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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20459040 No.20459040 [Reply] [Original]

LINK goes down
XSN goes up
Buy the dip

XSN goes down
LINK goes up
Buy the dip

Making it has never been so easy.

>> No.20459064
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>> No.20459276

Based. No stakers are coping.

>> No.20459513
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>> No.20459585
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>> No.20459963

dammit that pepe has style

>> No.20460409
File: 1.95 MB, 1600x860, finex2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that this will revolutionize crypto exchanges and make CEXs look like AOL.
>stake XSN
>receive rewards in USDC
>instantly swap USDC rewards to buy anything you can pay for with BTC
CEXs cant hold a candle to this.

>> No.20460703

Based on Truth

>> No.20460721

Apu not pepe newfriend

>> No.20460815

>not USDT

I mean come on, the demo is on Bitfinex even. Coingays and its tether wannabe are trash - tether is king, and always will be.

>> No.20460831


>> No.20460900
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Bitfinex said it was going to implement Lightning for Tether. When it does, Stakenet's DEX will be immediately positioned to take full advantage and act as a liquidity bridge between it and ERC stablecoins.

>> No.20460992

aren't they both ERC tokens? Why wouldn't raiden integration enable conversion to USDT/USDC?

>> No.20461215


>> No.20461256
File: 83 KB, 1212x820, bidesk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, I'm a retard. I never dealt in Tether much and never realized Tether was an ERC all this time.
I'm even more bullish now.
Bidesk already has nearly $1 billion in volume and it's mostly all in Tether.
Adding the entire ERC and LN ecosystems into the mix will make this thing take off like nothing else.

>> No.20461363

why do people keep using bidesk as a comparison for xsn? I've never used that platform; what is it and why do I see it constantly referenced as a comparison market making tool?

>> No.20461669
File: 473 KB, 548x687, coomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you buy this you are literally falling for a pump and dump. Read their business guy's linkedin bio. He's a retard.

After graduating with a degree in biology Draper assumed high level project management roles overseeing IT teams which led to his work on distributed networks. He holds unique experience in the blockchain space leading teams consisting of anywhere from 10-40 developers, designers, and technical specialists

He is a graduate of marine officer candidacy school, one of the best business leadership programs due to its intense training under chaos and high production of CEO's. He went on to start various businesses, which led to managing development and successful launch "XSN" - a novel decentralized peer to peer public ledger which utilizes masternodes, lightning network, enhanced security algorithms, and cross chain capabilities.

Passionate about economics, evolutionary theory, and cybernetics

>> No.20461731
File: 2.29 MB, 2606x2905, XSNadvisor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... is this your definition of a 'retard'? Your really getting desperate now. You must feel so bad.. working full time to shill XSN and it does eventually dump.. only to rebound immediately.

>> No.20461747

It was probably one of my posts. I brought up Bidesk a few times before. I've never used it either. It is relatively unknown and yet it has nearly $1 billion in volume just from Tether.
Just a way to drive home that getting a lot of volume on Stakenet's DEX is quite doable.

>> No.20461881

>he hasnt been going on 4chan since 1998

>> No.20462042

That guy? No. But he's just an advisor and has no involvement in day to day operations. The John Draper guy? Yes, he's clearly a retard as he can neither spell nor form grammatically correct sentences.

None of the engineers even work there anymore, they all have different jobs on LinkedIN. https://stakenet.io/team/ It's a dead project.

Anons, stay away from this garbage.

Your shilling is weak, obvious, and cringe. Stay poor faggot.

>> No.20462078
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quality b8

>> No.20462118
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I just typed out a refutation but then i realised it would be better not to demoralise you totally.. it would be better to keep you /biz/ trying to supress the price. might be able to pick a few more masternodes below 10k that way

>> No.20462287

>It is relatively unknown and yet it has nearly $1 billion in volume just from Tether.
What is wash trading. Stop lying, you fucking scammer.

>> No.20462390

Maybe it is? Don't really know anything about Bidesk other than that it's popular for Tether. That's all besides the point.
What's more certain is the $30 billion in 24h trading volume. Stakenet's DEX can already aggregate liquidity to help build it's own. If it manages to pull just a small percentage of that daily trading volume with their arguably superior exchange, this will take off and up to high places.

>> No.20463072

USDT will be supported along with USDC and any other ERC20 stablecoin worth supporting.

>> No.20463233

reset your IP and try again

>> No.20463291
File: 455 KB, 828x1548, 8EE068CC-9BF1-438B-8DCD-26B1AD311602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Says Frank has no day to day dealings with Stakenet
>Yet he was in my test group trying out the DEX
>pic related

>> No.20463577


>> No.20463609
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Noooooo you can't just bring eViDeNcE and have me BTFOed. I just told everyone it's a SCAM.

>> No.20463692

pajeet on suicide watch.