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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20527123 No.20527123 [Reply] [Original]

Anybody else here wish these idiots saying one million is nothing and saying they need 10 million to retire would just drop dead the second they make it if they ever make these retarded numbers they claim you need to live a good life

>> No.20527163

i could honestly 'make it' with 200k and by 'make it' i mean build an off grid cabin on acres of land and live the rest of my life hunting and dicking around without ever seeing a nigger again

>> No.20527182
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>> No.20527195


>> No.20527209

nice selfie

>> No.20527218

Your million will inflate like shit in a few years.
Sure you can stop working with $1 million
But better don't bring kids into this world.
They will always ask you why you didn't accomplish generational wealth

>> No.20527235

they aren't wrong

i doubt that this is enough to satisfy your ambition

>> No.20527267

>But better don't bring kids into this world

>> No.20527297

i never said to never make money again after making a million

just that a million isnt nothing

>> No.20527470

kids are annoying and ungrateful. Ultimately all you're doing is building a new meat mecha for your genes to pilot. They're not even 'your' genes really, anymore than a house owns its blueprints. That means your kids aren't even really your kids, either.

Making kids means getting cucked by your genes. Not making kids means getting cucked by Uzibuzi in Botswanastan cranking out 20 subsaharan spawnlings. If I'm going to get cucked either way, may as well opt for the less expensive cuck plan that also doesn't demand 18 years of slavish, unpaid labor from me.

>> No.20527507

Do you realize you can stake 1m$ at 6% in AAVE??? Thats solid 5k$/month you can live well in most of countries and even save some money

>> No.20527576

So this is the true power of the Jew

>> No.20527588

We say you can't make it with just a million because there's tons of extra cash sinks in life you're not thinking about. Anyone who says "I can make it with a million dollars!" isn't thinking about health and maintenance.
You get one health problem, which is fairly normal as you age, with no insurance and guess where all that money goes?