the maximum number of trys for the day, try again in 24 hours... so pissed off.

I'm going to miss out because coinbase fucking sucks and can't do shit properly. Also just so you know GDAX is owned by them and runs off their software.

What are you going to do when coinbase goes down? Their support team sucks ass. Everyone is having issues.

Give me a legit wallet/exchange site to use that doesn't have these shitty issues.

>> No.2056684


they're currently under ddos attack

another crappy wallet/exchange service

>> No.2056699



>> No.2056708

Hold it until you can exchange them for goods and services directly

>> No.2056711

how do so many people not have accounts on exchange websites already?

don't whine because you didn't prepare and wanted to cash in last minute

>> No.2056712


another wallet that wants you to send your your ID card and proof of address/birth/name to them...

i thought virtual currency was mean't to be ANONYMOUS?

all these coin wallets just defeat the whole purpose

>> No.2056713

This, why does no one use Gemini? Coinbase is fucking retarded, Gemini has lower fees and gets you your coins quicker.

You can exchange them for whatever alts you want on polo.

>> No.2056716
File: 982 KB, 477x360, chaos.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i have three of my coins there

thanks for the heads up

>> No.2056717

Cant you transfer them to an anonymous wallet later? The ID verification is just because they withdraw from a bank account directly.

>> No.2056723


doesn't matter.. it tells me my cell number isn't a standard number..so I can't verify my account with them either apparently...

"Sorry, you must use a standard SMS-capable cell phone, not a temporary number or online forwarding service. "

I get SMS messages all the time and never had any issues with verifying on any website. This is ridiculous.

>> No.2056728

Virtual currency is, fiat is not.

Exchange websites have to take your personal details to withdraw funds from your bank, dedicated wallet applications don't.


you should not be leaving your funds in exchanges anyway

>> No.2056808

take out some credit cards m8

>> No.2056819 [DELETED] 

reading reviews on all the exchanges/wallets

they all suck, all of them are a 4/5 or under..

why isn't there something easy & simple to use that my grandma could figure out?

>> No.2056831
File: 1015 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2017-05-10-08-19-48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you wake up $8000 richer than when you went to bed.

>> No.2056837 [DELETED] 


must be nice to be a spoonfed trustfund baby
do your parents still change your diapers?

>> No.2056853

i bought when they were $3.20, auto-dump activated if price falls to $29.01

may the best win.

>> No.2056898
File: 8 KB, 432x212, Screenshot 2017-05-10 at 8.42.22 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

coinbase down for anyone else?

>coinbase received 100 million in financing/capital
>this shouldn't be happening
>how could they not have been prepared for this sort of growth

>> No.2056919
File: 44 KB, 680x512, 6b790f101754fa891d21f961d05a6bdb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

coinbase workin fine for me here.

>> No.2056935
File: 79 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-05-10-08-48-48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did everyone else have to upload their ID and a photo of their face to coinbase? or is this a scam?

>> No.2056939

Yeah I had to

>> No.2056941

Can someone tell me when lighnin is supposed to be implemented

>> No.2056944


more security protocols than Amazon or Google
or even when I got my bank account
that's what bothers me about it

>> No.2056947

yes i did, and yes it's a scam. they'll eventually get 'hacked' and everything on their exchange will mysteriously vanish. then they'll sell your data on top of stealing your money.

>> No.2056950

Where do we sell niggers

>> No.2056953

i'm cashing in all my litecoin on golem GNT. maximum gain expected

>> No.2056957

Me too, I put in 5$ and am trying to slowly moon myself, at the end of the day gains are always % so as long as you keep gaining the flat value will increase more and more

>> No.2056959
File: 165 KB, 720x1199, Capture+_2017-05-10-08-58-24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like a little baby.

>> No.2056960

So do people actually expect the price to sky rocket after segwit?

>> No.2056969

Meant to reply to you.

>> No.2056977

I missed the last dip because I was busy with finals, should I buy now or wait for another dip and then put as much as possible in?

