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File: 31 KB, 300x300, ZEUS CAPITAL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20450311 No.20450311 [Reply] [Original]

Long term advance notice.

We plan to sell a large volume of LINK for USD.

This will occur on a single exchange as a rolling iceberg order followed by significant orders of other exchanges.

It is expected that the value will drop significantly and will be matched by a 10 x leveraged short.

The network hash will be throttled at this time limiting all movements to and from exchanges.

Only spending the unrecognised ChainLINK TXs to miners and our own Exchange T Xs will be processed in blocks.

All other transactions will be rejected from blocks and will lead to UTXO congestion.

A total of 51% of the LINK network prior to the price drop will be added.

The sale will allign to a reward halving.

Once the network adjusts to this new difficulty, the miners would be turned away from LINK.

Mined blocks will actively reject and spend all so called ChainLINK blocks as these are a miner gift under the original rules.

There will be no further details at this point.

Going forward, all this will be disclosed to ensure all securities and ForEx trading laws in the USA and UK are strickly abided by.

Target Price: 0.07 United States Dollars.

>> No.20450332

Kill yourself please.

>> No.20450383

shut your whore mouth bitch

>> No.20450397

Sage in all fields

>> No.20450401

Just bought 10k more, thanks

>> No.20450417
File: 29 KB, 400x545, 606bb2ee-50d6-434d-80af-b2b49e88eb5f-m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we doin dis, we doin thad

>> No.20450434

I just got my chainlink mining rig.
Wtf am I gonna do?
I started mining 10 link a day since Monday.
I spent 10k$ to get it,
Am I fucked?

>> No.20450449

>let me tell you in detail in advance what we will do :)))))))
shut up nigger

>> No.20450454
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>> No.20450459

thanking for head up. just sold 100k. many blessing to you and familie. i also too will do now the shorting of linkcoin.

>> No.20450522


you are all about to get


ZEUS has NEVER lost a trade

>> No.20450555

Like Segeys philosophy degree when it comes to coding.
Can’t lose what you never do

>> No.20450609

Hahahaha he typed this out and actually thought it sounded convincing enough to post.

>> No.20450682

Based shitpost

>> No.20450722

fucking newfag you don't recognise it as a craig BSV shitpost

>> No.20450725


GTFO you utter maggot

>> No.20450759

Can't lose a trade if you've never traded. lol

>> No.20450823

I'm a Jew and this is the most bullish thing I've seen on /biz/ in the past 3 months.

>> No.20450836

> We are fud-ing the shit out of an asset we're planning to sell a large amount of.
hmmm something in this story doesn't ring quite true...

>> No.20450888

yes. he did, didn't he

>> No.20450919
File: 68 KB, 717x403, LINK Fraud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I just got my chainlink mining rig.
>Wtf am I gonna do?
>I started mining 10 link a day since Monday.
>I spent 10k$ to get it,
>Am I fucked?

If you mine Chainlink, you are gullible as fuck.

First off, the program itself is garbage. Despite being tested for several months, it is so complicated and bad in design that people are mining blocks to a default address that they don't have access to, and a single typo in typing an address for a transaction results in loss of funds (lots of people have already lost money). The Chainlink devs couldn't even be bothered doing a Windows miner release - users had to work out how to do it themselves. Even as live trading had began, an unknown exchange was sending deposits in error to the black hole 0x0000... address. The UI is unintelligible. To mine, We had to use two CMD windows in combination.

Second of all, Chainlink costs much less than $0.60 to mine. On our HD7970, the cost to mine was less than $0.10 per LINK. The people who bought LINK in the premine/presale paid the equivalent of $0.30 per LINK. Who the fuck even wants this shit? It has no mainstream appeal. At the current inflated prices miners are dumping it like no tomorrow and no one is buying because it's trash.

It's made by a 31-year-old slavshit philosophy dropout from the University of New York. He has no achievements, not even academic, apart from ‘Mixicles’ and Chainlink itself. He and his two-man team of 'developers' gobbled up the millions of dollars from the presale months before the program was even released.

Furthermore, My colleagues and I at Zeus Capital created a well researched, damning report that proved beyond doubt that Chainlink is a scam.

If you have any funds invested in this fraudulent digital asset, we strongly recommend that you sell to recoup any losses before the price reaches our target of 0.07 dollars.

