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File: 302 KB, 1200x675, Trustswap-Full-Feature-Logo-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20459779 No.20459779 [Reply] [Original]

trustswap has been providing impressive gains for two days now, their staking is modest but beyond fair. Also I would love to welcome you all to 22 cents. I wish you all the best!

>> No.20459834

what is the EOY price expected?

>> No.20459846

another defi scam, cant wait for this bubble to burst

>> No.20459895

$1 minimum, this is atleast a top 100 coin if they achieve what they have set out to do

You had a week to accumulate at 5cents, the train has left the station mate the FUDing is too late

>> No.20459943

How is it a scam? I understand pajeet pnds and obviously this is not. This is not esh, or sta, or ghost. The only bubble thats bursted is your seething about not buying when someone suggested it. Like 200 percent ago. Eoy price at this rate im guessing to be between 1 and 1.50

>> No.20459982

And scams don't accumulate over 1500 holders within 24 hours

>> No.20460027

Someone explain this project to me

>> No.20460039

ok pajeet

>> No.20460072

Time locked smart contracts to prevent getting rugged by the creators, think kyber network but time locked, deflationary in nature since coins are burned when used, and native staking once main net launches.

>> No.20460093
File: 93 KB, 800x800, jeffypoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is pic related the pajeet you're referring to? His name is Jeff. Jeff is the creator.

I gotta say, I'm not really getting streetshitter vibes from Jeff. But I am from you...

>> No.20460115

As well as escrow service; event lock tokens (eg payout to family when you die); ERC20 wrapping (so any non ERC20 token can be made to function like ERC20 and reap the benefits of the eth blockchain)
- plus more and more planned

>> No.20460128

There's lots of aspects and stages to the project, which is one of the reasons this project is so bullish. Their website is well made and describes it well. Trustswap.org

>> No.20460133

Yeah literally whitest devs out
FUD phase is over man

>> No.20460206

this scam has me up 500%. i'm getting antshares vibes

>> No.20460355

Welcome to 23 cents

>> No.20460373

no I'm telling the other guy that this dev is not a pajeet.. maybe I worded it wrong. I said i understand a pajeet pnd being a scam but this is not that or a pajeet

>> No.20460538

>ERC20 wrapping (so any non ERC20 token can be made to function like ERC20 and reap the benefits of the eth blockchain)
Alright, explain this more but use more words.

>> No.20460652

In theory you'd be able to trade algo with trustswap, any of those coins that don't have a contract address, you'll be able to trade with ones that do

>> No.20460882
File: 205 KB, 1139x611, 0_9rh7JSxOjcTBITZ7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So... you mean like Stakenet?

>> No.20461118

There are currently two 3rd party staking services for swap. Both are from team3d.
swapstake and swap3d
The difference is that on swap3d you pay 10% in/out and the token price is volatile.

Swapstake has 5M swap staked right now. Swap3d only 8k Swap! So if you want to be early you should go with this.


>> No.20461304

staking this shit is making me great returns

>> No.20461801

Its literally a roadmap these retards are shilling and buying. Fucking incredible.