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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20514692 No.20514692 [Reply] [Original]

>/biz/tards falling for another pajeet scam
Did you idiots actually read up on what you're buying and think about it for a second? Don't you realize how retarded this project is?
>Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Nvidia etc will all move their massive cloud computing industry to run on a shitty ETH token and accept computing power from random retards around the world
If they wanted to do this they'd already have done it with, oh I dunno, fucking FIAT maybe? Why rely on some shitty token on a network that can't even handle CryptoKitties without shitting itself let alone the world's computing traffic? It's a French project too, remember how REQ went? You haven't forgotten how you got REQt, have you? The frogs always do this, they boast about big partnerships that never go anywhere.

You're not buying digital oil, you're buying digital Ganges water.

>> No.20514733

True, but let them lose their money, if they want to fall victim to an Indian Telegram group, so be it

>> No.20514841

Reading? I just buy whatever Chico's newest shill is and sell when he shills something new.

>> No.20514859

zzzzzzzzzzzz you had 3 years

>> No.20514878


>> No.20514880

The recent shill effort and forced memes are a bit pathetic. But I've been holding RLC much before all these retards even knew about it, and I still believe in the project. I also think it doesn't need all this stupid fuss to be successful.

>> No.20515091
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Let ganges flow my village needs to wash anuses

>> No.20515172

Confirmed partnerships with Google, Amazon, IBM and Microsoft.

"muh durhs is scam. ahahahaha!"

>> No.20515271
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It is scam we demand all ceos take photos of themselves with passports and iexec time stamp to be real

>> No.20515304

>Don't you realize how retarded this project is?
if you don't understand the project then you are the retard.


>> No.20515337

Now your bags are filled?

>> No.20515421

Pathetic. How about arguing against what he said?

>> No.20515518

We don't need too. Thankfully Indians live in a different timezone and therefore cannot be online at the sametime as Methanon. Checkmate

>> No.20515529


>> No.20515569

read this, maybe you'll have half a clue then


r you a tardjeet too? or just trying to fud so you can accumulate lower?

>> No.20515590

>Why rely on some shitty token on a network that can't even handle CryptoKitties without shitting itself let alone the world's computing traffic?

He doesn't even know what RLC is. it does OFFCHAIN COMPUTING. its BLOCKCHAIN AGNOSTIC. they don't NEED ETH. LMAO

fucking pathetic why do i even bother replying to these absolute retards, should just let them argue and stay poor not understanding anything about IT, fucking tech illeterates lmao

>> No.20515632
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exactly what I said
they actually think amazon and microsoft are going to be slaves to some frenchies shitcoin

>> No.20515718

So much anger in this thread
Sorry you guys didn't buy under $1