>> No.2056978


lol just did a sharp drop to $36.. it seems to not be able to push past $39-$40 so far

>> No.2056983

Who cares its taking off now. Just get out before the event if you're trying to make a quick profit.
For me, im going tp hold for a few months and ride this up. As long as new money keeps pumping in and nothing goes spectacularly wrong there ahould be some gains a few months out.

>> No.2056984


now it's at $35.00

>> No.2056988
File: 117 KB, 720x1199, Capture+_2017-05-10-09-05-23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have to thank the anon who was shilling LTC on the 8th. And the day it came out on coinbase. Thanks bros.

>> No.2056998
File: 39 KB, 600x568, 1440217648730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ltc just dropped 10% in like 5 minutes

fug, please go back up


>> No.2057004

3 hours until segwit
not sure what will happen
it will either fall down to $20-25 or go up to $45-$50

>> No.2057009
File: 181 KB, 363x321, 1337511331754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm holding 30LTC bought at €24 and it feels pretty underwhelming.
I mean, even if it doubles in size (and that's the EXTREME scenario) I'll have made like €1k, whoopde-freaking-do.

The more I get into this market, the more it feels like wasted time. In the 8 hours of daytrading I spent to make a theoretical profit while also risking a loss I could've just worked my $60/h translator contracts.
Crypto feels like it'd be worth it if you're:
a) Poor as fuck and wanting to make pennies in percentage due to the lack of other options
b) Rich as fuck and can afford the time and will to dump multiple tens of Ks into this or that

But for the middle ground it feels like it's all completely worthless aside from cases like buying a coin, keeping it for 5 years, and discovering it took off like crazy.
Which is still pretty good. But, bottomline, daytrading for crypto is wasted time compared to any other good source of reliable revenue.
You're no different from people buying lottery tickets in the faint glimmer of hope that they'll strike it big without effort.

>> No.2057011

It's the overhyped coin that alway flops at the last minute.

>> No.2057014

When it hits 36-37, sell and get XRP which is in a slight dip rn.

>> No.2057020


people are saying bitcoin wont get segwit or anything to really improve it so litecoin will become the coin of choice

>> No.2057023
File: 125 KB, 256x256, 1424097151519.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I had €1.5k in XBY but ultimately decided to sell when it hit 250 and ran away with my 0.5k profit
I just don't trust it, a background of scamming, anonimity, no proof of concept, a shady lock-in hostage system for static nodes and a bunch of other variables have slowly made me go back on my steps.

>> No.2057026

down to $33.50

>> No.2057027
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>> No.2057028

You can also just buy and hold my man, zero effort

>> No.2057035
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>> No.2057038
File: 55 KB, 957x621, 1484196679518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When should I buy back in?

>tfw was gonna move my stop limit but went to brush my teeth
>at least I closed green

>> No.2057039


>> No.2057040


It's what I said
Its only worth is in gambling the long term, daytrading ends up being incredibly expensive in time for minimal returns

>> No.2057044
File: 70 KB, 1000x992, 1424486376116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2057045

Weak HANDs PANIC selling
BUY Now or MISS this rocket

>> No.2057046

after segwit it will go past $100 by friday.. hold in there boys

(i don't own any coins but i know what i'm talking about)

>> No.2057047


On what exchange? Yobit, coinbase and Kraken all report it at $33-$34

>> No.2057048

Wait you fucking goon

>> No.2057054

glad I sold everything and bough GOLEM GNT!!!!

>> No.2057055
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>> No.2057056
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>> No.2057057

I fucking wish. Be way too easy to re buy at that price

>> No.2057064

its back up to $35 soon to be $50... rrrright guys?

>> No.2057065

>People sold during the panic
This is why you fags will always be penniless.

>> No.2057068

POLOs fucked

tried to buy the dip, site is unresponsive.

>> No.2057070

i don't even have LTC, but it's fun to make other people lose money

>> No.2057071

ltc is rebounding from the dip

good time to buy boys

>> No.2057085
File: 191 KB, 633x585, Screenshot 2017-05-10 at 9.33.19 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trusting some chinese guy with your wealth


It makes sense now who coinbase added litecoin.... the maker of litecoin works for them.

