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File: 2.72 MB, 1280x720, 1594978200331.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20456995 No.20456995 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.20457020


>> No.20457021

the jew got mogged HARD

>> No.20457038


>> No.20457054

Your best bets are BNT RLC RSR

>> No.20457062


>> No.20457092

imagine caring about a woman lmao. he probably pays her subscription too. literally paying to get cucked

>> No.20457094
File: 6 KB, 181x279, 9DEF2C2C-40E0-49D8-AAAB-63F8792D568F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guy in OP tripped on Drugs, had a meltdown, went off roids and is now doing a 40 day fast on YouTube starving himself. Connor Murphy


>> No.20457096

The coin/token I am currently heavily invested in, obviously.

>> No.20457100

Isn't this dude bald from steroid use

>> No.20457118
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>> No.20457119


>> No.20457137

jew? are u blind or something?

>> No.20457143


>> No.20457165

looks like a 40yo balding crackhead with psychosis now. it's over for connor, will never get to those validation levels of his prime

>> No.20457261

He’s aged like 25 years in the past 5 years. Face full of wrinkles, hair is thinning. You could see it coming even when he was on heavy gear.

Was in the looney bin not too long ago and posted his paperwork from it. Dude was high risk kek

>> No.20457275


>> No.20457300
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>> No.20457306

why is he doing a 40 day fast?

>> No.20457333

bzrx and sxp,thank me later

>> No.20457365

A water fast is unironically good to get toxins and shit out of your body
40 days is pushing it though

>> No.20457368


>> No.20457400

I highly doubt that. Thats what livers were designed for

All you need to drink is distilled water to actually detox (purified water saps the inorganic minerals out of your body. inorganic minerals cause sickness and death in humans unless sourced from plants)

>> No.20457605
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>> No.20457642

He literally was released from a high risk mental hospital and said he was Jesus. 40 day fast just to prove he can and test his will. He’s insane. Almost done with the fast though.

>> No.20457645

instantly thinking about swiping right..as soon as thinking the other person having a higher status

>> No.20457662

why does that a-hole have his shirt off in the gym?

>> No.20457672

Rlc but entry price is high now. Mitx is still cheap get some fat bags now top 100 before end of year.

>> No.20457696

>be fucking giga chad.
>making cash + getting admired by people
>fall down into drug abyss, come out destroyed
why chad?
why didnt you appriciated you gifts?
its like people who win lotto, and lose it alll!
shit is insane, how you fucked up winning genetic jackpot like this?!
why chad?!!?!?!?!?!??
(i never get even remotely happy when i see a man fall, i will be happy if a woman fall though)

>> No.20457714

He was already on drugs, what do you think roids are? Hes not a genetics jackpot hes an avg white dude on roids.

>> No.20457722


>> No.20457731

agree with the liver shit.
disagree from water shit. we get TONS of minerals from our food anyway, it be fine.

>> No.20457746
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>planet fitness

If you have a black card membership you can bring a free guest everyday.

>> No.20457758

Why do people do Roids? are they addictive or something?

>> No.20457767

looks like a CHEW (CHINK x JEW). I didn't know if you were ready to hear a brand new word though.

>> No.20457783

Rlc, pnk, and ample. Very good coins. Big moon very soon. No disappoint, many riches. You buy, you get rich. Easy. Miss out get rekted. Don’t miss out on the next links

>> No.20457790

BZRX hands down!

>> No.20457797

He has very good genetics for muscle building. Def not average. Has great insertions, steroids or not, most gym rats wouldn't look that good if they followed his same cycle.

>> No.20457800

Never done them but im guessing it feels amazing to have your T that high while also getting huge muscle gains with low fat.

>> No.20457804
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they make yor muscles grow, even if you dont' exercise at all.

>> No.20457886

Imagine going to the gym for a few years. You make decent gains, you feel good about yourself. You're much stronger, much more confident. Now multiply that by 10.

The gains that took you years to get, the bench press PR, the number of pullups everything that took you all that time, now takes you a month on cycle.

Your mood, your confidence, your physique, is on God mode. Its literally playing rl with cheats. You look, feel, train, and fuck like a god. You just hit levels in months that would take years or be totally unobtainable if you did it naturally.

Anons go get your test levels checked. If its low get a legal script from your doctor for TRT. You'll have way more energy, build more muscle, firmer erections, ooze confidence.

>> No.20457894

>Was in the looney bin not too long ago and posted his paperwork from it.
Someone that places so much importance on external validation like he did is clearly someone with mental issues. He's the male version of those insta-whores that get totally depressed if they don't receive enough likes on social media.

