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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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20486536 No.20486536 [Reply] [Original]

Nexo is trying to cover their tracks now, this just confirms they know they fucked up, badly

This is too funny, they couldn't look more guilty than they right now

>> No.20486550

Why would they do this to start with?

>> No.20486563

It does not matter. Everything in the hit-piece by Zeus Capital is completely factual and legitimate. Think of this as a "whistle-blowing" which has exposed the darkness and scam of the stink community.

>> No.20486571
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keep this webm circulating on twitter

>> No.20486581

STFU antoni

>> No.20486597

It doesn’t matter you have a extra pair of chromosome, does it?

>> No.20486601
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>What are you up to this week, Simeon?
>Oh I think I'm going to tank my company, my career and my credibility trying to FUD Chainlink with 66 pages of semi-literate drivel and a huge paper trail leading back to myself
>Are you going to do it anonymously?
>No I'll impersonate an existing investment company so there is actually a serious valid lawsuit against me

>> No.20486628

What if someone is subtly incriminating Nexo to cover tracks?

>> No.20486635

Not everything, but the 90%

>> No.20486664

jessica's vengeance

>> No.20486699

It's true, actually. No one really had any answers to give, they just went on a witch hunt. I think the doc was sketchy, and obviously 0.07c is a ridiculous target, but LINK, value wise, is closer to 100m than 1b

>> No.20486701

The large loan from Aave the day before the report makes that hard to believe unless the competitor just had that report ready to strike which is unlikely. Nexo has some shady business practices if you do some digging

>> No.20486713

This lel it's just fucking dumb like nigger how do you fuck up this badly lmao

>> No.20486714

the zeus site used nexos own Typeform account - emails submitted on zeus-capital.com were going straight to their nexo account. And while this is fairly fucking damning of itself - they managed to third-party verify themselves - the fact that they ran to delete the typeform links after the reveal just about seals the deal. No BS, 'zeus capital' is 100-pro these idiots.

>> No.20486721

>chainlink on testnet

>> No.20486727

link tards are so fucking desperate.

nobody cares

>> No.20486736

Yeah covering their tracks both on the typeform and deleting Simeons social media, as well as the loan and email list give too much supplementary evidence that it wasn't a competitor

>> No.20486738

Can someone explain me like i'm brainlet what happened here?

>> No.20486746

Link hasn't released a mainnet, half their features haven't been implemented. They haven't even worked out staking lmao. They never said it ran on an Ethereum testnet, they called it an "Ethereum-based testnet"

>> No.20486754

nothing is going to happen

>> No.20486769

Inside short and distort job from Nexos which is partnered with Chainlink (not for long)

>> No.20486785
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>Link hasn't released a mainnet
we've looped around to 2017 FUD. It's all recursive timeloops.

>> No.20486806
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>> No.20486818

So we finna boutta moon then?

>> No.20486847

>a shitty firm called Zeus capital released a seething 66 page FUD report on Link
>released around the time Link was hitting ATHs
>turns out the Zeus capital website uses a webform that links back to Nexo
>some dumb faggot called Simeon also left traces leading back to his real identity at Nexo
>the report explained in detail how to short Link using Aave
>speculation that Nexo was also short Link at the same time
tl;dr: some queer shorted Link and simultaneously released a bible of butthurt for ez money and now he'll probably end up in jail

>> No.20486862
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Underrated and p0rn pilled
Kek this over 9000
You faggots are even worse than the discord trannies we usually deal with here
Based chainNigGodNigger

>> No.20486885

lmfao nobody is going to jail and nobody cares.

>> No.20486887
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I feel the same way everytime I see a Chainlink staking thread
>2017: passive income bros!
>2018: I'm going to make so many linkies!
>2020: ANY DAY NOW

>> No.20486907

Someone created a website and Twitter account (zeus-capital.com) for a non-existent company, posing as an investment banking/research firm.

Their purpose was to manipulate the price of link.

They did so by publishing, emailing and tweeting a supposedly legit research PDF shitting on link, saying it was a scam going to zero.

Anons dug deep and have found evidence that nexo finance is behind it all.

1) nexo finance took a loan to short a couple million USD worth of link before the PDF was released. All visible on blockchain, since they used defi.
2) the PDF file contained references to a folder named Simeon. Simeon rusanov works at nexo finance doing research.
3) the zeus capital website source code contain references to nexo finance.

>> No.20486915
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So you're saying number go up WITHOUT steaking? Bullish for cultists

>> No.20486931

>n-nobody cares guys...
Tyrone gonna make you pick up dat soap boy

>> No.20486971


>> No.20486981


>> No.20486988


>> No.20486992

>Chainlink is on mainnet
>Chainlink isn't finished though
>And yet I made money off it
every time lmao
who cares if you made money off it, that isn't an argument for why the stuttering pothead devs can't release tech into their ecosystem that's a decade old. people made millions on bitconnect in 2017, the line went up, maybe you should go pick up a bag of that

>> No.20486994
File: 636 KB, 765x893, nexo capital tweet link bearish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>openly partner with Chainlink
>anonymously spread fud about Chainlink

haha yeah totally legit.

>> No.20486998

Both my gf and i use Nexo and got the mail. Unlike me she has NO other account in the crypto space. They are insanely stupid.

>> No.20487005
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>> No.20487007


>> No.20487011
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>> No.20487035

Read it again pls

>> No.20487054
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> Stuttering potheads
The snek eats its own tail eventually

>> No.20487141

I have held link since 2017, I've signed up for tons of crypto exchanges but never Nexo and I received no email either.
This seems so painfully obvious at this point. Ak47 anon has a lot of work to do.

>> No.20487161

same. I am all over the place but never did subsribe to NEXO. No email aswell

>> No.20487168

>Keep trying to julaying a Fail FUD
lol, such desperation, much retardation

>> No.20487185

LINK is a bullshit project. It always has been. Their oracle is over-priced, trivial to copy, and it's totally useless. Nobody relies on it anymore. Honestly, where do you guys think its value comes from? A price feed? Really?

>> No.20487190

Dont forget that this is, also a serious gdpr issue in europe.. they will get fucked from so many sides.

>> No.20487203

Lol are we going to the stratosphere once everyone realizes it was a shoddy attempt to FUD the GOAT Link?

>> No.20487215

never signed up to nexo, no email of fud report..
really makes you think

>> No.20487221

Sim Sim, calm down, I'm sure you'll only do a little time behind bars

>> No.20487325

Shorting LINK. Ever. TOPKEK

>> No.20487362

Nothing ever happens.
Just lie down, consume product and get exited for the next product.

>> No.20487394

> gdpr
Girla do porn r.?

>> No.20487426
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Christ the discord trannies are in full panic mode ITT. You will never be women. You will always be abominations. Kill yourselves ASAP.

>> No.20487435

Anyone who doesnt see the value in link and believed the FUD deserves to be Necked. Simeon will be ass raped for eternity in prison.

>> No.20487956

archived link of the nexo typeform account
wayback machine doesn't save typeform pages so had to use a different service