>> No.2057086

>tfw tried to buy in at 0.189 but polo kept lagging

>> No.2057089



>> No.2057092

>not using bittrex


>> No.2057123

>tfw squandered my profits by attempting to buy the dip on polo

>> No.2057127
File: 152 KB, 640x623, 1493596294319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when are we selling this shit coin. $40?

i thought people were saying segwit wouldn't matter?

>> No.2057140


I feel because Charlie Lee is the maker of litecoin and works for coinbase, there's a conspiracy.

Peraps coinbase wants to beat out bitcoin somehow and become the defacto coin.

Can litecoin being the better alternative win out in the end?

>> No.2057172

Bought it at the low point at 34 dollars another 15 ltc lads. I regretted it yesterday not buying in the morning. Id have a lot more if I did.

>> No.2057200

Stick to hot wheels poorfag

>> No.2057210

Tfw its been almost 2 weeks and the 200$ of ethereum still says pending on coinbase fuckkk

>> No.2057219


these exchanges/wallets are going to be the death of all coins if they don't improve

>> No.2057248

that is too long

contact support...

>> No.2057296

Already contacted them 3 times.

Any other site i can deposit fiat into that wont screw me over?

>> No.2057330

I've never done crypto before. Is it too late to get in? Where can I look?

Also, isn't it a little too late to buy?

>> No.2057335

They keep sending automated responses to everyone saying they're backed up because of the high volume of transactions during that time. We just have to wait it out and hope they don't Jew us.

>> No.2057367

Its never too late, ethereum is a solid long term holding investment desu famalam

>> No.2057460


should of just used your credit card instead of bank account

>> No.2057511

I did use my card

>> No.2057520


hmm. it says it's "Instant" on coinbase
and only bank transfer take 3-5+ days

but that's fucked up if it never showed up in your account

>> No.2057586

Dude I'm gonna be so pissed off if i lost my last 200$....

>> No.2057602
File: 9 KB, 323x141, Screenshot 2017-05-10 at 11.37.11 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


coinbase says they're FDIC insured so I don't that can happen

if you can't get in contact with them contact the fdic

>> No.2057604


>> No.2057645


42 minutes and it's at $34.27

>> No.2057659

Fuck anon this is great thank you ill post results in case another anon has this issue

>> No.2057676

newfag here
what do site do I use to buy it

>> No.2057684



>> No.2057724

they take paypal?

>> No.2057730


yeah but you have to show ID & photo verfication

>> No.2057731
File: 7 KB, 218x218, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5 m-mins left

>> No.2057732


>> No.2057772
File: 188 KB, 1587x1600, unidentifiedspecialneedschild.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to sell LTC on coinbase but it keeps saying Payment Method Required. I already have my PayPal account set in my payment methods so why is it giving me this shit?

>> No.2057776

Wait what's happening right now?

>> No.2057777

Because you need a real bank account. Not a payjeet pal

>> No.2057782

Rocket to the moon is taking off

>> No.2057783


nothing, might up for to $37 if your lucky
any other increases will be slow

>> No.2057792
File: 27 KB, 598x536, this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The dialog for adding accounts says PayPal will allow you to instant sell on coinbase so either I'm missing something or they done fucked it

>> No.2057796
File: 250 KB, 472x739, ltc liftoff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we have lift off!

>> No.2057804


>> No.2057806
File: 1.77 MB, 400x225, 1494172652635.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2057808


$35.99 atm

how far will it go before it crashes and burns?

>> No.2057814


i'll get on the next take off
but i have to really believe in it to get behind it

>> No.2057901
File: 55 KB, 217x190, ok_hand_gesture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ended up having to install the app to get this to work properly

>> No.2057917

10 minutes

>> No.2057924


10 minutes until it crashes or it goes over the moon?

>> No.2057942

Literally dipped to like 32

>> No.2057971

anyone riding this .02 - .085 oscillation?

jealous cuz hodling. didn't sell b4 the dip.

>> No.2057984
File: 307 KB, 600x297, screen-shot-2013-01-28-at-8.58.45-am-e1359385296266.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yfw you realize all this hype was priced in and the smart money cashed out 72 hours ago

>> No.2058004

Welp, it's obvious it's not going to moon now... should I just sell what I have now before it goes back down to what it was at 2 months ago?

