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20496470 No.20496470 [Reply] [Original]

Simeon is a great guy. It may have been an honest misunderstanding after all. Give him some room to explain himself. The typeform URL was a misunderstanding. In a week's time, the Link Marines will forget about Simeon and Nexo and back to the regularly scheduled moon mission.

I wish you all well friends. Please forgive Simeon. He has a family who depends on him. If this escalates I won't be able to find work.

>> No.20496488

we havent forgotten about timmy

>> No.20496500

nexo seems like a complete fucking scam lool

>> No.20496524

Nexo is hiring an investigator who will get to the bottom of everything and provide a plausible explanation. Stop with the mob-like behavior. The evidence is circumstantial at best.

>> No.20496559

It's a well-respected platform.

>> No.20496566

Sloppy simeon

>> No.20496623

Copи Cимo, мaлкo pиcкoвaнo e дa ce зaкaчaш c ayтиcти, ocoбeнo кoгaтo ca нaмeceни и пapи.
Good luck in prison bro.

>> No.20496705

>Copи Cимo, мaлкo pиcкoвaнo e дa ce зaкaчaш c ayтиcти, ocoбeнo кoгaтo ca нaмeceни и пapи.
>Good luck in prison bro.
Just relax.

>> No.20496728

>Sloppy simeon
STOP!! You are endangering a man's livelihood and reputation. Stop with the pitchforks until the forensics look into this. It can be explained.

>> No.20496786

If I was as ugly as Simeon I might be inclined to only care about money too. Sad really...

>> No.20496819

Simeon posting is so hot right now

>> No.20496830

Remember that retard who tried to fud link, biz doxxed him and now when you Google his name it shows he said nigger for future employers

>> No.20496837

Never, you will pay

>> No.20496842

The only way out of this for him, the only way is to apply the upward pressure needed for us to break $10. We”ll forguve him and forget but he needs to do this now without delay. Get the mission moving again and push us past $10

>> No.20496858

>nexo will investigate themselves
Sup Simeon

>> No.20496871

>Simeon posting is so hot right now
I am not Simeon, but he is a great guy. The investigation will help clear his name. Other websites use the same typeform URL.

>> No.20496874


>> No.20496879

>I- I mean HE can explain himself !

Sweaty yet Simeon ?

>> No.20496882
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>> No.20496905

Imagine being Simeon and having to explain to his family that he got his entire life ruined because of diaper wearing biz investors

>> No.20496908

Onl way to clear now is to push us past $10 otherwise biz will be relentless

>> No.20496912

Simeon here. I will give you all 100 link if you stop investigating me. Please. I made a mistake clearly I didn’t know who I was messing with. I have children. Do it for them.

>> No.20496914

I am begging you please stop.

>> No.20496934

No all you need to do is get link past $10 and we’ll forgive

>> No.20496947

What he did is a criminal activity equivalent to robing a bank.
He deserves to be sent to a prison to pay for his crimes and the negative effect it had on a multitude of investors.
This kind of person is the perfect example of narcissistic parent who makes everyone's life hell on earth and even if he had a family which is another lie they would be happy to be finally free from his toxic behavior which poisons all relations.

>> No.20496950


>> No.20496953

Yes other websites like Nexo’s, and only Nexo’s

>> No.20496956
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>> No.20496980

I’ll forgive him if he pushes link past $10 but only then. He better get moving on that Bc were slipping below $8 now.

>> No.20496989

I’ll write a new piece on how good chainlink is. 50 pages !

>> No.20496999


>> No.20497005

I don’t give a F what you do. Push link past $10 and we’ll all forget

>> No.20497013

Just stop. You’re ruining a good mans life who goes to church and has kids. I can not believe this is happening.


>> No.20497019

>What he did is a criminal activity equivalent to robing a bank.
>He deserves to be sent to a prison to pay for his crimes and the negative effect it had on a multitude of investors.
>This kind of person is the perfect example of narcissistic parent who makes everyone's life hell on earth and even if he had a family which is another lie they would be happy to be finally free from his toxic behavior which poisons all relations.


>> No.20497036

Prove you mean it sloppy

>> No.20497058


>> No.20497066
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We are the people born from the flushing toilets at Sibos

>> No.20497078
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Imagine knowing the history of 4chan and choosing to completely fuck a bunch of very skilled, intelligent and motivated autistic frogs over.

>> No.20497082

100 link and I'll consider it

>> No.20497095

This can be explained. You will see.

>> No.20497116

There is actually a very real scenario where Simeon was a link marine who took the fudding link to price our Redditors meme too far, put out the piece thinking it was funny and he was being a good link marine, and it has spectacularly backfired in his face

>> No.20497121

was the 350k short also part of the joke

>> No.20497134

I didn’t know. Forgive me I thought it was just some random crypto community like Reddit. I should have known. I won’t ever do anything again just leave me alone I’m getting spammed death threats every second

>> No.20497139
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lol why not try

>> No.20497151

It's over Simeon.

