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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 10 KB, 200x200, 7644143E-6C31-4BF5-8746-C4E6CB271EE4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20524737 No.20524737 [Reply] [Original]

1. I will be a billionaire.
2. I will be a billionaire.
3. I will be a billionaire.
4. I will be a billionaire.
5. I will be a billionaire.
6. I will be a billionaire.
7. I will be a billionaire.
8. I will be a billionaire.
9. I will be a billionaire.
10. I will be a billionaire.

>> No.20524824


>> No.20524949

No fap is crucial for the law of attraction.

>> No.20525041

Kings and pawns go in the same box.

>> No.20525104

implying if you summon that nigger he won't just rape you and be done with it
stick to Marchosias anon
now fuck off back to >>>/x/

>> No.20525304

moloch is a bro, don't let muh conspiracy theories ruin all that he offers

>> No.20525347

Question: does it have to be MY soul that's being bartered?

>> No.20525368
File: 215 KB, 612x612, genesis-315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sigils are for degenerate faggots trying to shortcut through life. They don't work.

Pro tip: The "demons" only help (((them))) and their bloodline.

>> No.20525385

nice. been 4 weeks and actually only yesterday i understand what that means. it really is. the vibration is completely different. feel like i can do anything.

>> No.20525420

You can barter for a reduction in the size of yo dick tho

>> No.20525430

i hope you get burned alive in a bronze bull faggot moloch worshipper

>> No.20525448

Is this mamoon sigil?

>> No.20525468

Okay i laughed for a sec there

>> No.20525489

kek, sigil anon is at it again! must not have worked last year when you spammed the board with this shit. this time will be different, I'm sure.

protip: aim for reasonable goals and step up from there. how about "I have enough money to move out of moms basement." for starters

>> No.20525513

>Rabbinical tradition depicted Moloch as a bronze statue heated with fire into which the victims were thrown.

this is your fate and destiny for eternity. your suffering powers the life force of the universe while you boil alive in the sun's core

>> No.20525803
File: 14 KB, 200x200, CID.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only occultish token I am getting in is Cryptid.

>> No.20526321

the demons helped me but I screwed up. they put me in the right place and time. I just failed to act by either selling too soon or too late.

>> No.20526491

back to la reddit .cohk majihkc is not allowed on 4chan

>> No.20527039

Sounds like me.

>> No.20527351

they fed on your energy until you ran dry and then abandoned you. the "gains" were just bait to keep them in your life. same shit happened to me.

>> No.20527689

you kids are insufferable, you have no idea how this shit works. You don't just find a sigil online and post on 4chan expecting the universe to make you a billionaire, there's action involved which i doubt any of you sigil moon bois take the initiative to do. You can't even make your own sigil for fucks sake

>> No.20527836
File: 6 KB, 347x351, 26855135309_d468f32aaf_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too

>> No.20528334

I AM a billionaire
That's how it's done