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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 79 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2020-07-19-20-52-12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20510357 No.20510357 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think is going to happen with ChainLink

>> No.20510379

What the fuck kind of name is Crypto Anon

>> No.20510384

centralized shitcoin, token not needed

>> No.20510393

We are going to just win

>> No.20510425

Quite frankly if we look at the history of all other coins they all have a fat spike then they dip and never spike again like this. Bitcoin, etherium, doge, btc lite, all of them spiked like this then dipped to hell. How is this different?

>> No.20510487

i could say the same about you

>> No.20510558

>Quite frankly if we look at the history of all other coins they all have a fat spike then they dip and never spike again like this. Bitcoin, etherium, doge, btc lite, all of them spiked like this then dipped to hell. How is this different?
pretty smart

>> No.20510586 [DELETED] 

$212.37 next year

>> No.20510597

omg really? thanks captain obvious.

>> No.20510599


>> No.20510609


>> No.20510621
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>> No.20510627

it's literally the driver of the next stage of crypto
beyond tokenization...

>> No.20510629

If you look at the chart of other coins the "fat spikes" goes to hundreds within a short period of time. It has not yet begun.

>> No.20510677

It'll pump again in 8 hours, then probably slow decline until staking is announced and spike again for a bit. Zeus FUD will probably fuck up the price for awhile until normies decide to back in after JUSTing themselves in the past couple days for no good reason.

>> No.20510689

It will work its way back to $6. After this correction there will be consolidation followed by either a retrace to $8 or further drops to $4 or even $2, depending on the general market trend.

>> No.20510701

who cares we moved on to SXP

>> No.20510749

youre welcome now come below deck and suck my dick before I throw you in the brig for being a faggot.

>> No.20510820

are you >>20510461

>> No.20510847

It’s unironically the next bitcoin in terms of valuation. People shit on linkies and call us delusional, but the fact of the matter is that automation is coming. And not just robots and 3D printers making physical objects. Mental work will be automated too. Things like designs for products and buildings even now can be procedurally generated, and that will only get more refined and advanced as time goes on. Think of a career that exists today. At some point in the future it will no longer exist because of automation. That applies to all jobs more or less, and that change is coming a whole lot quicker than people think. All the arguments that people have about politics and healthcare and free education don’t really matter because the next generation of students won’t have any jobs waiting for them upon graduation, and healthcare will be done by machines more than it is done by doctors. Think about that. The last industrial revolution took jobs away from low skilled labor, but this one is going to take jobs away from doctors, engineers, and lawyers. And one of the key peices to this change is blockchain technology, with chainlink paving the way in connecting automated systems. Anymore the question to ask isn’t whether you’ll get rich off link (you will) but rather is link the last opportunity to acquire private capital before labor becomes meaningless.

>> No.20510853

Link already spiked and dump along all the others. The difference is after crashing it then shot back up during a bear market. You're either a liar, or a retard who can't read even the simplest chart. You should know this if you've been in crypto any longer than a week, so it's hard to believe you're just a retard. Maybe a retarded liar?

>> No.20511091

no. I am >>20510749
and only >>20510749

>> No.20511168

It's gonna crash. It'll take some time for the price to recover thanks to the Zeus analysis. In that time, other altcoins like Enjin or Statera gonna be pumping.

>> No.20511181
File: 109 KB, 1460x886, Chart for the dumbass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Way to be a fucking liar. There was no spike jack ass. It was a regular increase and decrease like all the other coins had prior to their spikes.

>> No.20511346

You include the recent increase in price, asshole. Of course the huge spike won't look like a spike when you show the recent activity. The fact is pretty much confirmed now, you are a retarded liar who can't read a chart and misrepresents or outright falsifies data. Why do you do it? Do you think someone here could be stupid enough to fall for your obvious tricks? We've seen the charts and trends and what bitcoin and others are and have done. One misrepresented picture is not nearly enough to fool even the dumbest among us

>> No.20511353
File: 109 KB, 1459x876, Bitcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

about to be bitcoin dump soon

>> No.20511380

Dumbass, this is the spike it looks just like the bitcoin activity right before its spike. Fuck you.
Clearly its the same shit.

>> No.20511448
File: 117 KB, 1080x1080, 375A4DD6-13DF-4956-B86F-5EC87F0DECEA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back to $5 by eom.

Remember me when it does.

>> No.20511998

Wrong. You're retarded and a liar. Eat shit.

>> No.20512159
File: 13 KB, 500x326, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It hits $1000 which triggers normie memes pushing it even further to 3-5K after which it crashes to 5-700 then slowly rise back up until the normie meme of "it's over 9000" and then much later on 80K during which the timetraveling anon makes that post using a timeWarper

the chosen few who held to see LINK over $1000 slowly sell off their stack into stocks to pursue their dreams now that they were given a second chance

>> No.20512237

Only iron hands can hold those bags.

>> No.20512356


Good post.

The acquisition of private capital will only get harder and this is one of the last opportunities.

