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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20516660 No.20516660 [Reply] [Original]

i am ruined
bought 5K at $1.5
i'm so fucking ruined
should i sell?

>> No.20516683

Nah bro just wait until they upload some 1998 Ford F250s onto the blockchain, it's gonna moon.

>> No.20516690

No, you should wait until the price will be 0.80

>> No.20516738

RIP all investors

>> No.20516776

why is it dumping?
who is dumping?
fuck man
can't sleep tonight

>> No.20516781

kek *Investors

>> No.20517256

chill out you only have 5k

>> No.20517293

Next time you're on /biz/ and a whole bunch of people are suddenly and inexplicably "super excited" about the next big thing, out of nowhere, maybe go into it with a healthy dose of skepticism.
Consider this an expensive lesson you can either learn or not learn.

>> No.20517379

5K is ALOT for me

>> No.20517464

$1.1223 now
i'm so fucked
stop the selling!
i can't take it anymore

>> No.20517505


>> No.20517557

Weak hands gonna shake out this will be 100$ eoy

>> No.20517563

So glad I got into this at private sale, was hoping it would hit $2 but seeing as it's going through a constant bleedout I'm just going to pull out my initial once it gets closer to a flat $1. I still have some faith in this since it's a solid project, but seeing as its uniswap shitcoin season anything goes.

>> No.20517621

you guys think team is selling?

>> No.20517686

i got in because of that timo fag

>> No.20518560

This is bullish because????
See you at 5 cents

>> No.20518729

Isn't this and Curio the same thing speaking about all the cars?

>> No.20518763

Lmfao. Sell you worthless cuck. You never deserve to make it.

>> No.20518821

Why the fuck do you morons expect this literal illegal scam security to moon? Its backed by a few million in junker cars, those aren’t going to be appreciating.

>> No.20518886
File: 260 KB, 220x220, tenor (20).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw bought this shit
>tfw brain dmged

>> No.20518950

Never seen so many fudders circle jerking each other in any thread before, except for DMG ones. Take from that what you will

>> No.20518998

it what world are cryptotard tokenholders going to do a good job of governing used car loans

>> No.20519022

My gut always tells me this token is a bad investment for some reason

>> No.20519202


>> No.20520037

I can't believe you retards buy this scam when LINK exists for under 8$

>> No.20520358


Because it is samefags

>> No.20520380


>> No.20520414

Same will never touch it

>> No.20520591

Yep it’s so obvious look at these Low effort replies lmao probably pajeets from Fiverr

>> No.20520663

kys deluded

>> No.20520708

you couldnt tell with how hard the shills were pushing it? thank finrekt and chinlink god

>> No.20521265