We have to announce ahead of time to ensure all securities and ForEx trading laws in USA and UK are abided by.

>> No.20450952

thank you! this is great for us swingers :)

>> No.20450977

Good job. Where's your office, again?

>> No.20450997

do it, i need cheap links hoe

>> No.20450998

>We have to announce ahead of time to ensure all securities and ForEx trading laws in USA and UK are abided by.
Sure but you didn't have to produce a big FUD document about how link stinks and everybody should short just before selling.

>> No.20451007

literally kill yourself or die trying you LATE fucking turbo faggot.

>> No.20451033

kek, quality post OP

>> No.20451043

Zeus Capital didn't even exit until a couple weeks ago, literally.
Thats why literally no one had ever heard of them before.

Its a garage band hedge fund LATE to the game on LINK and they are desperately trying to enter in lower.
Unironically you need to kill yourself with a chainsaw in a library, nigger.

>> No.20451073
File: 9 KB, 900x792, png-clipart-god-of-war-omega-collection-t-shirt-stencil-kratos-god-of-war-fictional-character-silhouette.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20451122
File: 124 KB, 750x470, Chainshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Sure but you didn't have to produce a big FUD document about how link stinks and everybody should short just before selling.

It is very common in finance amongst activist institutions. You would know this if you were not a minnow retail trader playing with pocket change.

For example: https://hindenburgresearch.com/nextech-ar/

>> No.20451183
File: 326 KB, 714x650, F777D884-AE44-4BE2-AACD-305D4D7B56DC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m ready let’s gooo!!

>> No.20451252

Damn this is long ago... Wish I bought ETH back then when I read this.

>> No.20451301
File: 534 KB, 800x628, 1593193193443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20451431

I called the numbers on their website, it's a legit financial firm, though not the real Zeus Capital from UK. The guy was dead set that link was bound to crash, but he also agreed it will probably take some time for it to happen, and price may even double before the crash.

>> No.20451441

If it went to 0.07 i would buy so much more, but it's not going to 0.07

You are late to the game and trying to get people to dump lol so that you can buy in.

>> No.20451478
File: 42 KB, 500x328, 2457102497_81fd86ee1c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminded people who clicked links to these zues capital documents were hacked or targeted for theft.

>> No.20451539

OK craig but we all know Sergey is the real Satoj, it's already been revealed

>> No.20451544

sounds legit

>> No.20451548

>it's a legit
thanks, just bought 10000 Zeusicles

>> No.20451557

Hurry the fuck up faggot

>> No.20451590


>> No.20451664
File: 2.13 MB, 3300x2200, LSE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Good job. Where's your office, again?

We choose to withhold the locations of our offices to prevent angry ChainLink bagholders arriving at our door after we short the LINK coin price all the way down to 0.07 Dollars, making all LINK bagholder's triple digit net-worth evaporate in the process.

>> No.20451678

nice redditspacing

>> No.20451732

you fuckers hacked my laptop + my smartfridge fuck off

>> No.20451741

you are a multi-location international organisation tho, with offices, branches and indoor bonsai-like trees in every major financial center and a one-page web template available in three different languages, yes?

>> No.20451750

I've reported your post to the SEC.

>> No.20451894
File: 165 KB, 680x1066, 1572272782602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes sir. We are very professional. We even have multiple screens at our desks and a 'chillax' break-out area.

I've reported your wife to the BBC.

>> No.20451918

No they fucking weren’t lol sloppy job chainjews

>> No.20451953
File: 24 KB, 558x614, 1511569352140.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP mentions Chainlink miners
>46 replies
I understand that newfags wouldn't recognize this ETH pasta but still, goddamn man. It's so easy to troll these retards

>> No.20451971
File: 144 KB, 640x1136, 50314F29-D520-4DD7-931B-CA3565CDE85B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is craig involved with this

>> No.20451998

Yes yes, we have all been mining link and ready to dump

>> No.20452106

Reddit formatting. Even though I want LINK to dump, you need to go back please. And don’t come back.

>> No.20452127

> We are very professional
> I've reported your wife to the BBC
pick one

>> No.20452207

>implying BSV would stoop to making up web-template shamco 'investment firms' with the word capital in the title just to promote their own falling down the rankings shitcoin

>> No.20452231
File: 1.05 MB, 2048x1493, SergeyNazarovZeusResearch2020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Let's play a game... I will provide previously unknown information about Chainlink partnerships that we uncovered whilst undertaking our research if you can get a double digit post number in reply to this post.

