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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20446400 No.20446400 [Reply] [Original]

I managed to catfish a guy into sending me a total of 0.8 BTC so far, i am not from /biz/ so need a bit of advice. Should i just cash out immediately or leave it and wait? I am not in a rush for money but i dont wanna just leave it there if it will depreciate in value.

pic unrelated

>> No.20446429

Convert it to LINK.

>> No.20446433

convert it to link, it will be worth 100k one day

>> No.20446437
File: 136 KB, 910x727, eNkalt1-anpeXbIBNp9GtQnpn0F6olXYLVsPMbLTDns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pivvr3D launches in six hours!

Ever heard of Proof of Weak Hands? POWH is a novel concept that proves that people have weak hands. How does it work? Each person that buys in gives 5% of their buy in to all the current token holders, as dividends, then when that person sells, they give 20% of their tokens to token holders as dividends, because of the way it's designed, it never makes sense to sell. Why would you sell when you get dividends on every single buy and sell?

But people have weak hands, they will sell, and you will get their divs. The original contract had 10,000 ether in it at the top, and this one is launching new TODAY! Get in at the beginning and get 25% of 10K ether, split between all the token holders, according to percentage of tokens! Because of the mechanics of p3D it always makes sense to hold, because once people dump you, get divs, then when the price gets lower more people buy in, and you get more divs, it's a perfect system. But people are imperfect, they will dump, because their hands are weak and they are whiny little sissies. So get in now at the beginning and collect all those sweet dividends with your iron hands. Weak handed faggots encouraged. Thanks!

Join here: /gDj4D9f

>> No.20446449

Send it to mean and I'll double it

>> No.20446497

i want to fuck that man

>> No.20446511

nice one but you cant really scam a professional scammer, this is third guy i have catfished

>> No.20446524

This^^^ you're new and everyones going to shill you this shitcoin 'chainlink' but it already mooned and it'll dump on you. Get in on this shit at the ground floor.

>> No.20446560

She's cute.

>> No.20446644

how long do you work on your target before he sends you this?

>> No.20446645

It is just some russian escort a guy posted here when he fucked her

>> No.20446677

good taste, thanks for saving and sharing

>> No.20446744

This board is full with pajeets shilling you their shit such as this guy >>20446437.
Anyway, no one can tell you the price of btc in a month or a year, its up to you how much of a gamble you want to take. Be careful when cashing out larger sums tho, the bank might assume your money comes from drug dealing, depending where you life and freeze your shit, especially if you have no history with crypto.

>> No.20446764

You can't get them to send a lot at once, he sent 0.8 BTC it to me over 2 months. You always start with tiny amounts and gradually increase what you ask, they keep sending more and more hoping to fuck you, when you eventually ask for a larger amount sunk fallacy has already kicked in and they dont say no cause you need money to travel to them

>> No.20447237

Interested, what sites you use? And most of all what's your script?

>> No.20447300

>I managed to catfish a guy into sending me a total of 0.8 BTC
>I am not from /biz/
you are now faggot, welcome to the grind, go all in sxp

>> No.20447338

That's a lot of effort just to rip someone off. You might try a real job instead.

>> No.20447416

Buy FTM earn more BTC then dump FTM in 2022 for BTC. And at the same time dump BTC for USD. Buy back BTC after 60-70 % correction.

>> No.20447442

seeing are you're an actual faggot stop teasing and let me stretch that shithole out. i'll pay you way more than that.

>> No.20447622

I do have a job, this is just extra income. Chatting for a few minutes every night and sending some pics every evening is not much effort when i sit at my PC anyway. Totally worth 7k bucks for 2 months of that.

>> No.20447787

where do you get pics from? Do they never ask for timestamps or shoe-on-head kind of shit?

>> No.20447829

Not gonna reveal my whole script, but my ending is funny.

I often mention my strict mom in chats, and when it is finally time to actually fly to him, the angry mom takes over and says i am actually 17 and not 19 then threatens to report the dude to the police and harasses them for info. This causes them to get paranoid delete all the pics of "me" and block me, never daring to make contact again and never realizing they were scammed.

>> No.20447886

Yeah they do sometimes ask for stuff like that, voice messages, etc. I know a girl who sends me whatever is needed, you really need this to do it successfully.

It would be even better if i was an actual hot girl, i could life off of desperate boomers.

>> No.20448158


>> No.20448190

Based. Fuck simps

>> No.20448202

>it coulda have been easier if i was an hot girl
thats life on super easy mode.
also, if girls had a brain, every single one of them were doing this shit, without turning into literal sluts and degraded.

>> No.20448489

Dude you have no idea. If i was a hot girl running a scam like this i would be making bank without ever going within a hundred miles of the boomer. Lost SO many targets because they are not dumb enough to accept an excuse as to why i cant do a video call at all times.

Although i suppose if all the onlyfans girls realized they could do what i do there wouldnt be many guys left to scam, hard to run the same scam twice on the same man.

>> No.20448653

Your victims have to be pretty dumb to fall for this. How the hell do you get a retatded boomer to buy bitcoin to send? Like if they are stupid enough to get scammed by a nigerian prince, they probably dont know how to create a wallet and buy crypto

>> No.20448800

Man you really underestimate stupidity

>> No.20448833

exactly, chainlink already mooned, biz bought it when it was one cent. Pivvr is new. Do you want to get dumped on by oldfags or buy something new? Get in on Pivvr now!

25% divs its literally an undumpable contract

>> No.20448862

Easy, i just tell them to go to the nearest bitcoin ATM, send them a pic of my address QR code and tell them to let the ATM scan it.

The guy was pretty old and dumb but even he managed it on his own i just had to give him step by step instructions the first time:

1. Type in bitcoin ATM in google maps, go to nearest
2. Enter phone number to verify, enter code received
3. Buy BTC, select send to address, point my QR code pic at scanner

Even a monkey can do that.

>> No.20448923

Yes Anon, we live in a world where a 90 IQ brainlet can make 100k+ a year.

>> No.20448985

Nice job Anon, fuck brainlets and fuck simps.

>> No.20449213

buy BZRX. You will set for life

>> No.20449306

How much of a cut does the girl get?

>> No.20449823
File: 57 KB, 645x729, Bottomless pitt brain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the guys was so dumb i kinda felt bad for him, he didn't seem mentally challenged but holy shit. Like he was a 40 something chubby balding man, and he would send a dick pic to what he believes is a hot 19 year old girl from Ukraine and ask "Do you like it baby?"
Here i am trying to dig out my eyes and almost vomiting, then i type "I love it :))))))" and somehow this all makes sense to him. "Totally legit lemme buy another $1000 worth of bitcoin to send her" is what he is thinking...

In what fucking timeline does a hot 19 year old "love it" when some disgusting balding boomer sends her a dick pic, like how does this make any sense to him?

He has a huge house, giant tv, 2 trucks etc, his father had some kind of construction work company that he inherited so that is how he is relatively rich.

>> No.20449960

i refuse to believe anyone is this much of a moron

>> No.20450439

I believe, just can't find them, all the cucks I tried are broke

>> No.20450457

Don't you need to create a coinbase profile and go through verification to start buying crypto on an atm?

>> No.20450636

What website do you use?

>> No.20451003

I also want to know