>> No.20457926

why cant they be more like rich peana?
>had legit image issues
>coudlnt get approval from his dad
>roided hard
>made cash off stocks
>died in his 50s
>this dude who got crazy
zaz(or whatever slav name mother fucker had) had so much drug his heart collapsed in his 20s.
why these retards cant just stick with roids and avoid hard addictive drugs? like wtf
i legit read 800 pages on different components of roids and studied organic chem enough to make any roid at home ( cant though, not proper equipment, shit is carcinogenic, its as dangerous as extracting caffeine at home, too risky)
its very easy to manage your roids without damage to body. why cant they do this simple shit!?!?!?
why chad!!?!?!?

>> No.20457941

Doesn't it have bad side effects?

>> No.20457942

he wasn't an average white dude.
he's 6'2'' and had a good face.
he fucked up with the roids thing. should've tried to slowly build naturally. he would be in a much better mental and physical state right now had he done that.

>> No.20457957

Because you will always peak/plateau. So they try another drug. You need God to fill that void. Nothing else works.

>> No.20457962

roids wont do shit to you.
max, MAX they may give you boobs, which is preventable by some generic breast cancer fighting agents.
the reason they are all get crazy is that fame and success get to them and they go for acid, crack and lsd, or even angel dust and bath salt.
its just pathetic to be so much gains and get ruined like this

>> No.20457965

i hope so nkn

>> No.20457975

You guys don't actually bring your girlfriends to the gym do you? Do you? Lmao

>> No.20457976

i am telling you its not roids that done that.
its hard drugs.
thats why i am pissed off at this chad, he fucked up his jackpot!

>> No.20457977


>> No.20457979


>> No.20457994

i think rsr will 40x at max

>> No.20457996

he looks like the coomer meme dude....

>> No.20458019

And what Im saying is that a lot of the time the type of person to do roids wont be satisfied, so they move on to other drugs.

>> No.20458020


>> No.20458023

When you take test for example, which is the staple steroid in every cycle, your body shuts down production of its own. After your cycle you need Post Cycle Therapy (PCT), AI and maybe some extra liver support so your body can begin producing its own testosterone again and get your liver back right (your liver takes a beating, especially with oral steroids)

Doctor prescribed TRT/HRT is a small amount to get you at or a little above what your level should be at your age, making it much safer to run over longer periods and not destroy your natural hormone levels in the process. A lot of models, bodybuilders etc simply cruise for years and avoid a lot of potentially gnarly side effects.

If you roid (high amounts of test + other PEDs), take that shit seriously, get your levels checked before, during and after. Use PCT, AI, and liver support. If youre getting a script, thats an entirely different story.

>> No.20458038
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even this lady

>> No.20458045

yes, more likely though, they ran out of money before that.
so they either calm down, or they go in gay porn to get founding.
basically become literal whores for drugs.

>> No.20458048
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yeah, almost a perfect match with that edit kek.

>> No.20458069

seems like every coomer, after cooming to hard tranny gay porno.
>i promise, i gonna quit, this was the last porn, tommorow will be the new day, i quit, i quitttttttttt!

>> No.20458121
File: 92 KB, 1545x869, coomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this the same dude?
art imitate reality i guess
another case of meme magic

>> No.20458122

I got bloods done a few weeks ago, do u know what the abbreviation would be on the results? im curious

>> No.20458140

i cant even go on that, since i am in army.
been thinking about this before going to army, when i was studying roids....but i couldnt afford it with my shitty insurance.

>> No.20458218

Unless you specifically got a testosterone test, it's not going to be in your average battery of tests.

>> No.20458251

you are incredibly uneducated about drugs and the people that take them. test isn't a gateway drug

>> No.20458313
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Stop posting this twink

>> No.20458324
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Same dude. Check the livestream I linked earlier.

Nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL).

I know guys in the army that straight blast nearly a fucking gram of test a week. Tren out the ass. So many dudes in the military juice its insane.

>> No.20458329

Ahh damn. Thanks fren

>> No.20458350

i will try it out later on then.