>> No.20512379

It's going to become an industry standard and have a fairly high price and no normie is going to even know it exists, that they are using it every day, or that they missed out on buying it and becoming wealthy beyond their wildest dreams.

>> No.20512411

Very long timeline for the things you're talking about to become properly mainstream, likely not within the decade. Opportunity cost is real, so is competition

>> No.20512417
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Levae this board you dumb mutt

>> No.20512437

Do the hands have to be iron, because mine are diamond

>> No.20512455

gtfo and go back to plebbit

>> No.20512486
File: 3.93 MB, 220x270, 1594978763741.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're still pretty early in the cryptocurrency history though. Like I have a good feeling between now and 2030 these cryptocurrencys will moon again as people depend more and more on the internet and paper money becomes more and more useless.

>> No.20512576

Anyone who sells their stacks at 1k is not a link marine, but a soft handed bitch who will be punished. Only a retard would sell at $1, 10, $1k, etc. I wish them nothing but a painful and humiliating death. The real linkies will be laughing at there newfags. I guess 1k sounds good if you're a poor fag who could only put together a 10k stack.

>> No.20512632

Israel has no right to exist

>> No.20512711

It looks like before eth mooned actually.

>> No.20512712


>> No.20512713

People laughed at computers for two decades before it went mainstream. Most people only found out about crypto in 2017.

>> No.20512729

This is why 1000 link = make it stack

>> No.20512733
File: 48 KB, 293x390, 1630B1E3-97FF-4671-B71B-42378012E9DF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ETH will moon once more.

>> No.20512747

this is the worst thread i’ve seen in a long time

>> No.20512758


so basically boomers got the cheap housing market, and we'll get the stinkylinkies. got it

>> No.20512826

cash phaseout is being accelerated during corona

>> No.20512924

Basically. The one world government inevitably would prefer common currency. Africa’s being digitized with Nigeria leading the cause. The entire thing is the future.

>> No.20513147

I have a question

With this recent spike out of nowhere, could it be possible that link is going to announce a partnership with a major tech company at the Smart Contract event?
The tech company could be the one purchasing tokens before the announcement, and maybe be able to fight a insider trading lawsuit because they'll actually need the tokens

>> No.20513178

Bumping because this could be interesting

>> No.20513249

But you don't need the tokens to use the chainlink service so what grounds would they have to counter a lawsuit?

>> No.20513432

realest answer here, i sold a bit to cover half my cost (450% gains -> take some profits) but put it right into btc

>> No.20513447

The biggest scam in the history of crypto that will slowly unravel once their OTC bullshit and 700k dumps get exposed

>> No.20513593

>recent spike out of nowhere
China recently launching BSN - which uses Link - was not out of nowhere.

>> No.20513618

Agreed. This place is a dump.

>> No.20513893

I think it will retrace to 6 US$ but it will work its way up again and it will Moon. A friend from school suggested I buy this coin. I am glad I did, but I will expect it to lower in price a little before taking off again. He is confident it will.

>> No.20513982

Zeus report was not from the actual legitimate asset management company it was from another fake company forging the name! You can refer to youtube and some of the crypto analysts have discussed this at length.
Also refer to tradingview.com and under

there is one post about this and everyone has criticized its content for fake and FUD

for Now it is a BUY recommend! So this coin has room to moon even further......

>> No.20514012

great if it does, because I will buy even more!!!

>> No.20514029

please be mindful of quantum computing!

>> No.20514040

>40 industry leaders
No there is no chance that anything interesting happens
They all just use the same sergey slides over and over

>> No.20514170

>Linkies arguing
>quantum computing
>machine economy

and not a single /bizlet mentions IOTA. Don't miss out

>quantum resistant
>feeless, except for some processing power
>real machine economy enabler
>FUD about custom hash function is disproven since 2018


>> No.20514225

Your fud might carry some weight were it not for the simple fact that Link is already in use on the China BSN, and Link is partnered up with every big player in the world, just about. I don;t know jack shit about computer programming, but I'd need to be as thick as pig shit to not realise that you can't pull the wool over the eyes of all these institutions and organisations. It's only a matter of looking at who is involved with Link to realise that it ain't no scam, honey bunny. If you really can't see it, then you're the dumbest cunt on the planet.

>> No.20514331

It’s not like the chinese are infamous for investor scams and overall fraudulent behavior just to generate money
And all the other partnerships are either within crypto or as much as a blogpost
Plus the mainnet runs on about 10% of what they promised after 3 years
No staking, no tee, no mixicles, no ths

>> No.20514375

Oh no! Why didn't anyone tell me this! I'd best sell everything right away and spend the rest of my life wagecucking. Phew, that was close!
Thanks for the shit hot investment advice, anon. You're a lifesaver x

>> No.20514402

>one post by OP
>63 retards reply
Looks like /biz/ is still retarded and not worth getting early moonshots

>> No.20514462

Reading the thread, you clearly should buy.