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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 104 KB, 1471x517, ripple breakout.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2052678 No.2052678 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.2052685

How is it imminent?

Not doubting you, just want a source.
I have strong hands. I'll clench this bitch till I die.

>> No.2052693

Scam ripple shills. Get the fuck out.

You people have caused enough grief with your roller coaster this week already.

>> No.2052696

Triangles, lad. The convergence of the lower line and upper line signals an increase in value

>> No.2052697

Didn't tell it can go both ways...

>> No.2052700

You can't even read your own graph, that just shows there's about to be another huge drop retard.

>> No.2052710

>that bottom scamline using a dump to get a good angle

You're a real bully OP and I don't appreciate you

>> No.2052715

Ripple is a longterm hold, buy it and don't look at it again for a year.

>> No.2052717

That's why he wants people to buy, so he can cash out before it plummets. You do realise you should follow the opposite of what these /biz/ pajeets tell you, right? It's really easy to spot their writing too.

>> No.2052735

Like every other cryptocurrency.
Why should I buy XRP?

>> No.2052761

Here we go...

So, ripple is marketed for Bank transactions across countries. These cost around $15-30 a piece and can take on avg 2 days to complete. That's a lot of time and money. So ripple allows them to do the same thing using ripple, which will finish it's transaction in 1-2 seconds and is free to do.
It saves Banks a LOT of money.

Only coin with a real future that I see, t b h. But I could be wrong and lose it all too... So ya know... Grain of salt and all.

>> No.2052763

XRP is a transactional currency, companies use it to convert foreign currencies to USD and back with smaller margin loss. China specifically has to trade at least three times to get to USD. This is the entire purpose of XRP.

Whether or not you should buy it is your own call and I'm not here to tell you why you should. I already handheld you a lot explaining the purpose of XRP that could have been deduced from a simple Google search.

>> No.2052810

XRP a shit
This is legitimately the last chance you have to get on the DOGETRAIN.

>> No.2052824

... I have never seen such bad shilling before...

>> No.2052834

Wouldn't any crypto currency be better at moving money across borders than a fucking bank? This doesn't make xrp special, it means you bought a fake selling point

>> No.2052853

Tell that to the shit tons of Banks onboard to use it.

>> No.2052856
File: 81 KB, 959x517, bizdoingTA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.2052865

You're completely missing the point of this crypto, Its not meant to actually be used by individuals. The bulk of the usage come from people making transfers overseas who are using banks already, they don't even realize the banks are using this process. This is an investment vehicle and nothing more for the average person, its really not intended to be a replacement currency like all the other cryptos are trying and failing to accomplish(Bitcoin and Monero are the only ones that have achieved even the minimal aspects of being considered a currency in my mind).

>> No.2052867

Is this a program?

>> No.2052869

Something to keep in mind is that Ripple Labs is a business trying to secure million dollar contracts within finance. They are somewhat divested from XRP in that their tech can transfer currencies without using XRP as an intermediate.

They have a really good marketing team though, and I will admit getting autistic crypto traders to thanklessly fund their business is impressive.

>> No.2052875
File: 89 KB, 353x332, IMG_0175.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What type of autism is this?

>> No.2052878

night mode on poloniex

>> No.2052983
File: 53 KB, 1280x720, Bob-Ross-Remixed---Happy-Little-Clouds---PBS-Digital-Studios-(HD)_174741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So, ripple is marketed for Bank transactions across countries. These cost around $15-30 a piece and can take on avg 2 days to complete. That's a lot of time and money. So ripple allows them to do the same thing using ripple, which will finish it's transaction in 1-2 seconds and is free to do.
>It saves Banks a LOT of money.
>Only coin with a real future that I see, t b h. But I could be wrong and lose it all too... So ya know... Grain of salt and all.

Still don't understand where this plays out as a value proposition vis a vis XRP holders.

A bank can buy a token for market price, (pennies) and then use that token to transfer much greater fiat values form its ledgers, with a little bit getting used up each time.

But they send and recieve the token which is divisible about a bizzillion times. So a (pennies) token can simply be used and reused bazillions of times.

It just doesn't add up to the market price from where I'm sitting even if the banks want to buy (and why would they, a contract with Ripple Labs buys them a near infinite supply).

>> No.2053004
File: 23 KB, 265x276, 1471044357581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These bags are getting heavy biz

>> No.2053012
File: 181 KB, 900x664, 1453983217640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>XRP is a transactional currency, companies use it to convert foreign currencies to USD and back with smaller margin loss

Yeah, but these aren't boatloads of physical cash being swapped, CRP is just a token that ensures that a transaction that represents the difference on two different ledgers is A) accurate and B) equal in differential. After suah a transaction a tiny bit of XRP is destroyed, like 0.0000000000001 XRP or some shit

The enormous cost savings here are captured by the banks and will go straight to earnings reports


You shouldn't be buying bank tokens, you should be buying bank STOCKS

inb4 ur gains of course

Pic related, its how much the power of just 1 XRP represents to the world's banks

>> No.2053013

Just hold onto them for 3-10 years.

>> No.2053029
File: 134 KB, 507x338, 78483389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just hold onto them for 3-10 years.

Yes! You'll have tons of fun with tons of XRP over the years as other altcoins establish moon bases.