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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20522560 No.20522560 [Reply] [Original]

can you faggots shill me something that hasn't already mooned? im not buying your fucking 10x curry coated tokens. Give me an ICO or something for fucks sake im so sick of the same shills shilling the same inflated garbage

>> No.20522579

not if you’re going to be a dick about it. maybe reddit would be more your speed

>> No.20522592


>> No.20522600

No :)

>> No.20522603

you keep posting the same shit fucking faggot, again, go eat some shit you loser

>> No.20522619

Alright poorfag, I'll throw you a bone. Look into CELR.

>> No.20522623
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>spoonfeed me, im too dumb to think for myself

>> No.20522628

Agreed. Don’t listen to people telling you to invest in shit that already mooned. That’s about 90% of the posts here.

Check out SNGLS token and what SingularDTV/Breaker are doing for decentralized entertainment. Very under the radar. Biz too stupid to care.

>> No.20522636


>> No.20522644

kill yourself nigger i keep posting it because no one even shills anything new besides pajeet pnds this place is dead as fuck kike

>> No.20522671

It already mooned. WTF did OP say?

>> No.20522696
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Look no more senpai

>> No.20522700

ive been browsing /biz/ for days now and not one single new project that hasn't already 10-20x is shilled here faggot

>> No.20522704

fucking shit-eater the first time I gave you 4 coins that hadn't pumped, did you buy them? I guess not, you fucking micropenis-having mongoloid

>> No.20522717

And yet somehow you lack basic sense enough to decide what is and is not a viable coin to buy.

Tell me, do you require someone to tell you how to dress and what to eat, too?

>> No.20522726

link to post? my thread archived with 3 responses none naming any coin

>> No.20522745


>> No.20522777
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Hasn't mooned yet. You're welcome

>> No.20522839

Blockstack (STX) on binance. Mainnet in August or Late Q3 Max, Pump should start soon.

>> No.20522913
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checked and just bought 300k. thanks fren

>> No.20522925

Where were you when /biz/ shilled SXP like a week ago and it already more than doubled since?

>> No.20522935
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kek has spoken. there you go OP

>> No.20522949

I also posted about orion protocol 5 days ago and got zero replies

>> No.20523093

U r retard, buy link

>> No.20523122

Ocean Protocol

>> No.20523192

Fuck that actually sounds good, imagine if Alex shills this live on air? How do I get any? Can't find it on uniswap.

>> No.20523235


>> No.20523262
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The devs have connections to Paul Watson > AJ.

>> No.20523329

Thanks fren
Has this been shilled before? I feel like this is ultra early.

>> No.20523333

ARPA or RLC. That's what I'm holding hoping for 10x

>> No.20523681
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I shilled it twice and it only received a handful of replies, mostly skeptics that ridiculed it. It is ultra early, you can get 1% of the supply for a few eth

>> No.20523727
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>> No.20523731

I have a couple ANJ but no ETH on my metamask I was going to throw my ANJ at it but I still require ETH for gas fees seems like. Don't really want to buy another 100$ worth of ETH just for what.

>> No.20523772

My quads beat your trips

>> No.20523817
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Neither one of those are a microcap. The 10x is more likely to be had with my trips.

>> No.20523897


>> No.20524047
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Thanks OP, thanks based Libertas shiller. I think Ill jump in and throw an eth in. If they actually building something that might take of.

>> No.20524100

looks good but I thought the same about FUN

>> No.20524120


>> No.20524152

I had this attitude in 2017 and guess what

I‘m still here

>> No.20524161

I wouldn't be surprised if RSR hit ten cents eoy. If it goes under a cent again I'm buying more.

>> No.20524263
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Welcome to the party

>> No.20524267

ARK. Not microcap but it will 10x from here

>> No.20524308

They apparently have a "surprise announcement" coming up within the next two days, I'll take the pump

>> No.20524738

i bought 700k pls no bully

>> No.20524828
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Liquidity locked, no rug here my fren

>> No.20524891


>> No.20524904

buy some silver maples, faggot

>> No.20524921

holy fucking cringe. The metal boomers are out in full swing lately LOL

>> No.20524964

> curry coated tokens.
Here's the real redpill anon.
The curry coated tokens are the ones that do 20-50x, not LINK, not fucking normie coins that you hold for a few years and post "what was that" because it just did a 2x AFTER. TWO. FUCKING. YEARS.
Pajeet shitcoins do that in seconds, literally.

>> No.20525021
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what does that mean

>> No.20525069


ok, no-coiner

>> No.20525102

>Can't be fucked to DYOR
>Asks to be shilled
>I-I'm not buying your shilling

>> No.20525125

>Trying to steal our lingo
Shoo shoo filthy rock peddler. Congrats on being the new pajeets boomer faggots. Enjoy your 5% in a decade

>> No.20525153

Where can I find the current market cap?

