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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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2052476 No.2052476 [Reply] [Original]

>Anonymous devs
>No tech
>No marketing
>Extremely risky
>No Whitepaper

Its a SCAM. Sell sell all your coins. Do it fast, you never know when the price will drop. I know many of you profited. Why wait and risk your coins?

My advice will be to sell your coins while you still can. This is vaporware and will never come to fruition. There are not many projects in crtypto with anonymous devs either.

Just sell your coins and get out ASAP. You have been warned. SELL.

>> No.2052490

An example post of a fucker trying to falseflag to let it drop so he can buy more for cheap.
The reason these pajeets are in full force today is because you have left about 1.5 weeks max to invest as much as you can in XBY before it takes off.

>> No.2052492

I'm not even XBY hodler and I can feel your FUD from a mile away. Work on it. XBY has future, but in like 2-3 months from now. I must agree though that there is going to be a heavy dump once price reaches it's peak. Maybe even dumped as much as POSW.

>> No.2052500


>no marketing

>> No.2052505

It's PoSW all over again

>> No.2052543

Typical pajeet tactic to bring the price down.

Devs are not anonymous, I know both of their full names. The tech has been explained a million times with more complete explanations coming. Marketing isn't going to happen until after the nodes and network have been tasted fully. Whitepaper is coming in ~2 months.

This fucking project is only 3 weeks old

>> No.2052549

It will be dumped heavier than posw since posw has an actual product while xby is just marketing and shilling with nothing to actually show

>> No.2052562

let it reach a dollar a coin and ill sell my shares.

>> No.2052628
File: 1.41 MB, 1000x600, flymetothemoonXBY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I love this FUD trollin the despair is real

OP better buy XBY now cause next week price will be 10x from now \0/

>> No.2052744

>that unedited laptop with POSW "stakes" screen
Another scam attempt confirmed.

>> No.2052781

Share their names please. Otherwise you are lying.

>> No.2052793
File: 1.38 MB, 1920x1053, PoSWtronaut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMAO I made the original to that.

Pre shill edit.

POSW moon.

>> No.2052879

You absolutely do not know their names you fucking clown. All you're saying as ANON is "hey its me ur brother". Your word means fucking nothing.

>> No.2052953

I can confirm XBY is a scam.

The time will come soon to panic. I would be ahead of the pack and sell as soon as possible. Dont doubt yourself - just sell and get out. No sense in risking it.

XBY will crash soon and never recover. Sell.

>> No.2052973

Literally posw all over again. You faggots are retarded. Unlike posw delisting PIVX, xby hasn't done anything wrong yet. 3/4 of your points aren't even valid Kek.

>> No.2052981

and this is the problem with the whole coin. There is absolutely no proof of the coin. There is an extremely high level description, which doesn't even begin to cover it. No one will tie their identities to the project.

Anyone reading - just join their slack. If you're really positive about XBY, read ~10 hours of the members. Anyone who asks questions is berated by the same subset of users. They ban these "FUD"ers.

But what does FUD accomplish on such a dirt cheap coin? If the devs and the community TRULY believed in it, they wouldn't be so childish. They would just continue developing and buy it low. But they don't believe in it. That's why there's no substance. That's why several of the commits to the github are logo updates and BS. That's why they have produced more memes about mooning than actual substance. If anything, anyone saying it's going to moon is fleecing you of your money. They want hype so there's demand.

My prediction: the Static nodes lock next week. So they've been convincing the community to lock up MILLIONS of tokens so that they can use the lower supply and completely fucked static node hosts to create a huge pump. The pump will happen within 2 weeks. Then the only person "in the know" will announce he was betrayed by the "super mad genius" dev (they've never met. They've never even spoken. Only typed). You can see he's setting this up by his videos of their faked chat logs on skype. Screencap you fucking idiots.

>> No.2053027

Scam confirmed, sell!

>> No.2053074

Cmon shills come defend your blatant scam

>> No.2053079

i have 500k xby and this is a fairly plausible scenario desu

i can afford to lose that money though, gonna hold and see what happens

>> No.2053099

You know we can see you samefagging here right?

>> No.2053155


I'm out, not taking the change I look at my blockfolio and it's tanked to 0

>> No.2053162

>huge pump

NOICE. How much should I buy now? Will it dip below 100? IDGAF about believing in the coin.

>> No.2053193

lol this really reminds me of pivx, i fell for the fud then and lost alot of money because of it. Not falling for this shit again. DO OR DIE, HIGHBALL HIGH RISK OR DIE POOR! t. xby millionaire

>> No.2053228

The price isn't going to explode that much based off of the amount of nodes registered atm. If the marketcap grows to 20 million then maybe but as of now you're just going to see a very small increase.

>> No.2053319

I'm starting to agree with you. If this wasn't a scam then why aren't they doing more to combat the accusations. Something smells fishy.

>> No.2053419

Actually they are, #trollpatrol kek. It makes it even more of a scam.

Scam scam scam. SELL sell sell.

>> No.2053491
File: 213 KB, 496x904, 1452796786701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw pulling off the lot in my fresh lambo that I purchased with my profits

>> No.2053493

All these guys wanting cheap coins, lol

>> No.2053494

Fucking pajeets on this board trying to FUD by claiming there's no plan or no whitepaper need to hold the hell on. Who's gonna write the whitepaper if not the man who is currently programming the Static Nodes right now. Once that's done and rolled out he can worry about getting the language down on paper.

But please, everyone here should sell now so I can pick up a bit more. I've got about 650k in this and have spoken to the devs personally about the project. This is going straight to the moon whether you're on it or not.

>> No.2053777


>> No.2054250


>> No.2054257
File: 2 KB, 160x120, FYBIZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flags so we can avoid pajeets and leafs when?!

>> No.2054259

I have 20k shares now.

Everybody, sell yours so I can buy more. Thanks.

>> No.2054312

stop try force this shit leaf mem, it never going to catch on