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File: 60 KB, 677x485, 07.17.2020-20.54[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20449428 No.20449428 [Reply] [Original]

Ive literally been shilling gold for three years straight here
did any of you dumb faggots listen?
I hope you did because things are about to get ugly
shits about to go DOWN
and if you dont hold the magic metal you are fucked
to my fellow goldchads, I salute you
to the filthy nocoiners, you will get what you deserve

>> No.20449483

3 years for a 45% return is SHIT, grandpa. I made 30% TODAY from three shitcoins.

>> No.20449570

Oh wow you almost beat the s&p 500 you boomer fuck

>> No.20449579

Kek me too. Who needs gold when we have shitcoins

>> No.20449986

>45% gains in 3 years
>made that in a couple days with various cryptos
Give up Boomer we are not buying your shitty rocks I'm doubtful your gains even outpaced inflation

>> No.20449997


>> No.20450030

So gold was below the price you started shilling at for 18 months? Pretty impressive opportunity cost.

>> No.20450075

I made 60% in less than a day LMAO

>> No.20450157

well in case the entire market takes a huge blow (which is likely to happen in the next 6 months), gold will definitely be the best bet to save your shitcoin gains. thinking about selling 5k link to buy some gold myself but just cant get myself to sell link kek

>> No.20450317

>well in case the entire market takes a huge blow (which is likely to happen in the next 6 months), gold will definitely be the best bet to save your shitcoin gains
the only faggot who gets it
all you smug little shitcoiners will rope yourself once the markets go belly up

>> No.20450348

cash is the best bet

>> No.20450742

spotted the fed spy

>> No.20450819


>> No.20450905

My 60 year old uncle has been lecturing me on gold for three decades. He also used to be a stock broker but he’s an idiot and lost his clients’ millions of dollars. To avoid jail time he agreed to never practice ever again in the state of Florida. Yep. Big fan of gold.

>> No.20450926
File: 735 KB, 1616x1639, 1589494181128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought link instead, who won?

>> No.20450989
File: 112 KB, 2560x1440, smg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I regularly make 10x gains on mining stocks. Spanish Mountain Gold the most recent example, at a 5x gain, and it is only just beginning to run. Crypto is a joke. Even SILJ and GDXJ will outperform it 10:1, and many of the ultra small-cap gold and silver stocks are going to go up 100x or 150x, as First Majestic did from 2001-2011. Lobo Tiggre rightly predicts that the crypto crowd will rush into the resource space soon. It is already beginning to happen.

>> No.20451009

How do you time buys/sells for mining stocks fren?

>> No.20451054

worst opinion in this thread

>> No.20451101
File: 43 KB, 877x713, atten.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

REMINDER: Metals are first and foremost a hedge. It's NOT AN INVESTMENT. It is NOT supposed to give 1000000% gains.

The point of metals is that it WON'T MAKE -100000% LOSSES. Use this information as you will.

>> No.20451196

another in the know anon
most bizlets dont even know you can leverage gold with mining stocks
stay poor you brainlets
your uncle sounds pretty based desu

>> No.20451259


I agree with what Don Durrett said yesterday that, generally speaking, you simply don't sell. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n5xqFD1qVtE)) There is no need to do so until this bull market in precious metals really begins to end, which is going to last for years.

I just posted a list of small-caps in /pmg/ in case you are interested. One last recommendation which I made a few weeks ago, Viszla Resources, went up fivefold. Otherwise, simply buy the GDX/SIL or GDXJ/SILJ ETFs, which are the large-cap and mid-tier gold and silver miners respectively. They will do extremely well.


>> No.20451311

Appreciate the direction. /pmg/ peeps have always been the most welcoming. I've been stacking silver bullion for a while but haven't really touched precious metal stocks

>> No.20451995

Interesting. But can you hold the sp500 in you’re hands? I think the reason you are a filthy nocoiner is because you cant resist shoving things up your ass.

>> No.20452019

My linkies are up %1000 gramps

>> No.20452070

peter youve been shilling gold for decades not 3 years

>> No.20452382

You would make the market and lose your cash if you tried doing this with a meaningful amount of capital.

This is correct. Crypto has been hot garbage compared to swing trading mining stocks. You can also make most of these trades with 10s to 100s of thousands of dollars. Trying that in crypto will bring out the exchanges bots to suck you for what little liquidity exists in that space. This will be the case until 2017 happens again.

>> No.20452601


Thank you. The bull market is only just beginning, so don't feel that you have missed it by any means. In the long-term, the mines are likely to be taxed and or nationalized, so it is well to hold physical bullion also.


The trouble is that most of /biz/ is still living in 2017, and thinks that a bull market lasts forever. I may be wrong, but I think that the crypto craze was simply a wealth cycle which has come and gone. People are so ecstatic about a 10% or 20% gain in crypto here or there, just as they flock into silly overvalued nonsense like Tesla, but they are still oblivious to the overwhelming gains which are being made in resource stocks right now. And it is still only the intelligent money who are establishing their positions in gold. We have not even begun the mania stage.

>> No.20452855

>is that most of /biz/ is still living in 2017
Good day my grace. Gold's value has increased, but woe is me, for, me wife says, a cynocephalus has run off with all me gold!