>> No.20525154

DYOR is a meme you fucking nigger retard ape

>> No.20525176

Shhhh.... It's coti bro

>> No.20525203

Stay seething, poorie. Maybe I come by the joint and ask you to put some extra shine on my shoes for half a buck later.

>> No.20525221

Where did you find this first?

>> No.20525233

okay Najib

>> No.20525288


>> No.20525314


>> No.20525329

Thats fucking low. Care to spoonfeed me?

>> No.20525359

The team comprise of a married couple and they have just added another software developer to their ranks. They are very passionate about fighting against 'cancel-culture' and have shown incredible dedication to the project. They have been very active within the community and although it’s early days, they have managed to gain people’s trust.

>> No.20525406
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Almost a 10x to ath and rising quick

>> No.20525450

Ok thanks fren,will do some research

>> No.20525497

Decentr, hold till EOM, enjoy your 10x

>> No.20525512

RenderToken. Massive userbase for the products already, once they hit a decent exchange it will pop off. Oh, and Coinbase is considering it for listing.

>> No.20525557

Always remember that BTC did a 20x from 20 cents to $4

the crypto ride never ends

>> No.20525566

Might just be the epitome of a grassroots campaign


>> No.20525604

Statera (STA). Nuff said.

>> No.20525620

the shitcoins shilled on /biz/ almost all have 100m+ mc already

>> No.20525661

Yeah except they do most of that 20-50x before you get in, then it gets shilled to you here, and you end up holding bags.

>> No.20525695

I haven't shilled any shitcoins to people I'm just saying keep that in mind, the fundamentals fuel the price action, despite BTC being garbage it was the novelty and fundamentals of it that took it to where it is today, just like with ETH, LINK, etc.

You can always tell a shitcoin because the pajeets only ever talk about how much money they're going to get, not what it actually does for the world. Even if you're a hardcore anti crypto boomer or all in on ALTs and shit on BTC maximalists they can both admit that BTC at least has a reason to have value.

Maybe they think that value is only $100, but the point is there should be a reason behind it, not just a capped supply

>> No.20525730

Yes because discord trannies accumulate when nobody is watching and THEN pump up the price.

How are you supposed to make profit off that? I guess you could find one of these pajeet wallets and just accumulate when they do

>> No.20525826

BZRX very easy and comfy 10x till mid August

>> No.20525870

u think it's gonna keep pumping today?

>> No.20525966

Then fucking join these telegram and discord groups.
You're literally saying why am I getting spoionfed already pumped shitcoins... waaaaahhhhhh.
Put in some effort and you'll be rewarded.

>> No.20525991

>Then fucking join these telegram and discord groups
post them or larp

>> No.20526076
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It means it's not an exit scam. The devs do not have the ability to remove the liquidity.
Multiply the current price by the circulating supply (80m). It will be on coingecko soon, expect a pump.

>> No.20526593

>Then fucking join these telegram and discord groups.
Oh yes, they just let in whoever the fuck they want. I'm also sure they won't try to scam people outside of their group either.

>> No.20526980

Thanks fren,Just bought 150k

>> No.20527211


>> No.20527328

don't buy Rel - relevant. full of curry munchers dumping tokens

>> No.20527774
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>> No.20528178
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>> No.20528244

I just bought 200k libertas even though this thing could very well disappear overnight. I like the idea and if it actually takes off it could b cool

>> No.20528550

Why are ghost prices high as dick today?

>> No.20528625
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>> No.20529190
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JRT 5m+ mc, actually hasn't pumped yet

>> No.20529934
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>> No.20529947


>> No.20530172

https://cryptocanvas.xyz, ERC721, NFT launched ytd, self governance, NFT holders will get ERC-20 later on, insider info.

>> No.20530266
File: 34 KB, 975x590, feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this seems like something that the dominant left will try to socially outcast if it ever gains traction, like other uncensored media platforms. i dont see it surviving long term in modern society

>> No.20530404
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All publicity is good publicity. You do you though

>> No.20530578

Any of you fucks decide to spew off topic racist crap will not be getting any "holy grail" breadcrumbs from me. Exceptionally blessed longstanding oldfag in this community who has had enough of the newfags trying to divide this place with hateful rhetoric.

>> No.20531524


>> No.20531592

>100x isn't enough i want 1000x DDDD:
biz is a service. autistic neets pour through the data and buy in at the ground. they show us whales the potential moon missions and we buy after them because we dont have the time. if you cant pay the neets for their service, then you are an irredeemable faggot.

>> No.20531650


>> No.20531713

Unironically, LINK.

>> No.20532410

Well? Spew some of those breadcrumbs, please. Not all of us are racist hateful /pol rejects. If you think it's a problem for you it's also a problem for those of us that have to sift through post and post thread after thread for good info.

>> No.20533007
