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File: 116 KB, 938x429, BTCCANTFAIL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2052894 No.2052894 [Reply] [Original]

Where are you going to move your BTC before the inevitable collapse?

Cash out into Fiat? ETH? LTC? PepeCoin?

>> No.2052898
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>> No.2052904

Bitcoin is mooning. If you sell you're an idiot. We are going to see bitcoin reach 2000 by the end of the year.

>> No.2052928
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Bitcoin is not sustainable without altcoins, and altcoins are not sustainable without bitcoin, except a few

Bitcoin will crash soon and the cash will flow back into altcoins

>> No.2052937

More like $10,000. It will hit 2k in less than a month.

>> No.2052944
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Tether coin?

But I havent had anyone confirm that the coin is table and hasnt been hacked at all

Can someone tell me if there is a better coin than Tether for stable prices? Can anyone vouch for Tether?

>> No.2052951
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WAVES my dude.

>> No.2052957

>all alt coins trade in BTC
>BTC collapses

>> No.2052965

Thats called a bubble mate

>> No.2052977

Holy shit lol

>> No.2053078

where are the answers?

>> No.2053086

There aren't any..

>> No.2053093

Don't be crazy 6-8k at best.

>> No.2053101


STEEM dollars allegedly is pegged to the dollar although last time I looked it seemed to have switched to being pegged to the peso

Tether was a good investment if u bought 2 weeks ago when it was being starved of cash. Since then its been an easy 7% rise

>> No.2053105
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the whole point is Tether is meant to be a coin which doenst rise . fuck they cant even do that right.

>> No.2053128

Got back in at 1650. Feel like an idiot for not holding when I had bitcoins at 300$ a piece. Thought they were expensive then, jokes on me

>> No.2053130
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>Where are you going to move your BTC before the inevitable collapse?

This is more of a problem for Venezuelans and Syrians than the average person in the real world

Pic related, these are people whose E-Dinars cannot be redeemed due to UN embargo

>> No.2053165
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>t. increasingly nervous bagholder

u suck

>> No.2053173

It won't matter because it will take a Mtgox level happening to sink this fucker, and if that happens none of your coins or fiat stored in the exchange is safe.

>> No.2053199

It will fall back to 1300 in 24 hours.

>> No.2053207


>> No.2053223
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The sad thing about that statement is every coin you niggers shill on here people have to buy bitcoin to get it.

>> No.2053227

It squirts ´bout news and rumors
Where retards and autism unites
Will bitcoin fall in supersonic
Once this shitcoin is dumped

>tfw humming the upcoming bitcoin crash song

>> No.2053238


>Source: Zero Hedge


>> No.2053244

Haven't really looked at all into the cryptocurrencies and the amount of different coins seems ridiculous.

>> No.2053253

The smart choice is ETH or some tokens that use ETH, especially while it's in this irrational dip.

>> No.2053271

That's what they were saying 24hrs ago.

>> No.2053503
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When Bitcoin reached $1200, I cashed all out for a bunch of ASIC mining rigs. Days later, it's STILL climbing past $1700. WTF?! I wasted sooo much buying power... Now I only have .004 BTC to my name. I'm STILL waiting for Bitmain to deliver (around July....)

>> No.2053518

no serious coiner is without bitcoin

>> No.2053533

all bitcoin non holders will literally shit their pants when some serious investor money will start pouring into BTC because it actually never happened yet

>> No.2053534

>its another no coiners attempt at discussing crypto episode

>> No.2053589


It wasn't their fault it was their Mao Mao hong kong bank

considering it was a top 5 coin and surely making real money, I am not surprised at all they found liquidity and have shored up their price. That was an easy 10%

>> No.2053614

LTC of course
Moon mission incoming

>> No.2053639

Currently buying PIVX.

Holding BTC too obviously. But I don't think BTC will hold the test of time. Too many problems. I think it'll remain a major player for at least another couple years though.

>> No.2053670

...right. No one wealthy has ever bought btc...

>> No.2053681

It will flood back into BTC, so get your gain and get the fuck out of them. We're about to witness an extremely large pump into alts. Diversify into the cheap higher cap alts. The rate of the BTC drop will indicate how quickly the pump happens.

>> No.2053709

So you're just going to ignore the fact that you can't withdraw funds from bitfinex? That's a perfectly normal and acceptable thing for an exchange to do?

>> No.2053720

The real moon mission hasn't even begun m8

>> No.2053721

Nexus, literal sleeping giant

>> No.2053756

not the case anymore with transaction fees and wait times

>> No.2053763

is it viable to short sell this motherfucker?

>> No.2053788

I don't know but I think I am gonna make a game plan. Sell half at 5k, then 10% every 1k after because after the inevitable crash, there is no way it will be above 2-3k or so. I pulled these numbers out of my ass but you get my point, I am going to try to study what happened in 2013 since that was before my time in this space, but I am pretty sure this is going to be a 2013-style run since a 2 year channel was broken.

>> No.2053811

Safest way to do it is via options which you can trade on deribit.

>> No.2053832

why is that? What tech behind it differentiates it for long term investment?

>> No.2053880


>> No.2053884
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its happening


>> No.2053890


>> No.2053896
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vitali fuck off BTC is fine just a small correction and ready up for 2k. the same shit happend some days ago

>> No.2053908
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>> No.2053913

>see bitcoin is at $1200
>"what was that old rule? buy high?"
>buy bitcoin
>bitcoin goes to $1700
Who else here is a financial genius?