>> No.20458390
File: 64 KB, 1364x1326, 3EAB3541-1C9C-42B9-AF8A-262DE7682730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the fuck streams 24 hours a day besides a fucking attention whore

>> No.20458481

I think you’re not even tested for it honestly. You might want to look into it before you do. At least find out what your drug tests cover. You have that military Insurance so if you do have low test you can probably get on HRT for free. A vial of test for a month prescription is only like $24-30 usually depending on where you are. Test is dirt cheap

>> No.20458597

>I think you’re not even tested for it honestly. You might want to look into it before you do. At least find out what your drug tests cover. You have that military Insurance so if you do have low test you can probably get on HRT for free. A vial of test for a month prescription is only like $24-30 usually depending on where you are. Test is dirt cheap
dude military is legit blue-pilled to core.
its all tax money right? a female can come in, get boob job and ass job and facelift and shit which can hinder her combat ability (extra shit to carry)(if she had any) yet you cant do the same as a man(like getting a jaw surgery)
if you confront them, they say that its one of the ways to make women join military. ye on top of fucking money and pension, you give them free boob-job with tax money so they become worse soldiers?!

>> No.20458670


Moreplatesmoredates did an analysis on him and basically he's overusing roids to the point that he's having severe hair loss and will probably go bald unless he spends literally thousands on transplants and goes on dutasteride

>> No.20458695

A huge majority of pro bodybuilders do g4p.
Never said it was big guy.

>> No.20458748

imagine roiding to get your dick sucked by 10/10s, end up sucking dick of a unwashed 1/10 for money.

>> No.20458766

This bro knows

>> No.20458769

Not just pro bodybuilders, IG influencers and fitness models too. A big scandal just came up with some 30 year old boomer in Jersey who supplied roids to a bunch of teens in exchange for dick pics, molesting, etc.

Even the big money names in fitness influencers have been caught in scandals doing gay for pay.

>> No.20458785
File: 26 KB, 713x611, apu laff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the kai greene grapefruit video

>> No.20458795

They cover boob jobs? Holy fuck. Didn’t know cosmetic surgeries and shit was included now.

>> No.20458798

>the kai greene grapefruit video
ye that shit was humilating.
i mean shit was cash, but its like a stain.

>> No.20458839

> We all knew he was juicing but this takes it to a whole new level ;).
based comment section

>> No.20458840

Double dubs checked. I bought 10,000 DOGE for the meme a couple weeks ago. That tiktok shill got my hopes up, it's dumping now but I've still got my fingers crossed

>> No.20458868

Well said Rajesh!

>> No.20458898

ye dude.
its a mess.
fucking military.com say its not correct.
but i am in fucking military.

>> No.20458935

post a selfie. I hate dumbasses that say shit like this and have nothing themselves

>> No.20458956

the coomer meme is literally edited on top of his face anon

>> No.20459005


>> No.20459007

rip retard that couldnt get buff naturally. I can understand tho. Ive trained more than him, but I never had a good appetite so rip gains like that. That said, fuck going bald. Idiot shouldnt have used cheat codes

>> No.20459103

i get what you saying, if he was talking about natural built.
steroid can fix any manlet issue.
no pic needed for that.
though if you are not careful it can make you into a dicklet with boobs tranny.
moderation is the key.

>> No.20459152

>post a selfie
Go back to Facebook, Karen. Either way you can easily research everything I’ve said. Using an eye test alone doesn’t prove shit either to judge wether most people are on PEDs or not either.

>> No.20459194

Loool im calling you out and all you can do is run. What a fucking pussy. Feels fun to larp as some alpha male, huh?

>> No.20459210

Fuck your "research". Im asking YOU to show that you have immense gains
>eye test
lmao it's called using common sense. Muscle mass can easily be seen. You just dont have much of any, huh?

>> No.20459243

cosmetically, roids add 5+ years to your face and can make you bald extremely quickly if youre predisposed to that. also if you want to ensure your testicles function as well as they did before when you go off you have to inject female pregnancy hormones (hcg) a few times a week.

that's just short-medium term stuff, long term it's pretty bad for cardiovascular disease risk at even just trt+ levels, when you to real cruise doses you have to worry about liver and kidneys too

>> No.20459280

When did I refer to myself as an alpha male? How am I running because I somehow owe you a “selfie” on a business and finance board?

I’ve researched PEDs(steroids, SARMs, Peptides, Prohormones, EPO) etc for the better part of a decade. I answered an Anon’s question on a basic level and you’re having an autistic sperg fit about selfies when someone wanted to know if steroids were addictive. Take your lame shit somewhere else my dude.

>> No.20459374

aka youre talking out of your ass then. This line:

>researched for most of a decade
What the fuck is this "research"? Google? Maybe a little coaching without you actually doing as you teach? Looks funny

>> No.20459384

>Muscle mass can easily be seen
No shit. Eye test as in looking for common traits a person using PEDs usually have like
>capped delts (3D delts)
>enormous traps
>Extremely vascular
>dry paper thin skin look
And so forth.

