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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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20466303 No.20466303 [Reply] [Original]

Whats the easiest, highest paying work for a high school dropout in this country? dont mind doing FIFO.

>> No.20466380

Become a faggot... At least act like a faggot... Join a Bank like ANZ... We are hiring...

>> No.20466379

sucking a chinese cock

>> No.20466408

Abalone diver
Enjoy being Shark bait

>> No.20466450

Get a trade fuck head.

>> No.20466470


>> No.20466486

All in Centrelink 300k to make it

>> No.20466582

>get treated like a cunt for $2 an hour for 4 years just to make $70k

nah im alright

>> No.20466658

What state you in? Steelworks operators pay very well

>> No.20466777

>nah im alright
"Instead, I'll pay $15k per year for 4 years just to make $70k"

>> No.20467272

>easiest, highest paying
Don't trade time for money.

Compare the pair:
Doctor earning $250,000 a year after slogging through 10 years of study working 70+ hours 6 days a week.

Traffic controller earning $30k a year working part time 12hrs per week for 1 day a week?

That said my exampl for most "bang for my buck" I worked as an aircraft refueller, working only 24 hours a week (2 days) for roughly $66k after picking up some additional responsibilities.

If you have disposable income think of ways of investing so you get a passive income. Weekly or daily preferably.

Reach a point where you dont have to "work" and can go on 3-4 month long holidays and return with more money than you left with.

T. Ausfag

>> No.20467321
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>Highest Paying
You sound like a lazy cunt mate. You're not going to excel at whatever career you pick anyways so it doesn't matter, just do whatever

>> No.20467492

Get a job as a train guard. Starting salary is 97k. Super easy work. Hard position to get in though

>> No.20467514

Do a 1 month security course n get a control room operator job in which u just shitpost and watch screens for 12 hours sit on ur ass n eat. Super comfy rotating roster. You work 4 days n get 4 days off. 60k a year

>> No.20467534

Its 70 to 80k in pozzbourne.

>> No.20467616

>work 3 days a week delivering groceries for coles
>45k for the year
You don't need a HR licence and you can easily pick up more hours now that everyone is in lockdown

Honestly being Australian is life on easy mode sometimes.

>> No.20467684

>Do a 1 month security course

which course in particular?

>> No.20467776

Im in pozzbourne.
Did certificate 2 in security operations which was 19 days of 9 till 3 classes.
Do certificate 3 if you want the comfy shit. Chose control room. Certificate 3 in security operations. Did it in broadmedows. They basically give you the answers as the whole cohort is a bunch of ethnics. You just sit there and fill in the booklet each day off the PowerPoint.
After you apply for a 500 aud security licence and a 180 dollar police check n your set to make 1k a week doing fuck all. Easiest shit. Courses should cost u anywhere between 60 to 300 dollars if youre governments funded with a concession card in hotel.

>> No.20467792

based. im in WA. thanks though anon.

>> No.20467811

In the states before covid I made at least $2k a week bartending

>> No.20467813

Certificate 3 is roughly 15 days. Coronachan has fucked jobs for now but once its over, should be easy to find a job

>> No.20467835

Should be similar in WA look into it. Nearly every nigger in security has been borderline autistic if they're not bouncers in clubs

>> No.20467866

do you need to be.. physically well built? Its just im fit. but only average height and weight. small hands.

>> No.20467941

Is this because your cucked (((tipping))) culture?

Not if youre doing control room. You literally just sit on your ass and watch cameras. There was this cringe morbidly obese 30 year old fedora wearing manchild doing it where i used to work. Security isnt just limited to pubs and clubs. You can get comfy jobs in data centres and corporate sites. Theres also these shitpost security jobs in overnight construction sites where you just sit in your car for 23 sheckles an hour. Being physically fit is only really required if youre looking to do degenerate normie clubs

>> No.20467965

>Traffic controller earning $30k a year working part time 12hrs per week for 1 day a week?

How do I get this.

>> No.20468051

Have a vagina and look like bogan slut

>> No.20468072

Damn I cant fit those qualifications.

Im sick of working full time, dying to go part time over here.

>> No.20468773

>Honestly being Australian is life on easy mode sometimes.

I would have strongly disagreed with you if you told me this, even just last year.
I worked 2 jobs to make ends meet.

Honestly, I found the less I gave a fuck the happier and more paid I was.
I make about $30k less than I made last year work-wise, but I'm not tied up with time being committed to work plus a substantial increase in quality of life.

Lucky to escape the rat race, let me tell ya.

This anon's >>20468051 got a point.

Why do you think some hot chick holding the stop/go signs?
Its one of the highest paid jobs you can get here, especially of you're a backpacker.

>> No.20468816


>> No.20468868

Just get a fucking part-time job to earn some money to save up for college.