>> No.20452366

>Digits don't confirm

Yeah ok.

>> No.20452412


>> No.20452740
File: 579 KB, 3500x2334, Blackrock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you use a bot to get those double digits? Either way, I guess it counts...

So, do you want the dossier of information?

>> No.20452811

No one believes this fud

>> No.20452862

still trying to push your failed high-school tier lockdown project on us? Not even reddit fell for it, and on the same day the twitter hack happened and pushed yours further into irrelevance. How sweaty are your hands mr swingie?

>> No.20452907

Immediately called out and you fail to deliver, not enough time to type up the next part of your lazy fud.

>> No.20452918
File: 110 KB, 750x920, flat,750x1000,075,f.u2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waiting for that secret stuff

>> No.20453055

>didn't even have the next larp post written up

>> No.20453133

Zeus capital doesn't exist

>> No.20453206


**its strictly you jerk

>> No.20453285
File: 1.36 MB, 2943x2448, Sir Gay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm a Muslim man but I have to admit that pregnant Sergey really turns me on. I keep fantasizing about putting my seed inside him and watching new life grow... We get married, he gives birth, and we raise that baby under the blessings of Allah. I want to hold hands with Sergey, and looking into his eyes say 'I love you.' I think of myself taking our son to his first day at school, watching that strong and masculine boy develop amazing computer skills like his dad.

Yes... I can't hide this anymore. It's coming from deep inside of me... this desire to shout...

I'M GAY AND I HOLD CHAINLINK! Yes, and I am not the only one. I was attracted to this community because of the feeling of brotherhood that it creates. Together we are one. We are above gender divisions and categories. Chainlink, as you know, is a gay sex position where men stick their dicks into each other's asses to form a link.

Today, I declare Chainlink to be the currency of the LGBT community.




>> No.20453354

This is the best shit I've ever read.

>> No.20453463
File: 654 KB, 1000x1000, 1594929752309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20453490

I can't wait until it's revealed that Sergey is Craig Wright, people are going to lose their minds.

>> No.20453692

>mining LINK
top kek

>> No.20453751

Before making fud you should probably know that chainlink is not a mined nor mineable token lol

>> No.20453783

<----joke you---->

>> No.20453788

Based, admittedly.

>> No.20453861
File: 37 KB, 393x393, 2DF7820C-07E2-47FA-9E3A-C8C972ED5EDB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks just bought 10k LINK

>> No.20454529

uh hello? based department?

>> No.20455056


>> No.20455311



>> No.20455563

do any of you seriously believe the zeus fund fud? they literally had a page titled "why chainlink is worthless"

are we just playing along so reddit shorts and we stop hunt them?

>> No.20455602


>> No.20455712

Zeus capital isn't THE UK zeus capital. This is a different "company" situated in hong kong.
Some of the points they raised are spot on - like how the team is dumping, how a lot of it is still being held by the team, etc etc...
Some of the points they raised are invalid - like how the cost of chainlink is prohibitive, it's up to 18 decimals, but they base their entire argument around each transaction costing 1 link.
They also argue how coinbase oracles are sufficient to replace chainlink - that is not the point of chainlink. Chainlink is to take feeds from multiple sources and perform some form of aggregation or logic to take the best value.

I find the document to be maybe 50% accurate at best.

>> No.20455872
File: 24 KB, 470x200, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chainshit can literally be replaced for a dollar. LINK is a multibillion dollar SCAM.

>> No.20455897

Good. Fuck linkers, just keep it up till the rest of mine transfers out of coinbase

>> No.20455946

but it is...
you mine fiat by wagecucking and then buy more LINK

>> No.20456019

Imagine falling for this shit again
What happened to your twitter faggot?
What happened to your London number on your contact site? I still have it here idiot 44 20 3879 4651
You don't think people with an actual brain can see you redacted your document as well?
Nice site you created recently for your executed FUD.
If this isn't a buy sign for everyone nothing is.

>> No.20456123

are these niggers implying they own enough supply to actually do this?

>> No.20456251

How can Craig say objectively false things like this and get away with it? How does he still have followers? How is he not in jail?