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File: 2.10 MB, 2500x1695, 200707-joe-biden-jm-1334_508cd87bd5c93603fbf570691966d4e6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20494884 No.20494884 [Reply] [Original]

Biden is going to win come November, which means the corporate tax rate will go back from 21% to 29%, which means these companies will have even less EPS growth than they do already, which means they will be less valuable, and their prices will plummet.
If Biden was going to use the money for NEETbux, I would support it, but it looks like it's going to fund student loan forgiveness/free college:
>How would Biden help pay for student loan forgiveness and free college? His answer: roll back President Donald Trump’s $2 trillion of tax cuts. “Imagine if we had that $2 trillion tax cut back,” Biden said. “We’re going to use that to reduce student debt. We’d be a different country.”

>> No.20494897

>Biden is going to win come November

>> No.20494917

This man CANNOT be president

>> No.20494918

>Biden is going to win come November>Biden is going to win come November

>> No.20494923

>Imagine if we had that $2 trillion tax cut back,” Biden said. “We’re going to use that to reduce student debt. We’d be a different country

He didn't actually propose this did he?

>> No.20494925

October will be a bloodbath of uncertainty

>> No.20494926
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It's a wealth transfer to benefit wagies with liberal arts degrees.

>> No.20494932

>student loan forgiveness
way too much for biden, that was warren and sanders doing

>> No.20494940


>> No.20494947

he is anon accept it, it was good while it lasted

>> No.20494984

I hope they don't use tax money to pay for niggers and women to go to college. Fuck that shit TRUMP 2020

>> No.20494990

Has he been even been in public within the last few weeks?

>> No.20495010


>> No.20495030


life is hard niggers, faggots and women have the same chances and opportunities as the rest of us. its a matter of life choices.
welfare and special treatment needs to end, completely.

>> No.20495036

He is 100% senile and has no idea of the reasoning behind his words.
He just spews what he thinks people want to hear.
Trump pitches things whether it's loved or not. I hated the idea of a wall and it scared me as a democrat, now watching the left has made me Republican for life and that wall couldn't come sooner. I was wrong about Trump's intentions, it looks like he really is trying to be a decent president, and he's doing a great job in comparison to Obama, that should be enough for the left to admit he is not pure evil like I keep being told.

>> No.20495071
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you americans have just been cucked to believe that college was worth it just because it costed a lot, that's how retarded you are
now that they realized you really are this retard, they're moving the hype from colleges to something even more necessary like homes
you buy 3M homes because you want to play donald trump and buy real estate while you absolutely don't have the need to be a real estate investor just to survive, but it costs a lot so it must be worth it
mfw when I didn't understand how the world worked I just wanted to live in the USA
mfw I realize it's all meth addicted redneck and communists trannies

>> No.20495100

as if the stock market has anything to do with companies actually making money or not. lol.

>> No.20495103

>He is 100% senile and has no idea of the reasoning behind his words.
this. i can't understand how he can even be a candidate. but i guess that's what american people deserve, presidents are not the ones in control anyway, just puppets.

>> No.20495114

I should add, I don't even necessarily like Trump, but Biden is actively campaigning on making me poorer to benefit faggots like that Bernie Bro in pic related >>20494926

>> No.20495129

You sound like a neoliberal faggot and I can't wait till retards like you are dragged out of your city homes by an angry black mob.

>> No.20495494

Blame me for being raised by divorced parents in socal will you. I woke up by paying attention to financial news. Any non brainlets should follow.
You should be proud that conservative Republican numbers are growing for younger people.
This BLM thing is insane, I'd made up my mind about conservative Republican being the better side even before this BLM thing. After though.
Oh and I fucking hate liberals. Only liberal thing I support is decriminalizing weed for various good reasons.

>> No.20495596

who cares im a /pmg/ chad this is bullish for me

>> No.20495654

No. The jews made it so you're not allowed to have a job that pays more than minimum wage unless you have a degree.
>muh vocation
apprenticeships don't exist anymore either.

>> No.20495937
File: 771 KB, 1024x768, Koala.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> still falling for the "I'm for the little guy" after 8 years of Lolbama and 4 years of MIGA
Ye, I'm sure he'll also lock Trump up. Lock-him-up! Lock-him-up! That's right, the Hurtmyfeelings in Chief is going straight to prison, just like Bush got locked up for the 2 illegal wars.

>> No.20496000

Trump cares about America, period.
and he sees the same things we see that we don't like, such as the lunatic progressives doing everything they can to utterly destroy America and turn it into some kind of socialists SJW LGBTQ acedemic Idealist experiment

>> No.20496809

is this pic even real?
is he actually trying to use the Black Power fist sign as some BS solidarity virtue signalling.?

What a fuckign tool.

Does anybody even half a brain take this fake shit seriously at all?

>> No.20496964

LOL. Dude, it's July and he hasn't even selected his running-mate for Vice President yet. Debates are literally right around the corner and there is ZERO developments regarding the upcoming election. Even the crooked fake news media isn't saying shit about the upcoming election except for it's 'poll statistics'. There is some WEIRD shit going down. We are all getting played by both sides. I don't care if a person is democrat or republican, q-anon supporter or non q-anon supporter, nigger or white, faggot or straight etc.. Everyone is getting played and things are going to get strange.

>> No.20497006

>You sound like a neoliberal faggot and I can't wait till retards like you are dragged out of your city homes by an angry black mob.
The funny thing is, he's not even proposing giving the gibz to blacks.
Instead it's going to benefit predominantly middle to upper middle class people saddled with student loan debt they can't repay because they majored in Grievance Studies.

>> No.20497173

They don't even pay attention to that shit because all they see is "ORANGE MAN BAD" and "BIDEN HAVE BRUNCH WITH OBAMA CHRIST", 85% of the people supporting Biden have absolutely no idea what he fucking stands for.

That is one reason he's going to lose. Another reason is that so many people think Trump has taken enough "damage" from social media posts lambasting him that they're not going to bother voting, they'll think it's in the bag (aka 2016 all over again).

>> No.20497281

>pedophile as president

in your dreams lmao

>> No.20497317

Trump 2Q2Q

>> No.20497332

Why do burgers only get to choose between a douche and a turd?

>> No.20497435

As a europoor I could only dream of a candidate as good as Trump. He's not perfect by any stretch but he's a damn sight better than anything Americans have had a choice of since the 70s.

>> No.20497466

none of the electoral college will risk the tax cuts

>> No.20497505

He is going to use the money to give out neetbux, but only if you’re black.

>> No.20497673
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>> No.20497675

Thats would only be worthwhile if they only finance STEM degrees of US citizens and cut all help for useless degrees.

That said, fuck joe " husband of joe biden" biden.
He's the Manchurian candidate.
There is too much at stake.

>> No.20497703

Because as a country run by corporations we are trained from birth to be a wage slave in heart, mind and soul, and a big part of that is not questioning the decisions made from your higher ups for fear of reprimand.

>> No.20497718
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He has a 50% chance at best. Give me a break. Even then he won't be as disastrous for markets as Sanders was, he's a crony Dem, aka capitalist who tosses a meaningless bone to niggers to keep them voting for him.

>> No.20497826

i sense this as well anon, we stepped into bizarro world and its only getting more bizarre by the day

>> No.20498325

>cant help but stroke the kid while he talks about them rubbing his legs
