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2049180 No.2049180 [Reply] [Original]

Absolute poorfag here. I've saved up $300 in cash from my wageslaving to try and go in on crypto after no listening to /biz/ about ETH last year when you said it on /pol/

Should I just dump 200 into ETH if it gets to $85USD and then just let it ride forever and then microtrade between the other altcoins to build more capital?

After sseeing Stellar and Ripples explosion I really want to invest more with them and also STRAT

>> No.2049212

LTC > ETH desu

>> No.2049222

But ETH is already partnered with a fuckton of companies and amazing technology that can be integrated into a fuckton of things.

What does litecoin offer?

>> No.2049263
File: 312 KB, 640x480, preciousxby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You still got the chance, anon!

~10 days left before mars mission

>> No.2049267
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>I-it's l-like silver, b-because it sucks ass and has a silver-colored logo art..

LTC has literally NOTHING going for it.

>> No.2049268


What do you mean?

>> No.2049272

he means XBY is going to erupt like a throbbing cock, spraying us with its sweet syrupy gains

>> No.2049274

Well LTC is sort of the testing lab for BTC in a manner.

But XBY is one of the most innovative coins and its team is all white, except for one non-pajeet Asian. Uncircumcised too if you catch my drift.

>> No.2049287

So would the general notion be to buy it while it is relatively dirt cheap now (say throw down $20) and then reap some x5 rewards to cash out at or near the peak to get ~$90 fiat?

>> No.2049301

assuming he's right, yes

>> No.2049404
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I see. So the first step would be getting a coinbase and connecting with my bank (I assume the verification process is 3-7 days) and then transferring my $300 into 0.18BTC.

2nd step would be transfering it over to Polo to trade for ~2 ETH and then the rest on altcoins ($20 XBY like the example)

From there I'd just have to let ETH ride and then try and wait out/gamble away with the altcoins to either get a moonride for some fiat or lose out, right?

Is the process of turning altcoins into fiat difficult? I'm already trying calculate how much i'd have to accommodate for capital gains tax (assuming my fiat gainz don't put me over the $50K tax bracket)

What exactly makes XBY so innovative and good as a coin exactly to solidify the investment?

>> No.2049541

Proof of Signature

>> No.2049583

Would buying eth on coinbase be cheaper?

>> No.2049604

For verification on coinbase and polo?

>> No.2049616

c-cex and yobit
but could hit bittrex and other big ones next weekend

>> No.2049626

From what I read yobit is sketchy as fuck

>> No.2049689


I've heard similar. Higher risk higher reward. I assume its more for people who have more base capital to work with

Can anyone confirm if my understanding of what i need to do is right here, I just want to make sure before I actually withdraw and dole out all the spare money i've saved for 2 months

>> No.2049702


You have a few steps that don't really need to happen. Before you buy anything with your $300, have a plan of what currency you are wanting to get into and know what exchanges that is traded on.

If you are wanting to do something like $280 into ETH and $20 in XBY then it would be silly to buy all BTC and then trade to Polo to buy ETH. Also XBY isn't traded on Polo.

I would buy $280 in ETH directly from Coinbase (or w/e you are using), and then buy $20 of BTC. Then transfer the BTC to yobit and buy XBY with it.

Basically any time you are sending from one wallet to another between sites it is going to be a transaction fee and time for it to be confirmed so try and keep those to a minimum.

>> No.2049768
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Well I was thinking $100 ETH through Coinbase for safety, $20 in XBY through Yobit, and the cautiously investing the rest into other top 10 altcoins as the opportunity arrives (like the hype around digibyte with it being integrated into minecraft)

That sound solid?

Should I look into a wallet or is that just really for people who have larger capital that they feel that need to be secure with