>> No.20497189

CoinTelegraph will be used for the article. And every publication who writes about it. Mark my words.

>> No.20497208
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dont forget about Antoni Trenchev too, he should get the whip as well

>> No.20497225


>> No.20497234

You have 48 hours to push link past $10 and it will all be forgiven otherwise the SEC is going to come knocking

>> No.20497253

>SEC is going to come knocking
Stop with the threats. No need to involve the authorities.

>> No.20497305

Show us a picture of yourself with a timestamp and /biz/. Be sure to look sad as fuck though like you're a dog that knows it did something terrible.

>> No.20497318

>Show us a picture of yourself with a timestamp and /biz/.
Look, I am not Simeon. Just someone who would wish that Simeon is forgiven.

>> No.20497334

70 pages

>> No.20497344

Forgiveness will only be obtained by atonement. Simeon and Nexo must pay for what they have done before we can talk about forgiveness.

>> No.20497356

Tell him to figure out how to push link past $10 which is where we would be

>> No.20497372
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Simeon, it's too late, you're already damned.

>> No.20497373


Here's the thing champ. It's already too late. The SEC has already been contacted and at this point there's not really anything else that can be done to stop what's happened

>> No.20497388
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Just had a kid.
Why not try.


>> No.20497429

Assuming you guys are right, how bad could this really get? Don't you think the pitchforks are overboard?

>> No.20497456


I mean, financial fraud on this degree is a few years in prison and all assets frozen.

lmfao what was expected here

>> No.20497482

he deserves financial penalties for what he did, at least 99% of his LINK confiscated and burnt

>> No.20497486

The criminal aspects are harder to prove. Civil lawsuits takes years to carry out. /biz/ may forget well before then.

>> No.20497530

This man just messed with my money and was caught trying to pull the rug out from under me. I do not sympathize at all with these faggots and wish the worst upon them.

>> No.20497565

Stop, you want to ruin a man with a family.

>> No.20497589


Boohoo nigga

>> No.20497608

Send him to the gulag

>> No.20497617

I bet in a few days this situation will be long forgotten. Please stop sending Simeon emails and text messages. He will file harassment charges.

>> No.20497628
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also lmfao if you think that you're gonna get access to your assets during the entirety of a lawsuit. Yeah it may take years but how do you think having all of your bank accounts frozen while still needing to find money to pay a lawyer is gonna feel?

For everyone watching this, it's gonna feel great.

Have a good time!

>> No.20497629

Stop hiding behind the family excuse. The mother will remarry and the kids will be better off without a liar and a thief for a dad. The weak man now begs for freedom after being caught in his own ploy, imagine my shock.

>> No.20497634

I think possibly criminal, certainly immoral acts should certainly be at least investigated and not just by the ones who did the act in the first place. I personally am open to alternate theories but it looks pretty cut and dry from where I'm standing.

>> No.20497665

>Please stop sending Simeon emails and text messages. He will file harassment charges.
Ok I was largely sympathetic but now it's over. File your harassment charges you fucking degenerate. We will be looking into you for a long time.

>> No.20497690

fuck you motherfucker! i will kick your ass!

>> No.20497697
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We gon fuck you up sim

>> No.20497716

You don’t have to worry about anything. Linklets will just bark all day and do nothing about it.
What happened after the reveal? That’s right NOTHING.

>> No.20497729

Giving away LINK will not stop us sim. You are a dead man.

>> No.20497745

True, I just want this to settle down. It's all a big misunderstanding. Report had no impact on price.

>> No.20497769

100 pgs disproving the FUD

>> No.20497774

Why do you want it to settle down? Why are you larping?

>> No.20497789

They actually made a lot of money shorting, meanwhile LINK still hasn’t recovered.


>> No.20497811

Simeon is good guy. A famiy man. A pioneer in the blockchain space in his country.

>> No.20497814

This is where sim works. We need to burn it to the ground.

>> No.20497827

Please, I’d love to break your fucking face faggot.

>> No.20497830

>This is where sim works. We need to burn it to the ground.
Stop this.

>> No.20497831

Glownigger spotted.

>> No.20497858

You would have to fly here first.

>> No.20497922


This shit deserves to burn

>> No.20497933

You said you were going to kick my ass remember? Come do it. Come use some of that money before your assets get frozen, come out to california and fight me. It’s not going to stop your wife from leaving you anyways, i’ll probably even look her up while your in prison and fuck her with some of the profits I make from LINK

>> No.20497959

He should work out a deal and ask if his family could join him in prison. Best case scenario

>> No.20497960

Dude what do you think will happen when you fuck with peoples money? Are you living on some other world where shit doesn't come back around? Holy shit the hubris.

