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20482828 No.20482828 [Reply] [Original]

Here's what's going to happen in 3 days. crypto in general will implode. You think the xrp lawsuit fucked up xrps price. wait til 2,000+ projects drop to zero

now. there's one crypto out there that's been working WITH regulations. whatever, im sleeepy. goodnight and you've been warned for the last time. some of you will make it. most of you will not. don't forget to take profits

xrp $2k eoy

>> No.20482859

>only my kike banker coin will survive the cryptopacalypse
yeah fuck off with your bullshit

>> No.20482861

Nice larp.
10k xrp here. I'm selling my bags if we ever reach 30c

>> No.20482981

XRP fags are worse than QTards now. Just sell your shitcoin anon and move on.

>> No.20483393

Gay larp xrps a security

>> No.20483678
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>> No.20483872

If xrp was $2000 a coin jed would be one of the richest people in the world it’s never going to $2000

>> No.20483961

>one of the richest

how about the world's first trillionaire?

cripple fags really suck at figures it would seem, - a market cap ten times greater than the US M2 money supply? Sure, by September or EOY, easy peasy...

>> No.20484069

You’re retarded lmaoo

>> No.20484081

as opposed to your limitless genius I suppose

>> No.20484084

>they just flip the switch bro

>> No.20484099

Hahaha gave me a good laugh

>> No.20484107

yup, trust the plan

>> No.20484960

Mass arrests September, Q3 is what you are looking for.

>> No.20485085
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they should start with this faggot

>> No.20485108

it won't be until after the election, brainlet.
>the numbers were rigged by mail-in ballots
this will cause a EAM stream, cyber attacks will start occurring with irregular frequency and power across the country will be fucked with.
this is when we start getting presidential alerts on our cellphones
tribunals begin shortly thereafter

>> No.20485172

so you ARE going full Mao after all

Khrushchev must be pissing himself laughing in his grave

>> No.20485333

You're way, way off, anon.

We're talking about the opposite of that, except significantly less violent (we're already there - hence the riots).

>> No.20485586

>mfw Christ Giancarlo Ex CFTC chairman said XRP is a currency
>mfw Giancarlo is head of the Digital Dollar Project
>mfw I have no face