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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20484517 No.20484517 [Reply] [Original]

American Evictions begin July 25th. 20 million to 28 million homeless by September.

>> No.20484569

all those unemployed shiftless niggers will surely liquidate their holdings

>> No.20484590

Kek I love this timeline

>> No.20484591

are those tears bobo? you don't seem too confident

>> No.20484598

what holdings? Their maxed out credit cards?

They don't have two pennies to rub together

>> No.20484616

I had to help the lady in front of me buy her groceries today. It was only $20 in groceries and after 3 debit cards and all the change in her purse she was still 3 dollars short!!! Everything is fucked!

>> No.20484618

Long pawn shops.

>> No.20484622

Burger reparations are going to be next on the agenda. We in the UK have the option to send our migrants back at any point, a luxury that seems to have been lost on amerimutts

>> No.20484624

Thatd actually be a great thing. Housing prices would plummet.

>> No.20484709

You'd be surprised. Negative interest rates, after physical cash has it's utility legally diminished to help stop COVID, will lead to the an unprecedented asset bubble. It's negative interest rates and refinancing national debts or taxing land because there aren't enough people working to pay income tax. My bet's on negative interest rates because Millenials are too proud to vote and this enshrines the last years of their lives.

>> No.20484755
File: 182 KB, 1164x1074, 1959166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

millions homeless, benefits done, jobs gone, stores closed permanently. mass rioting, looting, civil unrest causes unemployment to go to 70-80%.. welcome to the end my frens

>> No.20484987

The elites are already gearing up for a war with China. They'll just cull the mass surplus population like they've done before.

Voting won't save you.

>> No.20485017

I'd be less worried about the polish If I were you...

>> No.20485033

probably the opposite theyll max out their credit cards and put it into an account that cant be seized or garnished since theyre going to be homeless anyway

>> No.20485063

yup aus/uk/us pulling manufacturing is basically a declaration of war and america is going to lose

>> No.20485070

I agree with you. However, if 20M people are homeless housing prices will have to come down along with rent, otherwise all the mortgage homes will be foreclosed on and foreclosures mean cheap houses.

The FED won’t out stimulate the downward pressure of 20M homeless people. They have to keep printing gibs to keep everything afloat so the jobless can pay their rent and keep the system afloat.

I’m bullish on almost every asset class because of this reason.

>> No.20485083

fed will pump stonks and real estate no matter what

>> No.20485093

They are gonna burn down so many cities that free shit will flow like a river to calm them down.

We will finally enter terminal national decline being NEET becomes "normal"

I don't fucking care about the future of this country, I just want as much money as possible before it all collapses. Let it happen.