>> No.20497968

you want to come find me fly to my country and you will see. if you are the big man you say you are, you will fly. never discuss my wife again. you crossed a redline.

>> No.20498048
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>> No.20498090

they committed fraud against their users on the March 12th crash and then forced Nexo users to sign waivers that said they couldn't speak ill of the platform in order to give users access to THEIR OWN FUNDS
its a project run by scum through and through. I'd like to see Simeon and co. brought to justice

>> No.20498092

Wtf was that guys name? He looked like one of the Office characters. Stay unpotty trained niggers was that what he said?

>> No.20498099

>Oh no not my wife!
You should be more concerned about you upcoming prison sentence

>> No.20498118

I'll hunt down Simeon
In Minecraft :^)

>> No.20498140
File: 43 KB, 720x860, E22DE338-89F0-4D2E-945D-318D51191B63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sloppy Simeon

>> No.20498167

remove that of antoni!!!!

>> No.20498204

there will be no prison time. stop larping as a lawyer.

>> No.20498230

thats not true. nexo has many competitors who would seek to defame nexo and take business. the confidentiality agreement signed by nexo customers was a standard legal agreement.

>> No.20498246

This is exactly why when I decided to put my money into an interest bearing account, I opted to go with BlockFi over these cunts. Their website is sketchy as fuck and they are vague as Hell when they say that they are fully insured and backed by (who exactly, and what is insured, they don't specify).

It's bad enough the Capital Gains tax is like 30% when you try to cash out, and that you have to report every trade made. Now some other faggots want to go and make the crypto space look even more sketchy and bring in more regulation on us by coordinating Pump and Dumps. Fuck this subhuman euro trash faggots. Hitler should have exterminated them when he had the chance.

>> No.20498359

>nexo has many competitors who would seek to defame nexo and take business
that has no relevance to what i said
>the confidentiality agreement signed by nexo customers was a standard legal agreement
is it standard practice to refuse to give someone their money back without signing a waiver saying you cant speak ill of them for holding your money hostage?

>> No.20498366
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>Fuck this subhuman euro trash faggots. Hitler should have exterminated them when he had the chance.
holy based

>> No.20498475

Incorrect. What he did was very very bad. Unless he helps push link past $10 he’s going to face some stuff SEC fines

>> No.20498480

Who are these so called competitors?

>> No.20498493

top fucking kek

>> No.20498507

If there is prison time i’m going to fly out there and seduce your wife.

>> No.20498520

70 pages as as >>20497334 requested

and you will post picture with a timestap and sharpie in a pooper

>> No.20498530

you don't know my wife, and STOP talking about her!!! you do not want me as an enemy.

>> No.20498550

Well if there is no prison time and you didn’t do anything wrong than you should have no worries, correct?

>> No.20498561

Do you have simeons wife’s phone number, I’ll keep her company since she will be single soon.

>> No.20498612

if we have a disagreement, we have a disagreement as men. you do not bring family into this. maybe you Americans think differently, but we have decency even during conflict.

>> No.20498628

>If this escalates I won't be able to find work.
golly gosh darn, i guess we better forget how he scammed chainlink from our friends. You could tell from looking at simeon that guy was gonna kill himself eventually

>> No.20498637


>> No.20498656

You crossed a line into which there are no boundaries. Enjoy

>> No.20498665

>>If this escalates I won't be able to find work.
>golly gosh darn, i guess we better forget how he scammed chainlink from our friends. You could tell from looking at simeon that guy was gonna kill himself eventually
i meant 'he' not 'I' that was a typo clearly. The report will vindicate Simeon.

>> No.20498678

Don’t try to fuck over my money shit bag. Come fly out while you still have money motherfucker. Let’s settle it like men, fisticuffs.

>> No.20498755

are you literally daring me to a fight? are you mad? I'm only posting to clear Simeon's name. He was the most bullish person on the team.

>> No.20498787


hurr durr nigger poopie

>> No.20498793

You said you were going to kick my ass, remeber? You want to settle things like a man, come do it.

>> No.20498804
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Sean Ruthledge

>> No.20498811

OP calm your tits

>> No.20498828

it doesn't matter what kind of guy sloppy simeon is. it doesn't matter what kind of family or dependents he has. he messed with link money.

>> No.20498860

i would seriously hurt you or anyone who dare comes close to the NEXO team. Try me.

>> No.20498889

We never forgive.
We never forget

>> No.20498901

Here we are again, going in circles. I hope you only larp a simeon as prison for this man will be a rough time.