>> No.20459447

>What the fuck is this "research"?
Again, never said I was an alpha male or a PED expert. I answered a question. Research as in running cycles of a few of what I listed, having teammates/friends/acquaintances that were on various cycles, etc.

I’m running MK-677 and GW50156 (Cardarine) at the moment.

>> No.20459607
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lol that looks like Joerg

>> No.20459610

ink protocol $xnk or $rel
both sub 1m marketcap and $rel is sub 200k. also both are backed by coinbase

>> No.20459632

damn, didn't knew that

he is 162 pounds now, holy shit, hes the same wight i am

>> No.20459789

If anyone wants to follow the meltdown. Pretty crazy shit

>> No.20459812

obviously Kleros (PNK)

>> No.20459867

Here’s his God/Jesus/religion rant before going into the looney bin
> https://youtu.be/lqO5eIUZ7jY

>> No.20459937

so let me understand this correctly:
>dude had everything, looks, muslces, girls, fame money, all of it
>get bored with his awesome life
>someone tell him to take a drug to enlighten him out of his "boring" life.
>take drugs, get fucked up
>the rest of story.
why chad?!?!?
you had everything a man wants!

>> No.20460015

>come into my bathtub and see what true happiness is
wow, i just felt...a bit..hard...was that a sex refrence? am i a coombrain?

>> No.20460020

He was fucking around with shrooms and acid. Thought he was ready for the Ayahuasca but he got mentally rekt from it.

Here’s the debate with his parents. Sad because they clearly don’t give a fuck.
> https://youtu.be/mdt3vtqQ6ww

>> No.20460059

>a youtuber
>calling his parents on youtube despite parents strong dislike to this
parents prob though he just acting.
he didnt call his parents on phone like a normal person.
but its fucked up that they never came to his apartment to check on him after that video

>> No.20460097


>> No.20460145

Yeah man, it’s pretty sad. He went missing for a few hours after that video where he leaked his address to witness his body. Was found wandering around Venice Beach.

That trip brought out some demons he wasn’t ready for. He probably won’t ever be the same, but that’s pretty much the whole story until the fasting thing now. I’ll upload that mental hospital paper if I find it. The descriptions of what he was doing in there was wild. Like trying to scale the building and calling himself God

>> No.20460162

now that 40 days fasting...thats facinating.
you know why?
becasue in most islamic magick text, 40 days fasting is one gateway to meet demons or jinns.

>> No.20460167

Origin Protocol, to be frank I think it is the next LINK

>> No.20460209

my life is a trillion times worse. Objective fact. He's a pussy.

>> No.20460225

wont deny it.
even without knowing you.
he literally had everything.

>> No.20460244

link me down the rabbit hole please, too lazy to google

>> No.20460248

$UBOMB if people hold/stake the burn will make it 100x within 12 months... easy money.

>> No.20460264

Is that achievable natty?

>> No.20460269

are you retarded? people cycle to get swoll as fuck. how are methamphetamines or barbiturates gonna accomplish that?

>> No.20460285

GAMB and BZX...min 10x in a couple of weeks

>> No.20460300

i have no links dude.
i read some books in English.
it had some reference but i was like 15, too lazy to check them.
but thats one thing i am sure of in Muslim mythology.
any sort of extremity, can bring em apparently, sleep deprivation, pain etc
kinda like Gnosticism

>> No.20460337

The man is one of the most popular and polarizing fitness influencers in the world. 99.8% of the worlds population has it worse. He burnt himself out with his image. Lesson is don’t fuck with Ayahuasca if you have demons and issues to sort out.

Didn’t know that. That’s pretty interesting. Waiting to see what this does for him in the end.

>> No.20460361

its a meeting for demon to grant you, your wish.
only one.
so i dont know, maybe he just go this in his trip, thinking 40 days is a holy number to clean him up for good.
or maybe he trying to meet something

>> No.20460370

dammit anon! well I’m interested now so i know what I’ll be staying up late doing

>> No.20460389

i mean i am not even sure.
since under those kinda influence, your brain is already bathed in all sorts of opiod, and anti pain neuropeptides. so maybe its just a delusion.
or maybe its real.

>> No.20460401


>> No.20460415

his dopamine receptors were fried.
in fact he did ascend by swallowing the ayahuasca blackpill. his problem is though that he doesnt seem to be able to fully cut ties with his "old" persona.
it seems he got blackpilled to the core, but it's too much to handle at once. so he is now making a weird mixture of his old influencer shit with his new "enlightened" stuff (altho his enlightened stuff is also VERY bluepilled still, but he's on the right path).