>> No.2058005

Seeing a couple of longs getting rekt on bitmex. Any of you guys?

>> No.2058027

if you sell right now you kids are fucking stupid and deserve the profit loss. SEGWIT is big, give it a week. This industry is the transfer of wealth from the impatient to the patient

>> No.2058058

buffet pls

>> No.2058082
File: 68 KB, 633x758, 1438012511951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's another hold forever episode

>> No.2058083

I bought $2200 worth the second it hit Coinbase at $19. First big jump into crypto. Do I take the free money now or let it ride?

>> No.2058098

Let's do the math shall we?

Is gaining $1100 worth losing tens of thousands in the future? retard.

>> No.2058200

I've bought LTC for $500 an hour ago, how fucked am I?

>> No.2058281



you're good.. if bitcoin doesn't get their shit together and get segwit

>> No.2058310

Wouldn't sweat it. Segwit adds substance to the coin and promotes increased volume. The speculation cycle is cleaning up the excess. Have $7K riding on this.

>> No.2058419

Should've sold at least some of that at the peak today. You'd be able to get back in later tonight when the chinks dump some of their bags.

>> No.2059344

Bought first 10 LTC today.

I hold 2 BTC and 35 ETH(bought a week ago).

Since starting crypto last fall ive turned 3.5k into 7k.

What do you guys think? more LTC or ETH?

>> No.2059374

LTE, its just ppl who made money dumping a bit today. It will continue to rise, especially as noobies buy into low cost coin for first purchase on exchanges like

>> No.2059397

Nigga stop being broke ass. I've made 400$ these last few months with an investment that I started a while back of only 50$. Currently I have 800$.

I'm a college student as well, just not shit at life.

>> No.2059415

This is phrased so horrifically that I should kill myself.

>> No.2059425

The attempt was made. Sold 50 after misreading the peak. Got a bit of leverage out of it just not as much as I wanted. The hard lessons learned in trade opportunity.

What time do the chinks start their rounds?

>> No.2059491

Just bought $200 worth of LTC

What am I in for?

>> No.2059494

Fucking coinbase and their fees. What are some better exchanges

>> No.2059520

coinbase.com also, bittrex.com for alt coins is what i use. Good luck friend!! welcome to the rocketshiop to the moon! way to get in early, you still are

>> No.2059533


stuck in the 30's until something happens to bring it up to the 40's-50's...

>> No.2059536

But Segwit happened, isn't that enough?

>> No.2059540

Fucking this, I am OCDing checking out those stats

>> No.2059546

How to I learn btc? how far do you assume I can get with $200?

>> No.2059547

Give it time, it should definitely affect it positively

>> No.2059553

If you keep making good investments the growth is exponential, the more money you have, the more money you can make investing

>> No.2059555
File: 833 KB, 500x281, snowanus.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

litecoin with segwit is like building a 5 lane highway through somalia just so the local farmer and his 10 child sex slaves can get to the local inn a little faster

no trafic, no use, no rise

The LTC hype is over, segwit is activated, you sell now, you dont buy

>> No.2059628


its easy... there's nothing to learn

spend 80% on bitcoin and 20% on the others unless you know for sure something is going to take off..

i would just Invest all in bitcoin and stop worrying.. it's on it's way to $2000 and above...nothing else can compete as of yet

>> No.2059643

All of the currencies are in a BIG FAT UGLY BUBBLE right now. You have a few more days to make profit and sell before they go down 40%.

>> No.2060230
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segwit is racist

>> No.2060334
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I bought 6 at 20,


now I will miss moon ;_;
fuck u gdax and coinbase. fuck you.

>> No.2060673



>> No.2060690

my shitcoin


>> No.2060712
File: 180 KB, 400x388, 1421887962227.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buy LTC at 27 sunday
>it soars to 34
>contracts back to 28
>returns back to 33
>contracts back
>Meanwhile stuck having to wait till end of friday before I get to see my LTC from coinbase
>another cocktease with seeing my gains wither away


>> No.2060725

I use to think like this, but then rumors of golem going on coinbase changed my perspective. What you think about that?

