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20470348 No.20470348 [Reply] [Original]

I’m thinking of investing more money into RLC but all I see are all caps posts. The tech, team, partnerships, V5, and the low coin cap hard-coded to not add any more tokens has got my attention. The upcoming partnership announcement has created a lot of hype too. I don’t think it’s going under $1.25 ever again.
Is it still a good investment at $1.80? I’m about to buy $2000 worth and hold. Good idea?

>> No.20470368

great idea anon

>> No.20470373
File: 79 KB, 916x598, OPENYOUREYES2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Methanon is based
He is the reason for this
Buy it

>> No.20470385

this is not a meme
yes many people bought much lower but selling now would be very shortsighted as we care going much, much higher

>> No.20470397
File: 732 KB, 1099x623, iexecisthebtcofcloudcomputing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it would be a historic move

>> No.20470495

The teams projections and tech sound almost like science fiction, but I’ve seen weirder things come to fruition. The supply seems like it’s pretty low and it looks like the team only holds 7%. Is it really hard-capped like Bitcoin?

>> No.20470536
File: 199 KB, 640x960, 6363333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah theres only 87m ever to be made tahts why its digital oil and the product works its not science fiction its science fact

>> No.20470604

This is tech that I hope to see succeed regardless of my own financial success. There are billions of devices all around the world, imagine leveraging all that power to create a massive supercomputer capable of supercharging technological advancements in AI, medical research, gaming, simulations, etc.

Gilles has been working on this for decades, I'm glad to see this is finally starting to pick up.

>> No.20470607

it's not even that far fetched, just feels like the next logical step. I was skeptical at first as well but did my own digging on it and it really does all make sense. And we're still really early, which is crazy because of how long this has been around

>> No.20470930

Honestly though, I have been holding this coin for years now (albeit not alot) and it keeps going up and down between $0,20 and $2,00 after every announcement. However, I feel like this time it's different. V5 release, aws and coinbase. I don't think it's ever going down and will be going up to top 50, 20, 10 and eventually top 5. Just look at the team, the concept, the partnerships and everything. This coin should have been top 20 already but for some reason it isnt, and for the life of me I have no idea why. If you feel uncertain I would suggest putting in $1000 so you can comfortably sleep and hodl at the same time. Good luck Anon.

>> No.20470983

yes, iExec is using PoT (proof of trannies), a genius mechanism to create incentive so that there is a huge demand for RLC and people never sell

>> No.20471024

Why didnt you buy at 0.20 like everyone? What the fuck you only buy green dildos? Absolute retards.

>> No.20471042


>> No.20471080

You ask too many questions. Just buy ffs

>> No.20471108

Fl fag here how the fuck do I buy rlc binance is banned in my cracked state

>> No.20471136


>> No.20471139

vpn with a new accnt or use kyberswap

>> No.20471163

Short term, who knows what the price will be. Mid-long term, not many other projects to choose over this. The current marketcap of $100MM is a joke for this tech. Cloud computing from big tech generated $162B last year with an 18% increase YoY. Every year, it will keep growing due to demand for cloud services. When 5G rollsout, Smart cities, AI and autonomous vehicles will all need cloud services. Endless use cases. Even a 1% capture of this market is billions. DYR

>> No.20471167

Whats wrong with bittrex?

>> No.20471186


>> No.20471211

It isn't higher because the branding is shit (but still better than it was in early days) and the community management/marketing is managed by people with a proportionally inverse IQ to the tech and business teams.

>> No.20471285

nvm, just read up on it through some googling.

>> No.20471316

Thanks for all of the informative replies anons.

>> No.20471364

I don’t get all the tranny references. I can’t find anything on the matter.

>> No.20471990

This board is transphobic and didnt appreciate my shilling of RLC back at 5000 sats.

>> No.20472046

Will RLC be available for purchase on coinbase soon ?

>> No.20472083

Buying $1500 worth now. Looks like there was a small dip. I am not going to pay attention to the small dips and hold this one for a few years.

>> No.20472565

>pic related in a few hours 2.2 usd

>> No.20472599
File: 14 KB, 514x320, rlc22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no pic attached

>> No.20473403

You've put into words exactly how I feel. I hold 60k RLC since 2017.
It really feels like we're going to make it.