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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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20472296 No.20472296 [Reply] [Original]

is it safe to leave my LINK on coinbase for a long time?
what happens if i dont login for like a year?

>> No.20472308

It takes like five fucking minutes to set up a wallet you stupid fuck. You deserve to lose your LINK.

>> No.20472327

coinbase is probably the safest place to keep your linkies desu senpai. Coinbase is far less likely to be hacked than you are.

>> No.20472349

There are risks to a wallet that coinbase doesn’t haven’t.

How do you store your seed phrase?

>> No.20472350

dont hold the keys
dont hold the coin

>> No.20472371

Written on a piece of paper locked in a fireproof safe. Two keys hidden on my property.

>> No.20472376

Lastpass you dumb fuck.

>> No.20472384

No. Coinbase is shady so is every corporation that size. Why would you allow criminals to have access to your money ? They’ve been caught committing so many crimes just look back to me 2017 complaints and lawsuits against them

Cold storage or rope, your choice

>> No.20472515
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You fucking morons never learn

>> No.20472576

If you don’t log in at least once in a three month period they will delete your link tokens

>> No.20472601

you didn't read the user agreement when making the account? it says that if you don't login for a year the account is considered abandoned and all the funds on it goes to coinbase

>> No.20472609

Dashlane here, but same idea.

>> No.20472641


>> No.20472655

Mines been on binance for 2 years
I don't know how to make a wallet and I don't understand how eth gas works

>> No.20472716

I had over 2 BTC on Binance for 2 and a half years, I didn't login for 2 years, was still fine. Before Corona I put most of the coins on a hard wallet just in case they are gonna steal my crypto because of corona. Nothing happened

>> No.20472742


>> No.20472762

if you can't store your own coins you shouldn't even be investing in crypto.

>> No.20472805
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>is it safe to leave my LINK on coinbase for a long time?

>> No.20473417
File: 175 KB, 800x1000, 199A9C71-9D51-4F36-BC74-C0B378FAD9D8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coinbase went down yesterday retard.

>> No.20473602

One thing you really need to think about is the risk of what’s called the ranch attack meaning somebody shows up at your house and threatens to harm you or your kids or somebody that you care about.


One way to counter this is to ensure that you literally do not have access to your entire stack.

One of the benefits of the coin base custodial solution is it is literally impossible to transfer your coins on less than two days notice

TLDR: In my opinion the best option is to split your stack among, For example one hardware wallet that is sitting in a safe deposit box one hardware wallet that is sitting at your house and then some in the coin base vault

>> No.20473628

>”ranch attack”
Sorry, wrench attack

>> No.20473648

No, it's not

Not because you'll get hacked, but because you'll want to sell. I have a paper wallet and 10K linkies, now I have no linkies because I'm a filthy swingie after waiting fucking forever and seeing all the pump and dumps. I want in on that, and right now niggers and soiboys are buying LINK. I don't see a bigger sell signal than that. We'll probably hit $8.9 again, double top, and dump right the fuck back down to $5 or some shit

>> No.20473706

Sam Hyde was an early BTC and LINK holder. That is the type of person you are making rich when you buy crypto.

>> No.20473745

I've left 0.5 btc on for 3 years on coinbase, so I'd say yes

but I've heard that it's not good, so maybe get coinbase wallet? Other than that I don't know

>> No.20473781

It takes about 30 minutes to remeber it. and then another 5 minutes every day to repeat it. You should be able to invest that much time for your financial independence.

>> No.20473828

Human memory is extremely fragile, malleable and changeable. Would not advise.

>> No.20473916


personally I used a cheap tablet, factory wiped it then generated a fresh paper wallet. Used some really thick paper, a sharpie, and when I wrote the words down I sealed it with clear acrylic paint in case of water damage. Put it in a fireproof box like this anon >>20472371

>> No.20473924
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>my brain is not capable of remebering 24 words

>> No.20473949

>routine maintenance
>being hacked

>> No.20473961

are you in the US? even though binance has said accounts made before sept 2019 are grandfathered in, I wouldn't trust it in this climate. for you coinbase would be far safer so just transfer your stuff there because cold storage might be too complicated

>> No.20474001

Say hello to a keylogger and bye to your coins.

>> No.20474044

Anyone can remember 24 words, the problem is that human memory is factually flawed and changeable, no matter how le high IQ you are.
Every time you remember something you don't remember the original instance, but the last time you remembered that. And that way distortion of said memory takes place. This is a fact.

So all it takes is a single day where you go out drinking, be in a stressful situation or be in any situation other than the baseline normal and for you to distort your own memory. There is a reason why singular human memory is not seen as hard evidence at the court.

>> No.20474173

only 12 with a trezor model t :)

>> No.20474227

Do I need to buy eth for gas if I want to transfer link from binance to coinbase