>> No.20460452

anyone remember in one episode of its always sunny in Philadelphia, mac and charlie get into a cult, dedicated to exercise, and following "master" ass kicker gospel?
do you think he is now a "master" or he is in a one man cult of "ass kicking"?

>> No.20460597
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When you rely on external things like attention, validation, approval, money, girls it's NEVER ENOUGH if you're coming from a place of scarcity. If you NEED that shit then you're so fucked and you will never feel enough until you come to terms with what it is in your deep subconscious that makes you feel like you need those things to be fulfilled. Not saying those things can't make you happy, but if you come from it from the angle of it adding meaning to your life it won't do any good.
He self-sabotaged himself because deep down he felt like he didn't deserve it.
t. nerd to Chad that learnt

>> No.20460612

Do you even BLOATMAXX, twink?

>> No.20460627

Moon just got a bunch of exposure lately and is pumping hard.

>> No.20460644

That happened to me without the drug. I have like 5k notes to prove my damage. Man, that dumb bitch lucked out with genetics. No reason he should have done drugs. Moron deserves it for that. He asked for it. I didnt. Fuck privileged people.

>> No.20460748

ADA. Look at the last CH YouTube video. Proof of Stake is the way to go.

>> No.20460816

Acid is LSD you fucking moron. More like he fucked a bunch of hoes and got STDs. Literally the easiest way to loose it. I've been there, it sucks and destroyed my confidence.

>> No.20460874

what's the point of becoming like this?
that's not /fit/.
that's an obese elephant pregnant with a hippo.

>> No.20460915
File: 536 KB, 456x479, 6ns7mmaes0211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take the bloatpill Anon.

>> No.20461040


>> No.20461157

Pretty based post.

>> No.20461175

>acid is lsd
bravo. you find an excuse to insult me
go wallow in your sorrows with your fucking stds you brain-dead druggie
i want to say go fuck yourself, but you fagoot probably gonna coom to it, so go kys

>> No.20461186

The guy has bipolar disorder and hasn't socialized outside since the covid thing. He is having a mental breakdown. I think he needs help.

>> No.20461193

Why can’t you just wear a damn condom? Don’t understand why you lads want to roll the dice with your health like that. Odds aren’t really in your favor with these thots.

>> No.20461996

pamp network next 100x

>> No.20462284

>imagine caring about a woman
This board is full of simps

>> No.20462616

GAMB (GMB) Do you research and be quick, its just started its pump. Current price $0.00032865

>> No.20463413



Basically there is a peak level for testosterone in the body, once you go past it an enzyme starts turning the excess into estrogen. This is why people who don't understand what they are doing and dont check their levels regularly or think more test equals more gains start getting Boobs and minidick.

>> No.20463442

zap will make it

>> No.20463462
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Ironically this

>> No.20463499
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>Ripple "Immutable"

>> No.20463615

That is actually not completely unlikely. I'm in crypto since 2012 and there maybe 10 other projects with this potential.

>> No.20463779

you can just lift and get the same result and keep it for literally decades instead of shining brightly for 2-5 years and ending up like the gentleman in the OP
yes some random whore won't mire you while you flex with your shirt off at the gym like a douche until you've done it for a few years lol

>> No.20463856

Right on a lot of counts anon, I would add to people saying the anyhushca didn’t work properly that it did. It’s a hard trip, and it basically shows you in a fraction of time how all of our social constructs are meaningless. Many of us can easily handle this as we’re smart and we knew it anyway, however if you’re blue pulled to the core and completely reliant on other peoples validation then your actions and beliefs come into conflict. He had an experience that allowed him to see the truth, yet his entire being was composed of actions diametrically opposed to that. One has to collapse the other in cognitive dissonance and it looks like the strain of it has cracked him because he can’t ‘let go’ of the vapid world in which he used to inhibit, how can he? He still has memories of validation let alone the wealth he gained. He wants to change, yet his job essentially won’t let him. That’s why he’s doing all this funky shit. Hope he gets better normally takes a while.

>> No.20463965


>> No.20463991
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iExec RLC human. Come and be an iExecutor!!!
Join our ranks!

>> No.20464059

>All you need to drink is distilled water to actually detox
This was in the 'I'm a rothchild axe me a question'

>> No.20464341
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>> No.20464412

anyone in crypto since 2012 is too busy being a big dick millionaire megawhale to post on a goat milking kazakhstani imageboard

>> No.20464418
File: 164 KB, 1186x625, 1594645102127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Xsn 5$ Eoy

>> No.20464433
File: 45 KB, 404x172, Moon.dev.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100x? Crypto Zombie just shilled the fuck out of Moon Coin for free. Thank me later.