>> No.2060754


I'll buy at 25

>> No.2060765

holy shit

where are we going

>> No.2060771

Well lads I made my profit. Let's see if it's worth buying the dip or if it goes back way down like it did years ago.

>> No.2060856
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>they didn't short ltc today

>> No.2060868

LTC is the ONLY coin that go down after good news and all the lucks given to it.

I am staying the fuck away from this bad luck coin.

>> No.2061122
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>> No.2061134
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I saw all the segwit shill threads like OP yesterday

I bought ETH instead

I came to laugh at you all

>> No.2061164
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>he bought ETH after its ATH

I'll think of you when I'm riding the lightning.

>> No.2061188

ETH doesn't crash so buying at the ATH doesn't matter. it'll be at a new ATH next week anyway

>> No.2061190

Okay, see you then.

>> No.2061223
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>> No.2061254

What the fuck is going to happen

>> No.2061255

just hold until the BTC rocket runs out of fuel.

>> No.2061258

O-OK... I hope your right

>> No.2061263

Sell LTC when it hits $33. It will be the last time then it will go down to $15 and stay there.

>> No.2061266

Fuck it, I'm buying.

>> No.2061273

The BTC pump is good man, guess where all that money is going to go when the pump is done? Not USD. All three top altcoins are going to benefit.

>> No.2061279

So when do you think it will hit 40-50

>> No.2061289

It's hard to say, it took ETH about a month. Newcomers are pouring in all the time, and old bag holders pour their money whenever they can. It's really just matter of time, if you see an increase at the end of the month is because people are getting paid.

>> No.2061297

Never, segwit is baked in and as soon as it is tested, LTC will crash because BTC has enough data from LTC segwit to proceed.


>> No.2061305
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I'm sure it won't just stay.
I'm sure it will keep swinging its little 1-2 dollar an hour moves around. If it can go to 15 it can go to 10.

>> No.2061306

You mean you're using gdax? Coinbase's exchange? Or you're actually buying and selling shit on coinbase and paying huge fees?

>> No.2061313
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I told someone with big cash to mine these things at 1$
He was a french douche.
You seem more like.. east coast. grumpypants.

>> No.2061450
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Anons, I have some old vinyls that a friend wants. He offered some decent cash but recently a mutual friend and he were discussing bitcoin and ltc and it peaked my interest so I asked if he would just get me some ltc instead. My question is what do I do? ex. we agreed on 5 coins for one album and going to work out the rest later on the others. I'm a noob at this yet i'm intrigued by this. What do?

>> No.2061454

What exchange like Coinbase doesn't charge fees>?

>> No.2061460

>5 bitcoin
>$9200 USD per album

not funny

>> No.2061461

>give him your wallet address
>wait until they're in your wallet
>give him the vinyls

>> No.2061465

ltc, sorry my mistake for the confusion

>> No.2061472

get a wallet to store the ltc.
either a paper wallet , research it.
or an online provider or broker to trade if you like for example. they will supply you with a 'wallet' address which is just a string of code they send the coin into that you, or they, control.
small amount of research and you will have it.

>> No.2061481

I don't know, but it would be hard to have fees as huge as coinbase

>> No.2061482

Thanks, anon. I plan on holding onto it for a year or more. Is this a bad idea asking for ltc if I plan on holding for a year or longer?

>> No.2061501

depends how old you are
this isn't a lot of cash so id hold for 10 years or more.
constantly adding a few more when you can
also buy silver.
if you are that desperate for cash after only a year. just study to trade it and in a year or less trade the cash and try to make more with it.
you'd have a better shot starting with 5k$ but we all have to try and start somewhere.

>> No.2061505

I'm 27
>you'd have a better shot starting with 5k$ but we all have to try and start somewhere.
I hear ya. I can put more than that later this year.

Would getting into crypto be too late in the game for me?

>> No.2061540

I just bought 11.5 worth of LtC. Will I see a major return this late in the game?

>> No.2061562
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too late for huge returns
not too late to trade liquidity and also still decent swings of %
but hold some long term also because you're young enough. who knows what these will be doing in 2027