>> No.2053924
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you can actually see the moment everyone tries to panic sell their btc

>> No.2053925
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Don't worry. As long as the price stays above the blue line everything is ok. Once it goes below though...

>> No.2053931


>selling the only coin that matters for russian and pajeet coins that will crash 50% this year


>> No.2053934
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Done. Sold all my BTC

Also bought 50 more LTC

>> No.2053937
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>> No.2053941

it is jumping 20x in 1 minute between +0.5% and 9%, obviously something is in a pathetic attempt to save btc

>> No.2053952

which market ticker is updated most frequently?

>> No.2053957

care to take a few seconds to explain the the fucking blue line actually is?

(thx btw)

>> No.2053969

100 simple moving average. The one below is 200.

>> No.2053970

if you look in the top left corner you can see it is the moving average (100, close)

that means it takes the closing price of the last 100 candles and averages them

>> No.2053971
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already below both lines whatever that means for you.

>> No.2053980

it depends what the time frame of your chart is

the candle time is going to change

and thus the moving average changes

obviously you are looking at something like 5 minute candles while hes got 1 hour candles

>> No.2053989


1500 by midnight

1300 by noon tomorrow

>> No.2053997

nope, buy litecoin on coinbase and trade them to novaexchange. You will have your funds within 15 minutes compared to over an hour

>> No.2054002


furthermore another variable is the amount of periods included in the moving average.

I dont think you can tell me what those moving averages are in your chart. 100 MA? 20 MA? 50?

>> No.2054015

moving average you faggot

>> No.2054201


he knows

>> No.2054226

then what?

>> No.2054231


edit: thanks for the reddit gold ;)

>> No.2054238


then 2000 before June? quit trolling.

>> No.2054254


bit coin's been going up up up in waves like this for months now all thanks to China and India. Just buy the dip

>> No.2054303

You realize buying memecoins only props up the price of bitcoin, right? Everyone flips them back into BTC, rarely into USD.

>> No.2054331

Literal IQ of 180 here. I can see the charts eigenvectors by their gradients of probability and collapses clairvoyantly. Tonight bitcoin dies.

>> No.2054335
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>Connections to Elon Musk
>has already launched rockets into space
>plans for globalized free internet
>will have it's own decentralized 'internet' by launching cube satelittes into space
>not on poloniex yet

Can't wait to retire

>> No.2055371
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All in JapariCoin

>> No.2055381

BTC is going to be 4000 by the end of the year, you faithless cucks

>> No.2055756

You don't have an IQ of 180, you're on this fucking shill coin board. Shut the fuck up.

>> No.2055774

200 IQ here, not gonna lie, I'm satoshi and gonna sell all my shbitcoins on bittrex today at 08:00 and invest into bitbean. If you can't beat them, join them.

>> No.2055779


>looks at every other time the blue line has been crossed
>skyrockets each time

>> No.2055780

ETH is the clear winner here, keep in the front of your fucking mind that the chinese whales (most of BTC) have been worded up AND do not forget the talk of putting the entire fucking renminbi on ether smart contracts


>> No.2055786

Technically it's always going up in correlation to my investments. What I've discovered is the correlation goes two ways, and that's how I know bitcoin has to reach zero.

(((RIPPLE))) desu

>> No.2055788

Congratulations, you are the third smartest person in the world! I believe you. What, you spend time buying and selling a worthless string of data repeatedly, instead of curing cancer? How fulfilling!

>> No.2055792


>> No.2055803
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>y'all ass mad that the bitcoin network doesn't support enough transactions to either crash or moon
it's pottery

>> No.2055814


im a nocoiner here and only recently discovered the wonders of cryptocurrencies
i want to start as soon as possible, but should i just lurk more and wait until the pop or start investing small amounts to get the hang of it

>> No.2055865

In the great altcoin depression we just saw, Ethereum seemed to hold steadiest of the lot. When the inevitable bitcoin bubble pops within the next couple of weeks, a shit ton is going to flow into Ethereum as it's seen as the most stable alt to hodl and invest in. We'll see ETH's market cap rise to $15 billion and Bitcoin will fall to $20 billion. This will scare the shit out of the Chinese who will begin to buy up LTC over the following months, forcing bitcoin below $1000.
That's when the new king is crowned: Ethereum. ETH will go mainstream, attracting investment from whales on Wall Street and in Silicon Valley. Then litecoin will eventually take over from Bitcoin and accelerate phenomenally.
It's only the very beginning, but Ethereum and Litecoin together are going to take down the behemoth that is bitcoin.

>> No.2055946

Start investing small amounts. Once you've watched ticker changes every day for a couple weeks you should get a much better hang of how things work

>> No.2055992 [DELETED] 
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>Newfags not knowing what value proposition means

>> No.2056002
File: 134 KB, 749x459, btc1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>newfags spurting random nonsense

By all means bitcoin is in for a correction but this talk of a great crash is bullshit, BTC is stronger than ever, with more distribution and reasons to hold than the last great crashes.

Value utilization it a lot more efficient than before, by all means when Bitcoin enters mainstream mass and the price shoots up 2000% then we may be in dire need of a drastic correction.

>> No.2056034

You do realize these machines get obsolete incredibly fast? Also you do know the electricity costs will eat deep into your profits?

>> No.2056040

If you believe in it hard enough, it WILL come true, amirite?

>> No.2056050

Its already going mainstream, see Japan. If anything, BTC is primed to become global reserve currency.

Bitcoin has finite supply, therefore the price will always rise in expanding economy, therefore no one would be willing to spend it, therefore it cannot replace fiat as the main currency.