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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2048263 No.2048263 [Reply] [Original]

>Be in University
>Find Wallet on the ground.
>It has money in it
>Decide to turn it in to the office.
>Feel bad about giving up the money.
Did I do something wrong, /biz/?

>> No.2048272

I would still return it to the office, but I would probably end up taking some money, NOT ALL of money, just some for bringing it to the office.
You did good anon, money is worthless, if it's not earned by you.

>> No.2048276

Should've taken the cash and said it was empty. Good to turn it in, losing id and cards sucks. Too late now suburban white bread faggot. You aren't hungry enough yet. Suffer a little and you'll get instincts don't worry

>> No.2048288
File: 112 KB, 736x974, 1492382979171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turning it in is the right choice, it might be a fellow poorfags wallet, and it will give you peace of mind

nothing worse than thief's guilt

but it wouldn't hurt to take a dollar or five as a finder's fee

>> No.2048292


those that lived in shit circumstances would have took the money and ran , karma is for superstitious retards

>> No.2048296

how much money

>> No.2048301
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Fuck of niggers, /biz/ is a white board.

>> No.2048333

Always take a finders fee anon. I'd much rather lose the $50 I keep in my wallet then cancel all my cards and driver's license etc

>> No.2048349
File: 971 KB, 500x490, 1492392661522.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I would take all of the money and throw the wallet back on the ground, moral considerations aside or not. Those guilt trips about it being a poor person or whatever are totally wrong. That supposedly poor person who's in a worst situation than you just let his money and wallet fall on the ground and didn't notice it. Either he deserves to be poor for being too stupid to notice or he's actually not as poor as you think and that's why he didn't notice. The reason for throwing it back on the ground is that whether or not you're the person who took the money that was in it, the person who will be blamed for that will be the person that brings it back, even if he's not responsible. So I'll let someone else have that honor.

> everyone else confirmed not having enough drive/not gonna make it, shitty moral dilemmas because low test or getting blamed for the theft.

>> No.2049530

Thank you for your opinions, guys.

>> No.2049546
File: 376 KB, 4500x4334, 5e9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>find wallet on the ground
>DL, social security card, pictures of family
>why yes coinbase heres some information to increase my limits

>> No.2049569

you should have taken out a $20 finders fee. You dun goofed

>> No.2049584


>He wouldn't just keep it and ruin someone's life

Pretty weak bait desu senpai.

>> No.2050032

You're fine man.

/biz loves being edgy and thinks sociopathy/psychopathy is what takes you to the top, and thats bullshit. Top business owners are extremely sharp, not mentally ill. In real business reputation is everything.

>> No.2050045
File: 97 KB, 435x435, 1469052073765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>take out $100 from ATM
>ATM gives me four 20s and a 100
>go to the bank teller and give the 100 back

will i ever make it?

>> No.2050053


>> No.2050103

Ummm no....you did something right. Look I don't know why everyone here celebrates being a creep but all I can say is being a decent human being and having a good work ethic and the ability to stand u for myself (not cut throat but I take zero shit) Has taken me from a foster kid to someone who makes six figures and can pay for my kids to go to college. Stay decent....that's the hardest thing to do and if you manage to stay decent other decent people will want to be around you. You can only be around so many cut throat thieves before you can spot them by their aura.

>> No.2050191

every evil deed you do eats away a bit at your soul until you no longer have one. Don't you know anything you nigger?

>> No.2050203

>find pay wave credit card
>hand it in to office
>chick who lost it is there
>says thanks but doesnt express too much gratitude
>feel like I shouldve kept it if she wasnt going to get down on her knees and thank me properly

>> No.2050480
File: 27 KB, 550x379, 14222377_1207203949321989_7061056543256489569_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drop wallet
>over $500 cash
>in upscale neighburhood with million dollar homes
>wallet return to school with no money

so think about that OP, i'm assuming you're a poorfag, look how a richfag handled finding my wallet.

>have found and not returned wallets, phones
>have also stolen them
>0 guilt, some worry

now u know for next time

>> No.2050501

Poorfags detected.

>> No.2050534

Should've invested in bitcoin and made the gains. Then returned the wallet