>> No.20498908

PUSH LINK TO $10 all will be forgiven!!!

>> No.20498918

True colors. Are you Bulgarian by blood?

>> No.20499064


>> No.20499238

no impact on price. okay?

>> No.20499430



The end begins

>> No.20499656

Nobodys scared of your legal threats fren. Suck it up and accept the inevitable outcome of "their" actions. Ignorance of the law is no excuse for breaking said laws. The authorities will come down on "them" ,"you" and the "team" like Thors hammer. If i was you, I'd lawyer up proper.

>> No.20499686

bulgarian scammers from nexo shouldn't be trusted

>> No.20499699

>>20498860 you’re apart of the team? So you’re admitting guilt, this is why you’re here.

>> No.20499910

I've been following this shit since the Zeus fud first showed up and I definitely agree all evidence points to NEXO for the time being, but it's all circumstantial.

If we go all in with the attack before we can conclusively be sure that they were the ones doing it, what makes us different from the cancerous cancel culture twitterfag mobs? Come on frens, we are better than this.

>> No.20499959


you're not even trying are you

>> No.20500044

Nexo is the reason Link has risen recently. It wouldn't be good for Chainlink if Nexo decided to cancel its working collaboration.

>> No.20500067

no extradition. try harder.

>> No.20500087
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>> No.20500190 [DELETED] 

based simon
he knows how to play the game in an unregulated market

>> No.20500212 [DELETED] 

based simon
he knows how to play the game in an unregulated market
anons are SEETHING

>> No.20500246


>> No.20500255
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Simeon. Pic related.

>> No.20500288

>very skilled
you invested in chainlink, none of this applies to you
linkmarines are the mexicans of the united states

>> No.20500321
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can anyone give me a tl:dr of this whole situation? I'm just now hearing about simeon

>> No.20500344
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>> No.20500366
File: 131 KB, 485x382, AA525CCF-4ED7-4B2C-8D9F-6FC45FC195A6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>37 replies by this id

>> No.20500373

likely culprits are celsius with planting simeon's name and conducting the short from the nexo wallet.

>> No.20500402


>implying I'm one of them because i don't immediately want to be a cancelling twitter fag

you autists think yourselves better than twitter, but the mob mentality is the same

>> No.20500408

Not just that, the frogs have skin in the game, at least half have their entire net worth in LINK

>> No.20500420

We don’t need Nexo fren, please take your pajeet level scams elsewhere while we speak w the SEC. only way we let you out of this is if you push link up over $10 in the next 48 hours

>> No.20500450

I think this is probably the case. No one is a bigger fan of Chainlink than Simeon.

>> No.20500451
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>> No.20500455

>securities fraud
>intentional misrepresentation and deception
>market manipulation
Honest mistake

>> No.20500467

over $10?

>> No.20500468

we did it first

>> No.20500481

Scotland Yard already have investigators on the payroll. Thanks for the offer, though.

>> No.20500496

If people want to punish Nexo should they just campaign to have everyone withdraw funds from the platform?

If they actually used their link as collateral on Aaeve to take a short position, then cause a “bank run” by withdrawing everything and putting them in a position where they don’t have the collateral anymore

>> No.20500509

Nice larp. But if real one is reading, the only way out is to use your resources to make LINK break $10.

>> No.20500524

I can't help but wonder if jess had anything to do with this.

>> No.20500533

Securities fraud. Not only is it criminal, but a shit ton of civil liability.

>> No.20500537

Simeon, relax buddy.

>> No.20500566

yeah, sure.

>> No.20500615

probably larp but whatever


>> No.20500881

>he thought they would forgive and forget
>he doesn't know

>> No.20500887


yes, I do love doublefisting popsicles, how did you know? :)

>> No.20501165

seems like raping Simeon's wife is back on the menu boys

>> No.20501297

I cannot believe the price is going up. This is horrible.

>> No.20501342


>> No.20501392

spit water everywhere
lmao get cucked faggot

>> No.20501556

Who would've known that your actions have consequences

>> No.20501594

You're very much not allowed to impersonate a real investment fund to try and manipulate the market, anon. If he'd just made up a company he would be in 90% less shit.

>> No.20501885

Has Zeus Capital actually disowned the report? Are they even a real entity?

>> No.20501979

I have 400k in link. I’m planning to visit nexo office and introduce introduce them to my friend Makarov in Minecraft. I’m not far from Bulgaria.
Does the fucker think it’s a joke? People disappear for less money.

>> No.20502541

>42 posts by this ID

>> No.20502785


>> No.20502907

Incredibly based

>> No.20503076

i'm hiring someone as well in minecraft

>> No.20503609

>Just stop. You’re ruining a good mans life who goes to church and has kids
and writes a 60 page hit piece